April-May 2021: Louisiana District Attorneys Association 3-Part Webinar Series

Webinar 3 (May 27, 2021): “Legal Protections for Immigrant Children and Their Families”

This webinar will provide an overview of the protections available under federal immigration laws, federal and state public benefits law and state family laws for immigrant children who are abandoned or become victims of child abuse, child neglect, sexual assault, dating violence, stalking, or human trafficking. We will discuss how prosecutors, victim advocates, and child welfare staff can assist in identifying immigrant child victims of child abuse or neglect, and the critical role attorneys and advocates in providing or helping children obtain evidence that is a prerequisite for filing for immigration relief through U or T visa certification or Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS) predicate state court orders. In understanding how eligibility for immigration relief impacts cases victim advocates can help immigrant children access the public benefits safety net services they are legally eligible to receive. This webinar will provide participants will resources, tools, and links to helpful Department of Homeland Security brochures translated in various languages

Webinar 2 (May 13, 2021): “Legal Protections When Child Victims are Immigrants and When Children Have Immigrant Parents”

Description: This webinar will discuss the range of publicly funded victim and social services programs, legal assistance, and the wide range of services and assistance that are legally available to all victims of domestic violence, child abuse, and sexual assault, regardless of immigration status. As immigrant and Limited English Proficient (LEP) victims begin the process of applying for crime victim based immigration relief, their access to federal and state public benefits grows. The scope of public benefits an immigrant survivor or her children are eligible to receive vary based on the form of immigration relief the survivor is pursuing, the type of benefit they need, and the state in which the survivor resides. This webinar will discuss how having legally correct information about benefits and services immigrant survivors helps law enforcement and prosecutors in their work, as well as the benefits to investigations and prosecutions when victims are able to access the help they need. The presenters will lead interactive activities to build skills to identify the benefits for which immigrant victims qualify and teach best practices for accompanying immigrant survivors applying for benefits. This webinar will also discuss the range of publicly funded victim and social services programs, legal assistance, and the wide array of services and assistance that are legally available to all victims of domestic violence, child abuse and sexual assault without regard to immigration status, including legal services and assistance from police and prosecutors.

Webinar 1 (April 22, 2021): “The U Visa: A Tool to Support Victims, Communities, and Increase Participation in the Criminal Justice System”

Description: Immigrant victims of crime are often reluctant to call police for help. Victims of domestic violence and sexual assault are further challenged to participate in investigations and prosecutions where they experience immigration-related abuse and threats of deportation. This webinar will explain the intention behind the creation of the U Visa and detail the requirements of any application for immigration relief through the U Visa program. Presenters will provide strategies to improving victim participation by enhancing safety and security while minimizing barriers, fears, and misconceptions. The webinar will provide participants with access to toolkits, tools, and resources on the U Visa as well as other forms of immigration relief available to crime victims, as well as to the National Immigrant Women’s Advocacy Project web library, online webinars, and technical assistance. 

Training Materials

Overview of Immigration Relief for Immigrant Crime Victims

Family Law Cases: Special Issues for Immigrant Crime Victims and Children 

Family Law Service of Process

Child Development and Victims of Trauma  

Securing a Detained Parent’s Participation in Court Proceedings Involving Children

Child Welfare Cases Involving Immigrant Families and Children

Child Abuse, Neglect, Child Welfare, and Termination of Parental Rights 

Immigrant Children and Child Welfare Proceedings 

Public Benefits Access of Immigrant Victims

Public Benefits Webinars

Legal Rights Overviews and Brochures

Public Benefits  and Services for Immigrant Victims of Domestic and Sexual Violence Bench Cards

Overviews and Chapters, Multiple Benefits

CARES ACT and COVID-19 Related Resources Accessible to Immigrant Victims

Public Charge and Immigrant Victims 

Only Certain Law Enforcement and Benefits Workers Under Limited 

Non-Work Social Security Numbers

Legal Services Corporation Funded Assistance for Immigrant Victims

Screening Tools and Brochures for Immigrant Crime Victims

Resources on U and T Visas Certification and Policy 

List of State Specific U and T Visa Certification Laws

Webinars on U Visa

Prosecutor’s Tools Enhancing Work with Immigrant Crime Victims

Publications Featuring U-Visa as a Crime-Fighting Tool 

VAWA Self-Petition: Immigration Relief for Battered Spouses, Children, and Parents of U.S. Citizens and Lawful Permanent Residents

VAWA Confidentiality and State Court Discovery

Collaborations with Community Partners 

Resources for Improving Language Access and Compliance with Title VI 

Child Care

Driver’s Licenses


Health Care

Housing – Shelter and Transitional Housing

Housing – Public and Assisted

Low-Income Home Energy and Weatherization Assistance Programs

SNAP- Food Stamps