Webinar Description
Victim advocates and attorneys play a crucial role in helping immigrant domestic violence, child/elder abuse, sexual assault, stalking, and human trafficking victims gain access to justice and the full range of services and assistance they are legally entitled to receive. This training will provide an overview of the paths to legal immigration status for survivors of crime and abuse and the important role victim advocates can play in collaboration with victim’s attorney in the preparation of immigrant survivors’ VAWA self-petitioning and U visa cases. Participants will learn to use a trauma-informed approach and tools that help victims heal as they write their stories that are a required part of each survivor’s immigration case. The training will discuss in detail how filing for immigration relief expands access to publicly funded benefits and services for immigrant victims and their children in West Virginia. Participants will build skills to identify the benefits for which immigrant victims qualify and best practices for accompanying immigrant survivors applying for benefits they or their children are eligible to receive. In addition, the training will discuss VAWA confidentiality protections against immigration enforcement, detention, and removal and how these impact case planning and promote victim safety. Webinar attendees will receive access to tools, training materials, resources, and technical assistance to support their work with immigrant survivors and their children.
This half-day virtual training will provide an opportunity for attorneys working with immigrant victims to learn best practices for addressing issues that arise in family court cases involving immigrant domestic and sexual violence survivors and their children. Webinar attendees will learn how to identify and develop litigation strategies to anticipate immigration-related offender dynamics and counter perpetrators’ efforts to use immigration-related issues to gain an advantage in custody, protection order, and other family court cases.
Training Materials
PowerPoint Presentations
Immigrant Survivors and Their Children PowerPoint
Immigration Relief
Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Self-Petition
- VAWA Self-Petition: Protections for Immigrant Survivors of Domestic and Sexual Abuse by Abusive Spouses and Parents (April 22, 2020)
- Auto-Petición VAWA: Protección para inmigrantes sobrevivientes de maltrato por parte de sus familiares que son ciudadanos o residentes permanents (May 7, 2020)
- Pro bono Institute “Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Self-Petition” Training Module (June 18, 2018)
U Visas
- Pro Bono Training Institute “U Visa” Training Module (June 21, 2018)
- DHS U and T Visa Training Videos (September 25, 2013)
- Expert Advice for Judges: How to Handle U Visa Certification and T Visa Endorsement Requests (December 1, 2014)
- Battered Women’s Justice Program (BWJP) Assessing Helpfulness for Immigrant Crime Victims (April 10, 2015)
- Battered Women’s Justice Program (BWJP) Immigrant Crime Visas: Law Enforcement’s Tool to Strength Community Policing (February 18, 2015)
- The U Visa as a Crime-Fighting Tool: How Certification Improves Domestic and Sexual Violence Investigations and Prosecutions (February 20, 2020)
Public Benefits
- Immigrant Access to Federally Funded Housing Webinar: Collaboration with the National Housing Law Project
- Public Benefits and Services Legally Available to Immigrant Children and Victims – What Courts Need to Know?
- Healthcare: Understanding the Affordable Care Act and How it Affects Immigrant Survivors
- Yes We Can!: Public Benefits for Immigrant Survivors
Trauma-Informed Work With Immigrant Survivors
- Trauma-Informed Care: Promoting Healing While Strengthening Survivors’ Immigration Cases (October 30, 2013)
- Trauma-Informed Care, Part 2: The Nuts and Bolts of Immigration Story Writing Intervention (March 19, 2014)
- Helping Survivors in Crisis: Hands On Training for Advocates and Attorneys on Trauma-Informed Work with Immigrant Women Who Are Survivors of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (February 24, 2014)
- Legal Protections and Forensic Considerations for Immigrant and Refugee Child Victims (November 8, 2017)
- Trauma-Informed Webinar Series: Trauma-Informed Legal Advocacy (Oct. 23, 2018)
- Enhancing Safety Planning and Immigrant Survivors’ Access to Public Benefits and Services in Prince George’s County Through A Trauma-Informed Approach (October 29, 2020)
Dynamics and Barriers for Immigrant and Refugee Survivors
- Dynamics of Domestic Violence Experienced by Immigrant Victims
- Dynamics of Sexual Assault and the Implications for Immigrant Women
- Immigrant Victims of Sexual Assault: The Important Role of SART Teams
- Transforming Lives: How the VAWA Self-Petition and the U Visa Change the Lives of Victims and Their Children After Work Authorization and Legal Immigration Status
Legal Rights Overviews and Brochures
- Multilingual Materials for Victims and Advocates
- World Language Identification Guide: I Speak (Raksha)
- DHS Infographic: Protection for Immigrant Victims (January 12, 2017)
- Immigration Options for Victims of Crime – DHS Brochure
- Information on the Legal Rights Available to Immigrant Victims of Domestic Violence in the United States and Facts about Immigrating on a Marriage-Based Visa
- Pathways to Immigration Relief for Students (June 20, 2014)
Immigration Options for Immigrant Survivors of Domestic and Sexual Violence
- DHS Interactive Infographic on Protections for Immigrant Victims
- Immigration Options for Victims of Crime -DHS Brochure
- Blue Card: Screening Tool for Victims Who Qualify for Immigration Protective Relief (March 2, 2018)
- Family Court Bench Card on Immigration Rights of Battered Spouses, Children and Immigrant Crime Victims
- Comparison Chart of U visa, T Visa, Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Self-Petition, Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS), and Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)
- Tools for Advocates Assisting Immigrant Crime Victims in Immigration Cases
- Chapter 3.3 VAWA Self-Petition (2013)
- Chapter 10 U-Visas: Victims of Criminal Activity (2013)
- Human Trafficking and the T-Visa
- Chapter 08: Immigration Relief for Child Sexual Assault Survivors
- Chapter 13: When Foreign Students or Their Family Members Are Sexually Assaulted: Immigration Implications of the Student and Exchange Visitor System
- USCIS Brochure: Female Genital Mutilation or Cutting (January 27, 2017)
- USCIS and Blue Campaign Continued Presence Pamphlet (February 28, 2020)
U and T Visa Certification
- U Visa Certification and T Visa Declaration Toolkit for Federal, State, and Local Judges, Commissioners, Magistrates, and other Judicial Officers (August 12, 2020)
- Model U and T Visa certification Protocol for State Courts (October 29, 2020)
- U Visa Quick Reference for Judges (October 14, 2020)
- “U Visa Timeline with Background Checks With 2021 Bona Fide Policy” (March 29, 2019, Update September 15, 2021)
- T Visa Quick Reference Guide for Judges (October 14, 2020)
- U-Visa Application Flow Chart for Judges (October 14, 2020)
- T Visa Application Flow Chart for Judges (July 3, 2020)
- U Visa Protections for Family Members (July 3, 2020)
- T Visa Protections for Family Members (July 3, 2020)
- U-Visa: “Helpfulness” Checklist (October 21, 2019)
- DHS U and T Visa Law Enforcement Resource Guide (November, 2015)
- DHS Policy Answers to Law Enforcement Reasons for Not Certifying
- Bench Card: U and T Visa Certification Reporting Requirements in California (June 25, 2020)
- U and T Visa Certifications and Certification Reporting Requirements in California (June 25, 2020)
- USCIS U Visa Certification Fact Sheet Q&A
- Stories From the Field: the Crime Fighting Effectiveness of the U Visa (August 23, 2021)
- Collection of U Visa News Articles
- The Importance of the U-visa as a Crime-Fighting Tool for Law Enforcement Officials – Views from Around the Country
- Protecting Our Communities and Officer Safety
- Overcoming Fear and Building Trust With Immigrant Communities and Crime Victims (Police Chief Magazine April 2018)
- Bench Card: DHS Enforcement Priorities, Courthouse Enforcement and Sensitive Location Policies and Memoranda: Information for State Court Judges
- Understanding the Judicial Role in U-Visa Certification, American Journal of Family Law
- New U and T Visa Application and Certification Forms (January and February 2017)
- Immigrant Crime Victims and U Visa Certification – What is it and Why Should Judges Care? (National)
- Immigrant Crime Victims and U Visa Certification – What is it and Why Should Judges Care? (Minnesota)
- U Visa Certification by Judges: Minnesota Board of Judicial Standards Opinion
- National Survey on Types of Criminal Activities: Experienced By U-Visa Recipients
- Expert Advice for Judges: How to Handle U Visa Certification Requests (Webinar)
- State Laws
- VAWA Red Flags
- Inadmissibility Comparison Charts for Crime Victim Related Forms of Immigration Relief
Immigration Relief for Immigrant Children and Youth
- Pathways to Immigration Relief for Students (June 20, 2014)
- The Special Immigrant Juvenile Status Bench Book: A National Guide to Best Practice for Judges and Courts (April 2018)
- Appendix N – Domestic Violence Includes Child Abuse and Child Neglect (December 14, 2017)
- Appendix O – States Definitions of Child Endangerment as More Severe Than Neglect (December 27, 2017)
- Appendix P – State Law Definitions of Forced Marriage as Child Abuse (December 27, 2017)
- Special Immigrant Juvenile Status: Information for Juvenile Courts (July 1, 2014)
- Special Immigrant Juvenile Status: Information for Child Welfare Workers (July 1, 2014)
- Chapter 13: When Foreign Students or Their Family Members Are Sexually Assaulted: Immigration Implications of the Student and Exchange Visitor System (July 1, 2014)
- Immigration Relief for Abused Children (May 1, 2016)
- Abused, Abandoned, or Neglected: Legal Options for Recent Immigrant Women and Girls (August 2016)
- Interim and Supportive Measures to Help and Protect Foreign Born Student Victims of Sexual Assault, Dating Violence, Stalking and Sexual Harassment (October 28, 2016)
- Foreign Born Student Victims of Sexual Assault, Dating Violence, Stalking, and Sexual Harassment: Special Needs of “F” Visa Holders (October 27, 2016)
- Foreign Born Student Victims of Sexual Assault, Dating Violence, Stalking, and Sexual Harassment: Special Needs of “J” Visa Holders (October 27, 2016)
- Foreign Born Student Victims of Sexual Assault, Dating Violence, Stalking, and Sexual Harassment: Special Needs of “M” Visa Holders (October 27, 2016)
VAWA Confidentiality
- Three Prongs of VAWA Confidentiality
- Family Court Bench Card on VAWA Confidentiality
- Quick Reference: VAWA Confidentiality Protections: Quoting Statutes, Regulations and DHS Policies 3.29.19
- Interlineated Statute
- Immigration and Customs Enforcement January 2018 Courthouse Enforcement Policy and VAWA Confidentiality Protections for Immigrant Crime Victims (January 31, 2018)
- VAWA Confidentiality Statutes, Legislative History and Implementing Policy (2.23.17)
- DHS Broadcast Message on New 384 Class of Admission Code Alerting Personnel of a Victim Protected by VAWA Confidentiality Protections
Trauma-Informed Assistance
- How to Prepare Your Case Through a Trauma Informed Approach: Tips on Using the Trauma Informed Structured Interview Questionnaires for Family Court Cases (SIQI) (July 23, 2015)
- Advocate’s and Attorney’s Tool for Developing a Survivor’s Story: Trauma Informed Approach (July 20, 2017)
- December 2011: Representing Domestic Violence Survivors who are Experiencing Trauma and Other Mental Health Challenges: A Handbook for Attorneys
- Grounding Tool (June 19, 2014)
- Self Care Tool (June 20, 2014)
Impact of Trauma on the Brain Development of Children
- Understanding the Significance of a Minor’s Trauma History in Family Court Rulings (May 18, 2021)
- Declaration of David B. Thronson Discussing Trauma and the Neurobiological Health and Well Being of Children (March 20, 2020)
- BIA Amicus Brief on Recent Research Concerning the Neurobiological, Cognitive, and Psychological Development of Children and Adolescents (July 11, 2016)
- BIA Decision In Re D.A. Discussing the Effects of Trauma on Children (May, 22, 2017)
- Vulnerable But Not Broken: Psychosocial Challenges and Resilience Pathways Among Unaccompanied Children From Central America (2018)
Public Benefits Interactive Maps and State Charts
- Interactive Public Benefits Map
- All State Public Benefits Charts
- A Guide to Public Benefits Map for Immigrant Survivors of Crime
Public Benefits and Services for Immigrant Victims of Domestic and Sexual Violence
Bench Cards
- Public Benefits Flow Charts: VAWA Self-Petition and Cancellation, U-Visas, T-Visas and SIJS
- Family Court Bench Card on Immigrant Crime Victim Access to Public Benefits and Services
- Bench Card on Trafficking Victim Benefits Eligibility Process
- Bench Card on U Visa Victim Benefits Eligibility Process
- Bench Card on VAWA Public Benefits Eligibility Process
Public Benefits Key Government Documents
- Interim Guidance on Verification of Citizenship, Qualified Alien Status and Eligibility Under Title IV of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (November 17, 1997)
- Final Specification of Community Programs Necessary for Protection of Life or Safety Under Welfare Reform Legislation (January 16, 2001)
- HHS Administration for Children and Families Trafficking Victim Adult Certification Handout (November 6, 2020)
- HHS Administration for Children and Families Trafficking Victim Child Certification Handout (November 6, 2020)
Overviews and Chapters, Multiple Benefits
- Public Benefits Toolkit
- Economic Relief and Public Benefits materials List – Multi-State Judicial Training (Albuquerque)
- Programs Open to Immigrant Victims and All Immigrants Without Regard to Immigration Status
- Anti-Discrimination Provisions that Apply to Programs Receiving Federal Funding Serving Victims of Violence against Women Crimes
- Chapter 16.1 Appendix: HHS Funded Programs Open to All Immigrants
- Chapter 16: Access To Programs And Services That Can Help Victims of Sexual Assault
- Chapter 04.1: Access to Programs and Services that Can Help Battered Immigrants
- Chapter 04.2: Public Benefits Access for Battered Immigrant Women and Children
- Chapter 4.3 Barriers to Accessing Services: The Importance of Advocates Accompanying Battered Immigrants Applying for Public Benefits
CARES ACT and COVID-19 Related Resources Accessible to Immigrant Victims
- Immigrant Crime Victim Access to Relief during the COVID-19 Crisis under the CARES and FFCRA Acts (May 20, 2020)
- Healthcare Available to Immigrant Crime Victims During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Resources to Support Immigrant Survivors of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Disaster Housing Recovery Coalition: Frequently Asked Question: Eligibility for Assistance Based on Immigration Status (May 5, 2020)
- Safe Housing Partnerships: Federal Safe Housing Funding Resources – CARES Act (April 22, 2020)
- Safe Housing for Immigrant Survivors: Legal Resources
- Tenant Rights of Domestic Violence Survivors During COVID – 19 (National Housing Law Project)
Public Charge and Immigrant Victims
- The Impact of the 2020 Public Charge Rule on Transitional Housing (July 9, 2020)
- Post-VAWA 2013: Immigrant Crime Victims and Public Charge
- Privacy Protections for Immigrant Applying for Public Benefits
Non-Work Social Security Numbers
- Obtaining Non-work Social Security Numbers Needed by VAWA Self-Petitioners to Maintain Public and Assisted Housing
- Request That SSA Issue A Non-Work SSN to a Benefits Eligible Immigrant (June 2014 – Washington State Sample)
- Social Security Administration Program Operations Manual System (POMS) (July 2017)
- Tri-agency Letter: Citizenship Immigration Status and Social Security Numbers
- Evidence Checklists for Work with Immigrant Survivors – Includes Benefits and Non-Work Social Security Numbers
- Obtaining Non-Work Social Security Numbers
Legal Services Corporation Funded Assistance for Immigrant Victims
- Legal Services Access for All: Implementing the Violence Against Women Act of 2005
- Access to Publicly Funded Legal Services for Immigrant Survivors
- Legal Services Corporation Immigrant Representation Regulations 45 C.F. R. 1626, April 18, 2014
- Legal Services Corporation Program Letter 14-3
- Legal Services Corporation (LSC) Funded Legal Services Newsletter (June 2016)
- Permissibility of Providing Legal Services to Noncitizen Parents and Noncitizen Guardians of Children Seeking Special Immigrant Juvenile Status
- Webinar: “And Legal Services For All: New 2014 Legal Services Corporation Regulations Implementing VAWA 2005’s Immigrant Crime Survivors’ Access To Legal Services” (October 30, 2014)
Child Care
- Immigrant Crime Victim Child Care Access Chart
- Head Start Programs Memo
- Clarification of Interpretation of “Federal Public Benefit” regarding Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) Services
Driver’s Licenses
- National Findings on University and College Responses to Foreign-Born Student Victims
- Foreign Born Student Victims of Sexual Assault, Dating Violence, Stalking, and Sexual Harassment: Special Needs of “M” Visa Holders
- Foreign Born Student Victims of Sexual Assault, Dating Violence, Stalking, and Sexual Harassment: Special Needs of “J” Visa Holders
- Foreign Born Student Victims of Sexual Assault, Dating Violence, Stalking, and Sexual Harassment: Special Needs of “F” Visa Holders
- Student Aid Eligibility – Title IV Aid for “Battered Immigrants-Qualified Aliens” as provided for in VAWA
- Federal Student Aid Handbook – Immigration Status Eligible Students
- Chapter 13: When Foreign Students or Their Family Members Are Sexually Assaulted: Immigration Implications of the Student and Exchange Visitor System
Health Care
- Healthcare Access for Immigrants who are NOT Eligible to Access the Healthcare Exchanges
- Immigrants’ Access to Programs and Services Necessary to Protect Life and Safety and Post-Assault Health Care
- Pre-Natal and Child Health Care for Immigrant Victims – All States
- Post Assault Healthcare and Crime Victim Compensation for Immigrant Victims and Children– All States
- Emergency Medicaid for Immigrant Victims – All States
- Coverage for Forensic Costs for Immigrant Victims – All States
- Chapter 17: Access to Health Care for Immigrant Victims of Sexual Assault
- Domestic Violence Factsheet: HHS
Housing – Shelter and Transitional Housing
- Joint Agency Letter On Shelters and Transitional Housing (Web Page August 12, 2016)
- Webinar-Immigrant Crime Victim Access to Federally Assisted Housing (February 22, 2017)
- HUD-HHS-DOJ Letter Regarding Immigrant Access to Housing and Services
- HUD, SNAPS, The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996 and HUD’s Homeless Assistance Programs (Aug. 16, 2016)
- NIWAP, Brochure for Transitional Housing
- NIWAP, Fact Sheet: Immigrant Access to Emergency Shelter and Transitional Housing (Oct.23, 2016)
Housing – Public and Assisted
- Access to Public and Assisted Housing VAWA Self-Petitioners –Webpage (January 26, 2017)
- HUD, Memo for Secretary Julian Castro from Tonya Robinson, Acting General Counsel re: Eligibility of Battered Noncitizen Self-Petitioners for Financial Assistance Under Section 214 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1980 (Dec. 15, 2016)
- HUD, Notice PIH 2017-02 (HA), Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Self-Petitioner Verification Procedures (Jan. 19, 2017)
- NHLP, Memo: HUD Housing Covered by Section 214 of the Housing and Community Development Act
- NHLP, Chart on Federally Assisted Housing and Immigrant Eligibility (Jan. 2018)
- NIWAP, How to Advocate for Public and Assisted Housing for Your Battered Immigrant or Trafficking Survivor Client (Feb. 8, 2017)
- NIWAP & Legal Momentum, HUD Programs and Immigrant Eligibility, Chapter 16.2 (Feb. 8, 2017)
Low-Income Home Energy and Weatherization Assistance Programs
SNAP – Food Stamps
- Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants
- Domestic Violence Factsheet: HHS
- State-funded TANF Replacement Programs
- Eligibility for State Funded TANF Replacement Programs for Immigrant Crime Victims
VAWA Confidentiality
Bench Cards
- Family Court Bench Card on VAWA Confidentiality
- Bench Card: DHS Enforcement Priorities, Courthouse Enforcement and Sensitive Location Policies and Memoranda: Information for State Court Judges
Training Materials
- Three Prongs of VAWA Confidentiality
- Quick Reference: VAWA Confidentiality Protections: Quoting Statutes, Regulations and DHS Policies 3.29.19
- VAWA Confidentiality Protections for Immigrant Crime Victims (Webpage) (February 23, 2017)
- Chapter 3.2: VAWA Confidentiality and Breaches of Confidentiality
- Chapter 3: VAWA Confidentiality, History, Purpose, DHS Implementation, and Violations of VAWA Confidentiality Protections
- Protecting Immigrant Victims: VAWA Offers Immigration Protections for Sexual Assault Victims
- Newsletter on VAWA Confidentiality
Statute, Regulations, Policies and DHS Publications
- Interlineated Statute
- VAWA Confidentiality Statutes, Legislative History and Implementing Policy (2.23.17)
- All DHS Directive on VAWA Confidentiality Implementation which included and explains the annual requirement for training taking the FLTEC and DHS developed on line course ‘VAWA Confidentiality and Immigration Relief
- All DHS VAWA Confidentiality Instruction
- DHS Broadcast Code of Admission for VAWA confidentiality protected cases the DHS computerized red flag system for cases that have already been filed
- ICE and OPLA VAWA Confidentiality Operations Memos
- DHS Civil Rights Civil Liberties Complaint Instructions for VAWA Confidentially Violation Investigations
- Memorandum: Non-disclosure and Other Prohibitions Relating to Battered Aliens: IIRIRA §384
- Executive Office of Immigration Review EOIR: VAWA Confidentiality Procedures for Immigration Court
VAWA Confidentiality, Protected Areas, Sensitive Locations, and Courthouse Enforcement Policies
- DHS FAQs Protected Areas and Courthouse Arrests (October 28, 2021)
- Civil Immigration Enforcement Actions in or near Courthouses (April 27, 2021)
- Civil Immigration Enforcement Actions Inside Courthouses (January 10, 2018)
- VAWA Confidentiality Protections, Courthouse Enforcement, and Sensitive Location Policies at a Glance (3.29.19)
- Immigration and Customs Enforcement January 2018 Courthouse Enforcement Policy and VAWA Confidentiality Protections for Immigrant Crime Victims
- Courthouse Immigration Enforcement: Steps State Courts Are Taking (2018)
- February 2018 Newsletter: New ICE Policies on Courthouse Enforcement and VAWA Confidentiality
VAWA Confidentiality and State Court Discovery
- Quick Reference Guide for Judges: VAWA Confidentiality and Discovery Related Case Law
- Court Rulings Confirm Federal VAWA Confidentiality Protections Bar Discovery of VAWA Confidentiality Protected Information in State Family Court Proceedings
- Discovery and Use of Immigration Protected Information in Court Checklist (2019)
- VAWA Confidentiality and Criminal Cases: How Prosecutors Should Respond to Discovery Attempts for Protected Information
- Quick Reference Guide for Prosecutors: U Visa and VAWA Confidentiality Related Case Law
Family Law Cases: Special Issues for Immigrant Crime Victims and Children
Family Law Service of Process
- Family Law Service of Process and Jurisdiction Requirements Charts
- All State Services of Process and Jurisdiction Charts
- NIWAP Newsletter, Child Custody in Immigrant Families (November 15, 2018, Update October 27, 2021)
- Abigail Whitmore and Leslye E. Orloff, When Family and Immigration Laws Intersect: Case Law and Department of Homeland Security Policy Update (September 30, 2021)
- Family Court Bench Card on Issues that Arise in Custody Cases Involving Immigrant Parents, Children, and Crime Victims
- Best Interests of the Child Laws – State-by-State Comparison Maps and Charts
- Custody of Children in Mixed Status Families: Preventing the Misunderstanding and Misuse of Immigration Status in State-Court Custody Proceedings
- Chapter 06.1: Countering Abuser’s Attempts to Raise Victim’s Immigration Status in Custody Cases
- Chapter 06.3: The Implications of the Hague International Child Abduction Convention: Cases and Practice
- NIWAP October 2018 Custody Newsletter (October 19, 2018)
- David B. Thronson, Custody and Contradictions: Exploring Immigration Law as Federal Family in the Context of Child Custody, 59 Hastings L.J. 453 (2008).
Child Development and Trauma
- Understanding the Significance of a Minor’s Trauma history in Family Court Rulings
- Vulnerable but not Broken: Psychosocial Challenges and Resilience Pathways in Unaccompanied Children from Central America
- NIWAP Webpage, Significance of Trauma History of Minors (July 1, 2021)
Securing a Detained Parent’s Participation in Court Proceedings Involving Children
- How to Get a Detained Person to Court for Family Court Cases Involving Children and/or Criminal Proceedings
- DHS Detained Parent Directive
- DHS Fact Sheet ICE Policies and Procedures Involving Detained Parents and Legal Guardians
Protection Orders
- Immigrants and Protection Orders Bench Card
- Battering or Extreme Cruelty Drawing Examples from Civil Protection Orders and Family Law Cases
- Chapter 05.1: Battered Immigrants and Civil Protection Orders
- Chapter 05.2: Ensuring Access to Protection Orders for Immigrant Victims of Family Violence
- Chapter 15: Jurisdictionally Sound Protection Orders
- Battered Immigrant Women in the United States and Protection Orders: An Exploratory Research
- Chapter 14.01: Protection Orders of Immigrant Victims for Sexual Assault
- Unintended Consequences: How Civil Protection Orders Affect Immigrants, Delaware Lawyer’s Magazine
- Creative Methods in Protecting Battered Immigrants
- Immigrant Victims of Interpersonal Violence and Protection Orders (2020)
Economic Relief
- Affidavits of Support and Enforceability Bench Card (September 30, 2021)
- Immigration Status, Work Authorization, and Ability to Sponsor Children
- Immigration Concerns for Family Law Practitioners
Child Welfare Proceedings