August 28-29 & August 30-31, 2023 Boston, MA-Strengthening Community and Organizational Responses: Serving Immigrant Victims of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Stalking

All of the PowerPoint Presentations for the workshops and plenaries are housed here.

Agenda of Workshops and Plenaries with links to the slides and training materials for each session:

Opening Plenary I – Investigating and Prosecuting Stalking Cases Involving Immigrant Victims

1A. Police Officers as Witnesses in Domestic Violence Prosecutions and Family Court Litigation

1B. Protecting Immigrant Survivors and their Children: Identifying the Best Immigration Options for Your Client

1C. Representing Immigrant and LEP Litigants in Custody Cases: Advanced Custody

2A. Offender-Focused Prosecutions and Criminal Investigations in Cases of Immigrant Victims of Domestic and Sexual Violence

2B. Improving Access to the Public Benefits Safety Net and Victims of Crime Act Compensation for Immigrant Survivors

2C. Identifying, Safety Planning, and Litigating Stalking in Family Law Cases

Plenary II – Improving Access to Justice Through Language Access for Immigrant Victims

Plenary III – Improving Safety for Communities, Officers and Immigrant Survivors: Focusing on Primary Aggressor Determinations

3A. Collaborative Approaches and Effective Outreach Strategies for Serving Immigrant and Limited English Proficient (LEP) Victims

3B. VAWA Confidentiality’s Impact on Discovery in Family and Criminal Court Cases

3C. Advanced Immigration Law Issues in Cases Involving Immigrant Survivors

4A. Interviewing Survivors: Trauma-Informed Techniques

4B. Electronic Evidence in Domestic Violence Criminal Investigations and Prosecutions and in Family Court Domestic Violence Cases

4C. U Visa Helpfulness and Certification

Plenary IV – The Why and How of Relationship Building Among Law Enforcement, Prosecutors, Courts, and Immigrant Victim’s Advocates

Conference materials hub.