Welcome to the Conference Materials Hub! Here, you can conveniently access all the PowerPoint presentations, resources, and materials for each Workshop and Plenary. Whether you attended the event in person or if you’re just looking to explore the topics and insights presented during the conference, this webpage is designed to continue helping you better serve immigrant survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking.
Plenary I- Investigating and Prosecuting Stalking Cases Involving Immigrant Victims
Plenary II – Improving Access to Justice Through Language Access for Immigrant Victims
Workshops 1st Session
1A. Police Officers as Witnesses in Domestic Violence Prosecutions and Family Court Litigation
1C. Representing Immigrant and LEP Litigants in Custody Cases: Advanced Custody
Workshops 2nd Session
2C. Identifying, Safety Planning, and Litigating Stalking in Family Law Cases
Workshops 3rd Session
3B. VAWA Confidentiality’s Impact on Discovery in Family and Criminal Court Cases
3C. Advanced Immigration Law Issues in Cases Involving Immigrant Survivors
Workshops 4th Session
4A. Interviewing Survivors: Trauma-Informed Techniques
4C. U Visa Helpfulness and Certification
All Powerpoints