August 7, 2024 – Enhancing Victim Safety: Immigration and Family Law Protection for Immigrant Survivors
In this webinar sponsored by the Nevada Coalition to END Domestic and Sexual Violence, expert faculty will discuss immigration and family law protection for immigrant survivors. The webinar will highlight the role of victim advocates in identifying and working with immigrant survivors eligible for immigration relief who are victims of domestic or sexual violence, stalking, child abuse and/or human trafficking. Faculty will also discuss best practices for advocates to know about immigrant survivors in family law cases particularly on protection orders and custody. This is the first part of a two-part series webinar focusing on enhancing victim safety for immigrant survivors.
- Veronica T. Thronson, Clinical Professor of Law and Director, Immigration Law Clinic, Michigan State University College of Law
- Leslye E. Orloff, Adjunct Professor and Director, NIWAP, American University Washington College of Law
Training Materials
If you are a victim advocate, attorney, judge, or other professional working with an immigrant victim and you would like to receive case specific technical assistance on family law issues that arise in cases of immigrant crime victims, please call NIWAP for technical assistance at (202) 274-4457 or email us at For more information on any of the topics covered in this training please visit NIWAP’s web library
To receive updates, sign up for NIWAP’s outreach list.
You can elect NIWAP’s general outreach list to receive notices of trainings, webinars, new materials,
resources and policies. Judges, court staff, law enforcement and prosecutors can sign up for lists
exclusively open to staff working at one of these government agencies.
Webinars are also linked by topic at the end of this materials list
- NIWAP Webinars in Digital Library
Glossary of Terms for Work with Immigrant Survivors
Know Your Rights Information
- DHS Interactive Infographic on Protections for Immigrant Victims
- Immigration Options for Victims of Crime -DHS Brochure
- USCIS Brochure, Immigration Relief for Abused, Abandoned, or Neglected Children Special
Immigrant Juvenile Classification (January 2024) - Multilingual Materials for Victims and Advocates
- Pathways to Immigration Relief for Students
- Victim Witness Resource – Victim Intimidation Brochure (English)
- Information on the Legal Rights Available to Immigrant Victims of Domestic Violence in the
United States and Facts about Immigrating on a Marriage-Based Visa - Immigration Relief for Abused Children
- Office on Trafficking in Persons (OTIP) Child Certification Handout
- VAWA Confidentiality Protections, Courthouse Enforcement, and Sensitive Locations Policies at a Glance (December 27, 2021)
- World Language Identification Guide: I Speak (Raksha) (2019)
Dynamics & Barriers for Immigrant & Refugee Survivors
- Dynamics of Domestic Violence Experienced by Immigrant Victims
- Dynamics of Sexual Assault and the Implications for Immigrant Women
- Immigrant Victims of Sexual Assault: The Important Role of SART Teams
Trauma Informed and Culturally Relevant Interview Tools for Work with Immigrant Survivors
- (April 24, 2023): Advocate’s and Attorney’s Tool for Developing a Survivor’s Story: Trauma
Informed Approach - (April 24, 2023): Trauma-Informed – Structured Interview Questionnaires for Immigration Cases (SIQI)
- 12 Question Predatory Helpfulness Screener (October 24, 2023)
U and T Visa
- Bench Card: U-Visa Victim Immigration and Public Benefits Eligibility Process (December 31, 2021)
- T Visa Quick Reference for Law Enforcement & Prosecutors (March 24, 2021)
- T-Visa Process Timeline with Background Checks (June 12, 2021)
- T-Visa Law Enforcement Resource Guide (October 20,2021)
- Questions for Identifying Trafficked or Enslaved Persons (June 2011)
- U Visa Timeline with Background Checks (August 11, 2024)
- U Visa Quick Reference Guide for Judges
- Pro Bono Training Institute “U Visa” Training Module
- Quick Reference Guide for Prosecutors – U Visa and VAWA Confidentiality Related Case Law
- Flowchart for U-Visa Process
- Collection of U-Visa News Articles (November 7, 2017)
- Battering or Extreme Cruelty in the Context of Elder Abuse from APS Tool Kit
- Policy Alert: Bona Fide Employment Authorization for U Visa Petitioners
- September 26, 2013: “Roll Call Videos for Law Enforcement on U Visa Certification and T Visa Endorsement”
- CAST-Overview-of-the-2024-T-Visa-Final-Rule-1
- CAST-Common-hurdles-in-DVSAHT-August-2023
- CAST-Definition-of-Human-Trafficking-Advisory-Feb-2024
- A-Rights-Based-Approach
August 28, 2024 – Enhancing Victim Safety: Immigrant Survivors’ Legal Rights to Access Publicly Funded Benefits and Services
In the part two of this webinar series sponsored by the Nevada Coalition to END Domestic and Sexual Violence, expert faculty will discuss immigrant survivors’ legal rights to access publicly funded benefits and services. The webinar will first discuss what services and supports including healthcare, shelter, transitional housing, legal services are open to all victims without regard to immigration status. Faculty will address how access to state and federal public benefits, including housing assistance, healthcare, VOCA, childcare, SNAP, and more, grows as victims move through the process of applying for victim-based immigration relief.
- Rafaela Rodrigues, Assistant Director, NIWAP, American University Washington College of Law
- Leslye E. Orloff, Adjunct Professor and Director, NIWAP, American University Washington College of Law
Training Materials
If you are a victim advocate, attorney, judge, or other professional working with an immigrant victim and
you would like to receive case specific technical assistance on access to publically funded benefits and
services that an immigrant crime victim or immigrant child would be eligible to receive in you state,
please call NIWAP for technical assistance. (202) 274-4457 or email us at You can
also visit the public benefits section of NIWAP’s web library
To receive updates, sign up for NIWAP’s outreach list.
You can elect NIWAP’s general outreach list to receive notices of trainings, webinars, new materials,
resources and policies. Judges, court staff, law enforcement and prosecutors can sign up for lists
exclusively open to staff working at one of these government agencies.
Public Benefits Interactive Maps and State Charts
- Interactive Public Benefits Map
- All State Public Benefits Charts
- A Guide to Public Benefits Map for Immigrant Survivors of Crime (April 6, 2023)
- State-Funded Public Benefits Comparison Chart (April 12, 2021, updated July 7, 2022)
- Training Materials: Public Benefits (Last Updated – June 29, 2023)
- Immigrant Access to Federally Funded Housing Webinar: Collaboration with the National
Housing Law Project - Public Benefits and Services Legally Available to Immigrant Children and Victims – What Courts
Need to Know? - Webinar: “And Legal Services For All: New 2014 Legal Services Corporation Regulations
Implementing VAWA 2005’s Immigrant Crime Survivors’ Access To Legal Services” (October
30, 2014) - Healthcare: Understanding the Affordable Care Act and How it Affects Immigrant Survivors
- Yes We Can!: Public Benefits for Immigrant Survivors
- Info Packet Webinar Immigrant Access to Housing (February 22, 2017)
Legal Rights Overviews and Brochures
- Multilingual Materials for Victims and Advocates
- World Language Identification Guide: I Speak (Raksha)
- DHS Infographic: Protection for Immigrant Victims (January 12, 2017)
- Immigration Options for Victims of Crime – DHS Brochure
- Information on the Legal Rights Available to Immigrant Victims of Domestic Violence in the
United States and Facts about Immigrating on a Marriage-Based Visa - Pathways to Immigration Relief for Students (June 20, 2014)
Statutes, Regulations, and Policies
- T Visa Regulations and History (June 24, 2024)
- Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Clarifying the Eligibility of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) Recipients and Certain Other Noncitizens for a Qualified Health Plan through an Exchange, Advance Payments of the Premium Tax Credit, Cost-Sharing Reductions, and a Basic Health Program (May 8, 2024)
- Social Security Administration, Social Security Numbers for Noncitizens (January 2023) EN-05-10096 -SSA
- Annotated Statutes Related to Public Benefits Eligibility for Immigrant Survivors of Domestic Violence, Child Abuse and Human Trafficking (October 31, 2021)
- Annotated Statutes Related to Public Benefits Eligibility for Immigrant Survivors of Domestic Violence, Child Abuse and Human Trafficking (October 31, 2021)
- Annotated Violence Against Women Act Self-Petitioner Definition INA 101(a)(51)
- Interim Guidance on Verification of Citizenship, Qualified Alien Status, and Eligibility Under Title IV of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (November 17, 1997) (2494) (See, Exhibit B to Attachment 5—Aliens Who Have Been Battered Or Subjected To Extreme Cruelty Within The Meaning of Section 431 of The Act)
- Final Specification of Community Programs Necessary for Protection of Life or Safety Under Welfare Reform Legislation (January 16, 2001)
- Request for Comments on the Attorney General’s Specification of Community Programs Necessary for the Protection of Life or Safety Under the Welfare Reform Act (September 15, 1997)
- U.S. Departments of HHS and Agriculture: Q&A Re: Policy Guidance Regarding Inquiries into Citizenship, Immigration Status and Social Security Numbers in State Applications for Medicaid, State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), and Food Stamp Benefits (March 24, 2006)
- HHS and Department Of Agriculture, Policy Guidance Regarding Inquiries into Citizenship, Immigration Status and Social Security Numbers in State Applications for Medicaid, State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP),Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), and Food Stamp Benefits (July 26, 2013)
- 8 USC 1612 What Benefits Qualified Immigrants Receive
- 8 USC 1631 Sponsor Deeming (1997)
- Operating Policy and Procedure Memorandum 97-9: Motions for “Prima Facie” Determination and Verification Requests for Battered Spouses and Children (1997)
- 8 USC 1641 Definition of Qualified Immigrants (1997)
- Guidance on Standards and Methods for Determining Whether a Substantial Connection Exists Between Battery or Extreme Cruelty and Need for Specific Public Benefits (December 11, 1997)
Public Benefits and Services for Immigrant Victims of Domestic and Sexual Violence
- Bench Card: Overview of Types of Immigration Status (October 14, 2013, Update April 22, 2022)
- Public Benefits Flow Charts: VAWA Self-Petition and Cancellation, U-Visas, T-Visas and SIJS\
- Evidence Checklist For Battered Immigrant Women Seeking Public Benefits (2014)
- Family Court Bench Card on Immigrant Crime Victim Access to Public Benefits and Services
- Bench Card on Trafficking Victim Benefits Eligibility Process
- Bench Card on U Visa Victim Benefits Eligibility Process
- Bench Card on VAWA Public Benefits Eligibility Process
- Bench Card for State Court Judges on Common Issues that Arise From Parties’ Immigration
Status: Economic Remedies (March 10, 2022) - Bench Card: Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS) Immigration and Public Benefits
Eligibility Process (July 13, 2022) - Public Benefits for U Visa Applicants (2015)
- Affidavits of Support and Enforceability Bench Card (September 30, 2021)
- Evidence Checklist For Battered Immigrant Women Seeking Public Benefits (2014)
- Services Available to Victims of Human Trafficking: A Resource Guide for Social Services
Providers (2012)
Bench Cards, Flow Charts and Evidence Check Lists
- Bench Card: Overview of Types of Immigration Status (October 14, 2013, Update April 22, 2022)*
- Public Benefits Flow Charts: VAWA Self-Petition and Cancellation, U-Visas, T-Visas and SIJS
- Evidence Checklist For Battered Immigrant Women Seeking Public Benefits (2014)
- Family Court Bench Card on Immigrant Crime Victim Access to Public Benefits and Services
- Bench Card on Trafficking Victim Benefits Eligibility Process
- Bench Card on U Visa Victim Benefits Eligibility Process
- Bench Card on VAWA Public Benefits Eligibility Process
- Bench Card for State Court Judges on Common Issues that Arise From Parties’ Immigration Status: Economic Remedies (March 10, 2022)
- Bench Card: Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS) Immigration and Public Benefits Eligibility Process (July 13, 2022)
- Public Benefits for U Visa Applicants (2015)
- Affidavits of Support and Enforceability Bench Card (September 30, 2021)*
- Evidence Checklist For Battered Immigrant Women Seeking Public Benefits (2014)
- Services Available to Victims of Human Trafficking: A Resource Guide for Social Services Providers (2012)
Overviews and Chapters, Multiple Benefits
- Economic Relief and Public Benefits materials List – Multi-State Judicial Training
(Albuquerque) - State-Funded Public Benefits Comparison Chart (April 12, 2021)
- Public Benefits Toolkit
- Programs Open to Immigrant Victims and All Immigrants Without Regard to Immigration Status
- Anti-Discrimination Provisions that Apply to Programs Receiving Federal Funding Serving
Victims of Violence against Women Crimes - Chapter 16.1 Appendix: HHS Funded Programs Open to All Immigrants
- Chapter 16: Access To Programs And Services That Can Help Victims of Sexual Assault
- Chapter 04.1: Access to Programs and Services that Can Help Battered Immigrants
- Chapter 04.2: Public Benefits Access for Battered Immigrant Women and Children
- Chapter 4.3 Barriers to Accessing Services: The Importance of Advocates Accompanying
Battered Immigrants Applying for Public Benefits - Glossary of Terms for Work With Immigrant Survivors (November 15, 2017)
- Lifesaving Welfare Safety Net Access for Battered Immigrant Women and Children:
Accomplishments and Next Steps - Offering a Helping Hand: Legal Protections for Battered Immigrant Women: A History of
Legislative Responses (March 1, 2002) - Public Benefits Access For Battered Immigrant Women And Children: Fact Sheet