This training is designed to assist attendees on how to screen survivors eligible for immigration legal remedies (VAWA, T visa, U visa, and SIJS) while improving survivor safety and economic security. The training will highlight trafficking co-occurring with domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, and child abuse. Additionally, it will provide tips and tools for expanding access to family law protections, SIJS judicial determinations, and the state and federal benefits and services available
to immigrant survivors in Pennsylvania
Training Materials List for Victim Advocates and Attorneys
2025 Department of Homeland Security Policies
ICE Interim Guidance: Civil Immigration Enforcement Actions In or Near Courthouses (January 2025)
2025 Policies and Executive Orders
Memo Enforcement Actions In or Near Protected Areas (January 20, 2025)
Implementation of section 1367 Information Provisions Instruction (May 28, 2019)
Highlights of the Materials List
Know Your Rights Information
DHS Interactive Infographic on Protections for Immigrant Victims
Immigration Options for Victims of Crime -DHS Brochure
Coercive Control
More Training Materials
Trauma Informed – Structured Interview Questionnaires for Immigration Cases (SIQI)(July 12, 2018)
U visa Certification & T visa Declaration
U visa Certification and T visa Declaration Toolkit for Law Enforcement Agencies and Prosecutors
Immigration Options for Immigrant Survivors of Domestic and Sexual Violence
Immigration Legal Remedies for Qualified Immigrant Children and Youth
Domestic Violence and Involuntary Servitude as Human Trafficking (August 17, 2023)
VAWA Confidentiality
Implementation of section 1367 Information Provisions Instruction (May 28, 2019)
Three Prongs of VAWA Confidentiality
Training Materials: Custody, Immigrant Survivors and Children
Protection Orders
State Laws on Civil Protection Orders for Victims of Human Trafficking (December 31, 2024)
Immigrants and Protection Orders Bench Card (March 29, 2019)
Bench Card: Impact of Divorce on Immigration Status (December 28, 2021)
Public Benefits: Interactive Maps, State Charts, and Protections
Interactive Public Benefits Map
All State Public Benefits Charts
A Guide to Public Benefits Map for Immigrant Survivors of Crime
Bench Card
Family Court Bench Card on Immigrant Crime Victim Access to Public Benefits and Services