November 10, 2021: “Enhancing Safety Planning and Immigrant Survivors’ Access to Immigration Relief and Public Benefits and Services in West Virginia” (Webinar) AND December 8, 2021: “Immigrant Survivors and Their Children: Assisting Survivors With Immigration Case Filings and Addressing Issues That Arise in Family Court Cases” (Webinar)

Webinar Description

Enhancing Safety Planning and Immigrant Survivors’ Access to Immigration Relief and Public Benefits and Services in West Virginia

 Victim advocates and attorneys play a crucial role in helping immigrant domestic violence, child/elder abuse, sexual assault, stalking, and human trafficking victims gain access to justice and the full range of services and assistance they are legally entitled to receive. This training will provide an overview of the paths to legal immigration status for survivors of crime and abuse and the important role victim advocates can play in collaboration with victim’s attorney in the preparation of immigrant survivors’ VAWA self-petitioning and U visa cases. Participants will learn to use a trauma-informed approach and tools that help victims heal as they write their stories that are a required part of each survivor’s immigration case. The training will discuss in detail how filing for immigration relief expands access to publicly funded benefits and services for immigrant victims and their children in West Virginia. Participants will build skills to identify the benefits for which immigrant victims qualify and best practices for accompanying immigrant survivors applying for benefits they or their children are eligible to receive. In addition, the training will discuss VAWA confidentiality protections against immigration enforcement, detention, and removal and how these impact case planning and promote victim safety. Webinar attendees will receive access to tools, training materials, resources, and technical assistance to support their work with immigrant survivors and their children. 

Immigrant Survivors and Their Children: Assisting Survivors With Immigration Case Filings and Addressing Issues That Arise in Family Court Cases:

This half-day virtual training will provide an opportunity for attorneys working with immigrant victims to learn best practices for addressing issues that arise in family court cases involving immigrant domestic and sexual violence survivors and their children. Webinar attendees will learn how to identify and develop litigation strategies to anticipate immigration-related offender dynamics and counter perpetrators’ efforts to use immigration-related issues to gain an advantage in custody, protection order, and other family court cases. 

Training Materials

PowerPoint Presentations

Enhancing Safety Planning and Immigrant Survivors’ Access to Immigration Relief and Public Benefits and Services PowerPoint

Immigrant Survivors and Their Children PowerPoint


All NIWAP Webinars

Immigration Relief

Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Self-Petition

U Visas

Public Benefits

Trauma-Informed Work With Immigrant Survivors


Dynamics and Barriers for Immigrant and Refugee Survivors

Legal Rights Overviews and Brochures

Immigration Options for Immigrant Survivors of Domestic and Sexual Violence

U and T Visa Certification


Immigration Relief for Immigrant Children and Youth

VAWA Confidentiality

Trauma-Informed Assistance

Impact of Trauma on the Brain Development of Children

Public Benefits Interactive Maps and State Charts

Public Benefits and Services for Immigrant Victims of Domestic and Sexual Violence

Bench Cards

Public Benefits Key Government Documents

Overviews and Chapters, Multiple Benefits

CARES ACT and COVID-19 Related Resources Accessible to Immigrant Victims

Public Charge and Immigrant Victims

Non-Work Social Security Numbers

Legal Services Corporation Funded Assistance for Immigrant Victims

Child Care

Driver’s Licenses


Health Care

Housing – Shelter and Transitional Housing

Housing – Public and Assisted

Low-Income Home Energy and Weatherization Assistance Programs

SNAP – Food Stamps


VAWA Confidentiality

Bench Cards

Training Materials

Statute, Regulations, Policies and DHS Publications

VAWA Confidentiality, Protected Areas, Sensitive Locations,  and Courthouse Enforcement Policies

VAWA Confidentiality and State Court Discovery

Family Law Cases: Special Issues for Immigrant Crime Victims and Children

Family Law Service of Process


Child Development and Trauma

Securing a Detained Parent’s Participation in Court Proceedings Involving Children

Protection Orders


Economic Relief

Child Welfare Proceedings