Enhancing Responses to Domestic Violence: Trauma and Its Impact on Testimony (August 11, 2023)

Training Materials

Dynamics of Domestic and Sexual Violence

Power and Control

Dynamics Overviews and Research Findings

Coercive Control


Impact of Trauma

Vicarious Trauma

Impact of Domestic Violence on Children

Comparing Forms of Immigration Relief for Victims

Immigration Law Definition of Domestic Violence

Good Faith Marriage

VAWA Self-Petitioning Flow Charts

VAWA Self-Petitioner, U and T Visa and Battered Spouse Waiver  Legislative History

U and T Visas

Special Immigrant Juvenile Status

VAWA Confidentiality

Quick Reference Guide for Judges: VAWA Confidentiality and Discovery Related Case Law (October 25, 2022) https://niwaplibrary.wcl.american.edu/pubs/vawa-confidentiality-discovery-cases-judicial