National Judicial Network: Immigrant Victims of Human Trafficking, Identification, Immigration Relief, and the Court’s Role – Presentation at the NCJFCJ Juvenile Justice Conference Pittsburgh (March 14, 2022)

Webinar Description

The National Immigrant Women’s Advocacy Project (NIWAP) is working in partnership with the National Countil of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ) on a State Justice Institute (SJI) funded project, the National Judicial Network: Forum on Human Trafficking and Immigration in State Courts (“The Network”). The Network will provide a forum for judges to engage in peer-to-peer learning sessions with judges from across the country, participate in webinars, communicate with other judges in a member-only confidential Slack/Listserv, access topic-specific publications, and attend future in-person trainings on issues that arise in state courts involving human trafficking and immigrant victims. The Network Forums are intended to help judges learn more about these complicated issues and, consequently, improve access to justice for human trafficking and immigrant victims of domestic violence, child abuse, sexual assault, and other crimes. 

Training Materials

Informative Pamphlets Appropriate for Public Distribution:

Informative Materials for Judges and Law Enforcement

USCIS Case Data

Relevant USCIS Public Webpages or Policy Manual Chapters

Information for Afghan Nationals

NIWAP Materials

Webinars for Judges or Helpful to Judges

Immigrant Survivors

Victims of Trauma

Immigration Law Overview for State Court Judges

U and T Visa Certification by Judges


Access to Public Benefits

Custody Immigrant Survivors and Children

VAWA Self-Petition and Battered Spouse Waivers Immigration Relief for Abused Spouses

VAWA Confidentiality, Discovery and Courthouse Enforcement

Child Welfare Cases Involving Immigrant Families and Children

Forms of Immigration Relief

Immigration Relief for Crime Victims and Children

Know Your Rights Information

DHS Immigration Policies and Congressional Legislative History

U and T Visa Certification

U Visas and U Visa Certification

T Visas and T Visa Declaration

Forms and Instructions

Human Trafficking

Screening Tools and Brochures

Continued Presence

Labor Trafficking

Human Trafficking in the State Courts Collaborative

Special Immigrant Juvenile Status, Child Abuse & Protective Battered Immigrant Parents

Full Training Manual

SIJS Bench Book Table of Contents

SIJS Training Materials

VAWA Self-Petition

VAWA Confidentiality

Bench Cards and Training Materials

VAWA Confidentiality Statutes, Regulations, and Policies

Training Materials

Statute, Regulations, Policies and DHS Publications

VAWA Confidentiality, Protected Areas, Sensitive Locations,  and Courthouse Enforcement Policies

VAWA Confidentiality and State Court Discovery

Family Law Cases: Special Issues for Immigrant Crime Victims and Children

 Family Law Service of Process


Child Development and Trauma

Securing a Detained Parent’s Participation in Court Proceedings Involving Children

Protection Orders


Economic Relief

Affidavits of Support in State Courts

Immigrant Children and Child Welfare Proceedings

Child Abuse, Neglect, Child Welfare and Termination of Parental Rights

Public Benefits Access for Immigrant Victims

Criminal Court Cases Involving Immigrant Victims

Language Access

Screening Tools

Access to Justice and Crime Victim Protections/Research Memos and Articles

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