September 2018: Judicial Training Network: (September 21, 2018, New Orleans, LA and March 15, 2019, Orlando, FL)

Judicial Training Network Training Materials[1] 

 Judicial Training Network

New Orleans, Louisiana – September 21, 2018

Orlando, Florida – March 15, 2019

Also see our full library of SJI supported materials for courts at 

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Training Presentations – New Orleans (September 21, 2018)

Training Presentations – Orlando (March 15, 2019)

Materials Requested at the Training

Special Immigrant Juvenile Status 

Immigration Relief for Crime Victims 
VAWA Self-Petition 
U Visa Certification 
Know Your Rights Information 
Human Trafficking 
Forms of Immigration Relief

Special Immigrant Juvenile Status – Training Materials

DHS Materials
SIJS Tools
SIJS Workshop Materials
Language Access

Family Law and Immigrants

 Child Abuse, Neglect, and Termination of Parental Rights 
Economic Relief
Protection Orders 
Public Benefits Access of Immigrant Victims 
Access to Legal Services 
Bench Cards
Benefits Open to All Immigrants 
Privacy Protections and Public Charge 
State Benefits Charts 

VAWA Confidentiality

Bench Cards, Manual Chapters, Tools
Immigration and Courthouse Enforcement
State Confidentiality Laws
Statutes and DHS-DOJ Regulations
Immigrant Victims and Access to Justice 
Child Welfare and Immigrant Children 
Research Findings 
Divorce and Affidavits of Support 

**If you have difficulty accessing this publication please contact for assistance NIWAP at (202) 274-4457 or

[1] This materials list includes publications issued by government agencies and materials produced by NIWAP in collaboration with national experts.  Each of the materials included in this list that was developed with support from government funders contains government agency disclaimers.