August 2023 – Plenary I – Investigating and Prosecuting Stalking Cases Involving Immigrant Victims

PowerPoint Presentation

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Research data shows that 13.5 million people experience stalking annually (Smith et al., 2022). Yet, many stalking cases go unreported and uncharged, often because stalking is not recognized as a crime but as a weapon towards domestic violence. Victims and law enforcement might not recognize the severity, and criminal justice professionals may lack proper training for prosecution. Immigrant victims may hesitate to report stalking due to immigration concerns. This plenary will explore SPARC’s resources to boost stalking reporting and hold offenders accountable, especially in cases with immigrant victims.


  • Jennifer Landhuis, Director, The Stalking Prevention, Awareness, and Resource Center (SPARC)
  • Jane Anderson, Senior Attorney Advisor, AEquitas
  • Investigator Michael LaRiviere, Salem Police Department, MA

If you are a victim advocate, attorney, judge, or other professional working with an immigrant victim and you would like to receive case specific technical assistance on issues that arise in cases of immigrant crime victims, please call NIWAP for technical assistance at (202) 274-4457 or email us at

Tools for law enforcement and prosecutors:

Communities of Practice: NIWAP runs several Roundtables and Communities of Practice that provide opportunities for peer-to-peer learning by meeting virtually several times a year with others from across the country working in your profession and serving immigrant victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, stalking, and human trafficking. For each, membership is limited to that profession. Please join and encourage others in your community to join:

Podcasts Helpful to Law Enforcement and Prosecution Agencies and Their Staff:

SPARC offers additional useful information on stalking on their Resources page SPARC offers more useful information on stalking on their Resources Page

Links from Plenary

SPARCS Resources for Law Enforcement

NIWAP and SPARC Resources for State Court Judges on Stalking

NIWAP Resources for Family and Immigration Lawyers on Trauma Informed Approach

Webinars on Stalking:

Stalking Literature

Data regarding victim/offender relationships, prevalence and a summary of the lifetime and 12-month experiences of stalking victims in the United States.

The multidimensional framework for assessment and safety planning in stalking cases, the 14 risk factors in stalking cases and dangerousness of stalking offenders.

Stalking as a Risk Factor in Intimate Partner Femicide:

Impact of Stalking on Victims/Survivors; Coping Methods:

Acknowledgement of Stalking Behaviors:

Immigrant Survivor Prosecutor Resources and Materials