Sept 10, 2021: “Setting the Stage for Success: Jury Selection for Cases involving Immigrant Victims of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Stalking” (Webinar)

Having an unbiased jury is essential to any trial. When trying cases involving immigrant victims of domestic or sexual violence, it is imperative that prosecutors develop a strategy to ensure that the jurors selected do not bear any prejudice against the victim and can understand the underlying dynamics of the case. 

If you would like to learn more about law enforcement and prosecutor best practices, NIWAP hosts monthly virtual Roundtables for Law Enforcement and Prosecution only to discuss challenges and topics in the field with NIWAP’s law enforcement expert faculty. Through these Roundtables, law enforcement and prosecutors share strategies and develop plans for working with immigrant victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, and human trafficking. Register for NIWAP’s Law Enforcement & Prosecutors Monthly Roundtable

Training Materials


Know Your Rights Information

Prosecutor’s Tools Enhancing Work With Immigrant Crime Victims

VAWA Confidentiality 

U and T visas


U Visa as a Crime-fighting Tool

Forms of Immigration Relief

Screening Tools and Collaboration

Language Access

VAWA Self-Petition

Public Benefits

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