Topic: Judicial Trainings
[pdf] PowerPoint Presentation (September 17, 2024) (+)
[pdf] PowerPoint Presentation (May 7, 2024) (+)
[pdf] PowerPoint Presentation (March 5, 2024) (+)
[pdf] Trafficking Data and Findings Checklists Handout (November 6, 2023) (+)
[pdf] NJN Slides Tips and Tools for Judges RE Trafficking VIctims 11.7.23 final (+)
[pdf] Portland, OR Training Flyer (October 3-5, 2023) (+)
[pdf] USCIS and State Department: Intercountry Adoption Process Flow Chart of Key Steps (June 6, 2023) (+)
USCIS and the U.S. State Department developed this tool to assist judges and attorneys in the U.S. to better understand the intercountry adoption process for foreign born children from Hague Convention and non-Hague Convention countries. This tools helps ensure that the proper steps are followed so that the adopted child obtains a visa providing them legal immigration status and a path to naturalized citizenship.
[pdf] USCIS Fact Sheet: Adoption in U.S. Courts of Children from Hague Adoption Convention Countries (June 6, 2023) (+)
Foreign-born children in the United States who are adopted in a U.S. court may face immigration-related implications. Adoption alone does not give a child lawful immigration status. This fact sheet reviews the immigration implications for children from Hague Adoption Convention (“Convention” or “Hague”) countries who did not immigrate to the United States through the U.S. Convention process and are undergoing U.S. adoption proceedings.
[pdf] NJN PowerPoint Presentation (April 4, 2023) (+)
[pdf] NJN PowerPoint Presentation (May 2, 2023) (+)
[pdf] Youth Empowered for Success (YES) Atlantic County NJ Pilot Program (+)
[pdf] Youth Empowered for Success (YES) Program – Blank MOU (+)
[pdf] Judicial Officer Checklist for Common Behaviors Associated with Stalking (March 2, 2023) (+)
Checklist for judicial officers for identifying and making findings on stalking behaviors.
[pdf] SAMSHA Concept of Trauma and Guidance for Trauma Informed Approach (+)
[pdf] HOPE CEASE NJN PowerPoint Presentation (November 1, 2022) (+)
[pdf] NJN Peer-to-Peer Session PowerPoint Presentation (December 8, 2022) (+)
[pdf] SIJS Webinar PowerPoint Presentation (October 4, 2022) (+)
[pdf] NJN Peer-to-Peer Forum PowerPoint Presentation (February 1, 2022) (+)
[pdf] Katherine Kaufka Walts, Child Labor Trafficking in the United States: A Hidden Crime (2017) (+)
[pdf] Child Labor Trafficking PowerPoint Presentation (May 3, 2022) (+)
[pdf] Afghan Refugees DV NCJFCJ Reno PowerPoint Presentation (July 19, 2022) (+)
[pdf] Resource Guide: Improving Awareness of Human Trafficking Issues in Indigenous Communities (+)
[pdf] Improving Awareness of Trafficking in Indigenous Communities PowerPoint Presentation (+)
[pdf] Familial Sex Trafficking Presentation (June 6, 2022) (+)
[pdf] NJN Peer-to-Peer Session PowerPoint Presentation 3.2.21 (+)
[pdf] NJN Judicial Responses to Labor Trafficking 7.6.21 (+)
Victims of labor trafficking appear before state court judges in a wide range of state court proceedings including protection orders, dependency, delinquency, guardianship, child support, custody, children in need of protection, employment cases, and criminal court cases (both misdemeanors and felonies). Victims of labor trafficking may be adults, youth, or children and some may also […]
[pdf] Clara, Eduardo, and Juanita Hypothetical (June 15, 2021) (+)
[pdf] MJI Conference Achieving Equal Justice Presentation 5.6.2021 (+)
This presentation focuses on the importance of immigration status in family courts. Immigration status can profoundly affect the family dynamics and context in which many decisions involving families unfold. In families experiencing domestic violence and/or child abuse, immigration related abuse is an effective tool of, power and control that co-exists with and predicts escalation of […]
[pdf] FCC Agenda (October 16, 2020) (+)
August 25, 2020: “Addressing Issues That Arise in Family and Criminal Court Cases Involving Immigrant Survivors in the District of Columbia” (Webinar)
NIWAP, in partnership with the District of Columbia Office of Victim Services and Justice Grants, presented a virtual training on family law for Washington D.C.-based victim advocates (nonprofit or government agency), attorneys, and other professionals who encounter immigrant survivors in their work on a range of topics that affect immigrant survivors. The presentation featured retired […]
July 21, 2020: “What Family and Child Welfare Judges Need to Know: Legal Options for Immigrant Adult, Teen and Child Victims of Domestic and Sexual Violence” (Webinar)
“What Family and Child Welfare Judges Need to Know: Legal Options for Immigrant Adult, Teen and Child Victims of Domestic and Sexual Violence” July 21, 2020 This webinar was held in collaboration with the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges on July 21, 2020. This workshop provides judges with the legally correct information […]
November 9, 2020: “Helping Victims of Human Trafficking Courts Encounter in Juvenile Dependency, Child Welfare and Other Family Court Proceedings” (Webinar)
NIWAP hosted this training at the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges’ National Conference on Juvenile Justice. This presentation outlines appropriate steps to assist child and adult victims of human trafficking victims identified in state juvenile and family court proceedings. It also explains how to access information to craft court orders that accurately […]
[pdf] U Visa Certification By Judges: Legislative/Regulatory History and Judicial Ethics (+)
November 21, 2019: Washington State “U Visa Certification By Judges: Legislative/Regulatory History and Judicial Ethics” (Webinar)
Training Materials PowerPoint Presentation Immigration Relief for Crime Victims and Children Know Your Rights Information DHS Interactive Infographic on Protections for Immigrant Victims Immigration Options for Victims of Crime -DHS Brochure Multilingual Materials for Victims and Advocates Pathways to Immigration Relief for Students Information on the Legal Rights Available to Immigrant Victims of […]
[pdf] Immigrant Crime Victims and Immigrant Children PowerPoint – American Judges Association (September 16, 2019) (+)
This presentation explains how accurate immigration law information results in just and fair outcomes in state courts. It instructs on how to recognize facts that indicate a party qualifies for crime victim related forms of legal immigration status, and it also covers the Violence Against Women Act confidentiality laws as well as U and T […]
Sep. 25, 2019: Orlando, FL “Immigrant Crime Victims and Immigrant Children”
This workshop was presented as part of the Florida Association of Family and Conciliation Courts 2019 Annual Conference. If you are a victim advocate, attorney, judge, or other professional working with an immigrant victim and you would like to receive case specific technical assistance on family law issues that arise in cases of immigrant crime […]
[pdf] Immigrant Crime Victims and Immigrant Children (+)
Sep. 16, 2019: Chicago, IL “Immigrant Crime Victims and Immigrant Children”
This workshop was presented by Leslye E. Orloff and Judges Rosemary Collins (Ret.) as part of the 59th American Judges Association Annual Educational Conference. NIWAP offers a full library of SJI supported materials for courts at Training Materials Agenda PowerPoint Presentation SJI and Judicial Training Network Training Materials Know Your Rights DHS-Interactive-Infographic-on-Protections-for-Immigrant-Victims DHS Immigration […]
[pdf] 2019 Conference Brochure of the Supreme Court of Illinois Judicial College and the American Judges Association (+)
August 7, 2019: Naples, FL “Immigration Issues in Family Court” Annual Education Program of the Florida Conference of Circuit Judges
This training will outline how accurate immigration law information results in just and fair outcomes in state courts. Participants will learn to recognize facts that indicate a party qualifies for crime victims related forms of legal immigration status. As well as make appropriate findings in state court cases that immigrant children filing for Special Immigrant […]
[pdf] Florida FCCJ Judicial Training Naples (August 7, 2019) (+)
This presentation informs judges about how accurate immigration law information results in just and fair outcomes in state courts and the role Congress envisioned for judges to be able to sign U and T visa certifications. It also helps judges recognize facts that indicate a party qualifies for crime victim related forms of legal immigration […]
July 30, 2019: Orlando, FL NCJFCJ 82nd Annual Conference “State Court Cases Involving Immigrant Crime Victims and Immigrant Children: Custody, Discovery and U Visa Certification By Judges”
If you are a victim advocate, attorney, judge, or other professional working with an immigrant victim and you would like to receive case specific technical assistance on family law issues that arise in cases of immigrant crime victims, please call NIWAP for technical assistance. (202) 274-4457 or email us at To receive updates, sign […]
[pdf] U Visa Certification and Custody (July 30, 2019) (+)
This presentation explains the importance of access to legally correct information about U.S. immigration laws when issuing rulings in custody cases. It also covers signing U and T visa certifications and implementing procedures for signing U or T visa certifications in family, civil, and criminal cases that are consistent with federal law. The goal is […]
[pdf] 5. JNT Project Implementation FL (+)
[pdf] 1. Judicial Training Network Overview FL (+)
[pdf] Florida State Team Training Agenda (+)
[pdf] 2019 Education Program Agenda for the FL Conference of Circuit Court Judges (+)
This agenda corresponds to the 2019 Annual Education Program of the Florida Conference of Circuit Judges titled “Immigration Issues in Family Court.” This training took place in Naples, FL on August 7, 2019.
July 9, 2019: “What Courts Want to Know, What Role Can Courts Play Regarding Detained Immigrant Children and Parents” (Webinar)

This webinar was produced in partnership with the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges. How to Get a Detained Person to Court for Family Court Cases Involving Children Access to Family Courts and Legal Options for Detained Immigrant Parents and Children Securing Attendance at Court How to Get a Detained Person to Court […]
June 20, 2019: “Part 3: Legal Protections When Child Victims Are Immigrants: The Judge’s Role” (Webinar)
“Legal Protections When Child Victims Are Immigrants: The Judge’s Role” June 20, 2019 Training Materials: Powerpoint Slides Download the training materials list here. NIWAP offers a full library of SJI supported materials for courts at To receive updates, sign up for NIWAP’s outreach list. You can elect NIWAP’s general outreach list to receive notices […]
[pdf] Webinar Immigrant Child Victim (June 20, 2019) (+)
This Powerpoint corresponds to the webinar “When Child Victims are Immigrants: The Judge’s Role” on June 20, 2019. The presentation identifies forms of immigration relief available to provide protections to child abuse and neglect victims and their non-abuser parents. The workshop addresses judges and how to issue orders that are in the best interests of […]
[pdf] Judicial Training Network Florida Project Implementation (+)
This PowerPoint presentation leads the discussion on identifying priority training topics for Florida as well as listing out training materials and/or research that is needed within the state. The state team made plans going forward (timelines, assignments, etc.).
[pdf] Judicial Training Network Overview of Project and State Team Expectations (+)
An overview of the Judicial Training Network as well as the project and state team expectations.
[pdf] Florida State Team Training Agenda (+)
The agenda for the first meeting of the Florida Judicial State Team.
[pdf] Immigration Protections for Victims of Child Abuse, Family and Sexual Violence: Role of State Court Judges (Biloxi, Mississippi Slides – April 2019) (+)
[pdf] U visa Scenarios (Florida Powerpoint March 2019) (+)
[pdf] U and T visa Certifications and Immigrant Victims in Civil Court Cases (Florida Powerpoint March 2019) (+)
[pdf] Judicial Training Network Florida Implementation (Florida Powerpoint March 2019) (+)
[pdf] State Court Judicial Role in Issuing Special Immigrant Juvenile States Findings (Florida Powerpoint March 2019) (+)
[pdf] Immigration Relief for Crime Victims (Florida Powerpoint March 2019) (+)
[pdf] Judicial Training Network Overview (Florida Presentation March 2019) (+)
April 25, 2019: Biloxi, MS “Immigration Protections for Immigrant Victims of Child Abuse, Family and Sexual Violence: Role of State Court Judges”
This workshop was part of the Mississippi Trial and Appellate Judges Spring Conference. It included an overview of U.S. immigration law protections for immigrant victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking, and child abuse, neglect, or abandonment. The workshop discussed the role Congress created for state court judges as part of federal immigration laws. Presentation […]
April 18, 2019: “Public Benefits and Services Legally Available to Immigrant Children and Victims – What Courts Need to Know” (Webinar)

PowerPoint Presentation Public Benefits Interactive Maps and State Charts Interactive Public Benefits Map All State Public Benefits Charts Legal Rights Overviews and Brochures Multilingual Materials for Victims and Advocates DHS Infographic: Protection for Immigrant Victims (January 12, 2017) Immigration Options for Victims of Crime – DHS Brochure Information on the Legal Rights Available to Immigrant […]
April 5-6, 2019: New Orleans, LA “Judicial Training Network Multi-State Training”
This multi-state Judicial Training Network training took place April 5-6, 2019 in New Orleans, Louisiana. Workshops covered the topics of SIJS, U-Visas, custody, protection orders, and public benefits and services. PowerPoints and Training Materials New Orleans 2019 Multi-State Agenda Faculty Bios Kellogg Trainings and Publication Data Infographic Training Orientation PowerPoint SIJS Presentation PowerPoint VAWA Confidentiality […]
[pdf] U visa certification by Judges PowerPoint (+)
[pdf] 14. Judicial Leadership and State Teams and Next Steps 4.2.19 (+)
[pdf] Access Exercise PowerPoint (+)
[pdf] 6 Jeopardy Slides leo PRINTED 4.2.19 (+)
[pdf] New Orleans 2019 Multi-State Training Orientation (+)
[pdf] Kellogg Trainings and Publication Infographic (+)
March 18-19, 2019: Las Vegas, NV ”National Conference of Juvenile and Family Court Judges Annual Conference” (SJI and Judicial Training Network)
The following are the training materials from two workshops conducted at the National Conference of Juvenile and Family Court Judges Annual “Special Immigrant Juvenile Status: Latest Tips, Tools, Bench Book and Best Practices for Judges” and “At-Risk Youth Caught in the Vortex: The intersection Between Human Trafficking, Immigration Policies, and Trauma-informed Services for Commercially Sexually Exploited […]
March 15, 2019: “Judicial Training Network” Orlando, FL
The training focused on VAWA Confidentiality, U and T visa certification, civip protection orders, economic relief, immigration relief and judicial training network specifically in Florida. Law Enforcement Training Materials Training Agenda Judicial Training Network Overview Impact of Immigration on Family Law FL Immigration Relief for Crime Victims SIJS FL JNT Project Implementation FL VAWA Confidentiality […]
[pdf] NCJFCJ Las Vegas 3.19 PDF (+)
PowerPoint for the National Conference of Juvenile and Family Court Judges Annual Conference – March 18, 2019
Nov. 30, 2018: U Visa Certifications and Special Immigrant Juvenile Status: The Judge’s Role (Webinar)

Webinar U Visa Certifications and Special Immigrant Juvenile Status: The Judge’s Role[1] November 30, 2018 Also see our full library of State Justice Institute supported materials for courts at To receive updates, sign up for NIWAP’s outreach list. You can elect NIWAP’s general outreach list to receive notices of trainings, webinars, new materials, […]
Oct. 26, 2018: Jackson MS “Mississippi Trial and Appellate Judges Conference (Judicial Training Network)”
SJI and Judicial Training Network Training Materials[1] Mississippi Trial and Appellate Judges Conference Jackson, Mississippi October 26, 2018 Also see our full library of SJI supported materials for courts at To receive updates, sign up for NIWAP’s outreach list. You can elect NIWAP’s general outreach list to receive notices of trainings, webinars, […]
Oct. 20, 2018: Arlington, VA “U Visa and Special Immigrant Juvenile Status Impact on Civil Cases”
This training was a workshop that was part of the 2018 National Association of Women Judges District Four Conference. It covered the importance of correct information in immigration cases regarding immigration options, the role that state courts play in the Special Immigrant Juvenile Status adjudication process, and understanding how SIJS can promote child welfare. Training […]
[pdf] Mississippi Judges Conference – VAWA Confidentiality and U Visa Certification (+)
[pdf] Louisiana Judicial Training Network – Immigration Relief for Crime Victims (+)
[pdf] Louisiana Judicial Training Network – Impact of Immigration on Families: Intersection with Family Law (+)
[pdf] Louisiana Judicial Training Network – Judicial Training Network Overview (+)
[pdf] Louisiana Judicial Training Network – U and T Visa Certification in Civil court Cases (+)
[pdf] Louisiana Judicial Training Network – Civil Protection Orders and Immigration Victims (+)
[pdf] Louisiana Judicial Training Network – Implementing Judicial Leadership Team Work (+)
Oct. 12, 2018: Washington, DC “Immigration – Domestic Violence Effects on Victims and Perpetrators” D.C. Superior Court
This workshop is part of the Family Court of the District of Columbia Superior Court Sixteenth Annual Interdisciplinary Conference. Panelists: Victoria Hernandez, J.D., Staff Attorney – Domestic Violence/Family Law Unit, Ayuda Cynthia Henning, J.D., Direct Representation Attorney– Kids in Need of Defense (KIND) Cecelia Freidman Levin, J.D., Senior Policy Counsel – ASISTA Leslye E. Orloss, […]
[pdf] Michigan Judicial Institute Training – Economic Relief and Public Benefits (+)
[pdf] Michigan Judicial Institute Training – U and T Visa Certifications and Immigrant Victims In Civil Court Cases (+)
[pdf] National Association of Women Judges District Four 2018 Conference Agenda (+)
Conference agenda for the 2018 National Association of Women Judges District Four Conference, held on October 20, 2018 at George Mason university Law School.
[pdf] Immigration Matters Related to Domestic Violence, Human Trafficking and Abused or Neglected Children (Oct. 24, 2018) (+)
[pdf] Webinar: Judges Role in Cases Of Immigrant Domestic and Sexual Violence Survivors (October 15, 2018) (+)
First PowerPoint for webinar hosted by Casa de Esperanza in collaboration the National Immigrant Women’s Advocacy Project (NIWAP) on protections for immigrant victims.
October 4, 2018: Plymouth, MI “VAWA Confidentiality & the Courts” and “Economic Relief & Public Benefits Under VAWA” at the Family Division Summit
SJI and Judicial Training Network Training Materials[1] Presented at the Family Division Summit Plymouth – Michigan October 04, 2018 Also see our full library of SJI supported materials for courts at To receive updates, sign up for NIWAP’s outreach list. You can elect NIWAP’s general outreach list to receive notices of trainings, […]
September 2018: Judicial Training Network: (September 21, 2018, New Orleans, LA and March 15, 2019, Orlando, FL)
Judicial Training Network Training Materials[1] Judicial Training Network New Orleans, Louisiana – September 21, 2018 Orlando, Florida – March 15, 2019 Also see our full library of SJI supported materials for courts at To receive updates, sign up for NIWAP’s outreach list. You can elect NIWAP’s general outreach list to receive notices of […]
[pdf] Immigration Matters Related to Domestic Violence, Human Trafficking and Abused or Neglected Children (Aug. 16, 2018) (+)
August 21, 2018: “Impact of DHS Enforcement Priorities on Courts: VAWA Confidentiality and Enforcement” (Webinar)

This training is about immigration enforcement and its intersections with VAWA confidentiality. It highlights DHS enforcement priorities and sensitive locations, including courthouse enforcement. Webinar Recording Webinar 6, August 21, 2018: Impact of DHS Enforcement Priorities on Courts: VAWA Confidentiality and Custody Training Materials PowerPoint for Presentation Recording Legal Rights Overviews and Brochures Multilingual Materials for […]
2018 Missouri Judicial College Trainings
This workshop was part of the Summer Judicial College, sponsored by the Trial Judge Education Committee. It covers options of immigration relief for immigrant victims of crime and the impact of divorce and custody on immigration proceedings. Training Materials Aug. 16, 2018: Lake Ozark, MO “Immigration Matters Related to Domestic Violence, Human Trafficking, and Abused […]
Aug. 2, 2018: “Protecting Immigrant Children: U Visas, SIJS and Other Legal Options” (Webinar)
This training was a national webinar for judges. It covered topics related to protections available to immigrant children. Training Materials PowerPoint Presentation for Training Dynamics Involving Immigrant Children Understanding the Significance of a Minor’s Trauma History in Family Court Rulings Immigration Psychology Working Group “Vulnerable But Not Broken: Psychological Challenges and Resilience Pathways Among Unaccompanied […]
July 23, 2018: Denver, CO: “Special Immigrant Juvenile Status: Latest Tips, Tools, Bench Book, and Best Practices for Judges”
This workshop was part of the 2018 NCJFCJ 81st Annual Conference. The training included information about how Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS) can be used to help immigrant juveniles that are victims of crime. The training covered what role Congress and DHS can play in SIJS, SIJS eligibility criteria, and how to use SIJS findings […]
[pptx] NCJFCJ Dener 2018-presentation version (+)
NCJFCJ Dener 2018-presentation version
[pdf] State Court Judicial Role in Issuing Special Immigrant Juvenile States Finding and U Visa Certifications (+)
[pdf] What State Courts Need to Know About Immigration and Why: Human Trafficking and Family Violence (+)
June 15, 2018: Wilmington, DE “2018 DSBA Bench and Bar Conference Workshop: Best Practices In State Court Cases: Special Immigrant Juvenile Status”
This Training is part of the 2018 Delaware State Bar Association Bench and Bar Conference. It covers the impact of VAWA Confidentiality rulings and the role of state judges in Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS). Training Material Powerpoint Presentation for Training Courts and Immigration Enforcement Civil Immigration Enforcement Inside Courthouses Promoting Access to Justice for […]