Legal Rights of Immigrant Survivors: Public Benefits, Housing, & Victim Services PowerPoint [pdf]
This webinar will provide an overview of the protections available under federal immigration laws, federal and state public benefits law and state family laws for immigrant children who are abandoned or become victims of child abuse, child neglect, sexual assault, dating violence, stalking, or human trafficking. We will discuss how prosecutors, victim advocates, and child welfare staff can assist in identifying immigrant child victims of child abuse or neglect, and the critical role attorneys and advocates in providing or helping children obtain evidence that is a prerequisite for filing for immigration relief through U or T visa certification or Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS) predicate state court orders. In understanding how eligibility for immigration relief impacts cases victim advocates can help immigrant children access the public benefits safety net services they are legally eligible to receive. This webinar will provide participants will resources, tools, and links to helpful Department of Homeland Security brochures translated in various languages