When and Where
Session 1: August 28-29, 2023 (No longer accepting registrations for Session 1. Please register for Session 2.)
Session 2: August 30-31, 2023
At Boston Park Plaza Hotel in Boston, Massachusetts
This two-day in-person interactive training focuses on providing attorneys, law enforcement, prosecutors, and advocates strategies for strengthening their understanding of legal and victim services options for and best practices when working with immigrant survivors of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking. This training offers diverse learning experiences delivered by a faculty of multi-disciplinary subject matter experts from a wide range of legal and victim service backgrounds including judges, law enforcement, prosecutors, advocates, and attorneys. Immigrant victim related training topics will include: stalking; immigration, public benefits, and family law case options, case strategies, and advanced issues; prosecution best practices; primary aggressor determinations; VAWA confidentiality and discovery; police officers as witnesses; multi-disciplinary collaboration; effective outreach; and improving language access. Participants will learn and share practices and strategies to improve immigrant victim safety, increase participation in the justice system, and enhance community safety.
Each training session is open to OVW Grantee and Subgrantee attorneys, advocates, law enforcement, prosecutors, and victim witness staff from agencies with funding from OVW including STOP subgrantees, Legal Assistance for Victims (LAV), Campus, Culturally Specific Services Program (CSSP), Rural, and Improving Criminal Justice Response (ICJR). All other grantees and grant funded partner agencies must receive prior approval from their OVW Program Specialist to attend. Law enforcement (federal, state, local, and campus), prosecutors, and their agency’s victim witness specialists are invited to attend regardless of funding sources.
Each session is limited to 83 people and to two attendees per organization. Registration is on a first come-first served basis. Once capacity has been reached, a waitlist will be created. The training is free but participants are responsible for covering the costs of travel, meals, and accommodations. A limited number of travel scholarships are available only to STOP subgrantees who do not have travel funding in their grant budgets.
Contact: For assistance with registration or accessibility needs, contact Rocio Molina at (240) 480-6378 or molina@wcl.american.edu.
This training is supported by Grant No. 15JOVW-21-GK-02208-MUMU awarded by the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed in this training are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women.