November 21, 2024 – Virginia Beach, Virginia: Improving Access to Justice for Immigrant Victims of Domestic and Sexual Violence

PowerPoint Presentation

This plenary will provide specific and practical examples of the important roles
state court judges can play in ensuring access to justice when immigration law issues arise in
state court cases. Judges will learn to identify victims who qualify for abuse-based forms of
humanitarian immigration relief that improve safety, stability and economic security for
victims and their children. Faculty will discuss what judges need to know about immigration
laws and language access when hearing protection order, divorce, custody, criminal, and child
welfare cases involving immigrant victims. By accessing and applying legally correct
information about immigration and language access laws judges can ensure that immigrant
victims of domestic and sexual violence, stalking, child abuse and human trafficking attain
just and fair outcomes in state court proceedings.

Join the National Judicial Network

SJI and National Judicial Network Full Training Materials List

Immigration Relief for Victims of Crime and Abuse

Bench Card on Immigration Relief for Battered Spouses, Children, and Immigrant Crime Victims (December 31, 2021)

Domestic Violence and Involuntary Servitude as Human Trafficking (August 17, 2023)

U Visa Certification

U Visa Certification and T visa Declaration Toolkit for Federal, State and Local Judges, Commissioners, Magistrates and Other Judicial Officers (June 17, 2021)

Hennepin County Attorney’s Office U Visas and T Visas Certification Policy Full Policy (Model Policy)

Hennepin County Attorney’s Office U Visas and T Visas Certification Policy (March 7, 2024)

Child Protective Services Agency Toolkit: U Visa Certification, T Visa Declaration, Special Immigrant Juvenile Status and Violence Against Women Act Immigration Relief for Abused Immigrant Children (July 8, 2024)

Virginia U and Visa Certification Law (2024)

Special Immigrant Juvenile Status

Special Immigrant Juvenile Status Training Materials (October 7, 2024)

VAWA Confidentiality

Quick Reference Guide for Judges: VAWA Confidentiality, Discovery, and Admissibility Related Case Law (October 7, 2024)

National Judicial Network Peer-to-Peer Sessions – Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Confidentiality: Criminal and Family Case Discovery (October 1 & Nov. 12, 2024)

NM Supreme Court Issues Order Against Disclosure of Immigration-Related Information of Noncitizen Crime Victims (May 7, 2024)

VAWA Confidentiality and Discovery Materials January 7, 2025

VAWA Confidentiality Training Materials (January 19, 2025)

Family Law

Immigrants and Protection Orders Bench Card (March 30, 2019)

Family Court Bench Card on Issues that Arise in Custody Cases Involving Immigrant Parents, Children, and Crime Victims (November 30, 2021)

Bench Card: Impact of Divorce on Immigration Status (December 28, 2021)

Affidavits of Support and Enforceability Bench Card (June 13, 2024)

State v. Maria L. The Nebraska Supreme Court (April 8 2009)

All State Family Law Service of Process and Jurisdiction Charts (October 20, 2021)

Immigrant Victim Access to Public Benefits in Virginia

Virginia Public Benefits Screening Chart for Immigrant Survivors and Refugees by Forms of Immigration Relief (May 8, 2023)

Access to State-Funded Benefits in Virginia for Survivors (February 6, 2019, updated May 8, 2023)

Interactive State-by-State Public Benefits Map

Evidence Based Research

Transforming Lives Study Provides Evidence-Based Support for The Effectiveness of the VAWA and U Visa Programs (June 14, 2021)

Promoting Access to Justice for Immigrant Crime Victims and Children: Findings of a National Judicial Survey and Policy Recommendations (National Center for State Courts, 2018)

Use and Outcomes of Protection Orders by Battered Immigrant Women, National Institute of Justice (November 10, 2006)

Language Access

Virginia Demographics (2023)

Speaking Justice: Providing Language Access in the Courts – Webinar & Training Materials Language Access (April 2, 2024)

September 25, 2024: Webinar: Overcoming Language Barriers in Policing: Grants and Resources that Support Language Access Programs in Law Enforcement Agencies

DOJ Assistant Attorney General Letter to Chief Justices and State Court Administrators (2018)

Translation Requirements for Vital Documents, Intake and Notice of LEP Assistance for DOJ and HHS Grantees Serving Immigrant Crime Victims (April 14, 2016)

For a complete list of National Judicial Network (NJN) webinars and peer-to-peer sessions, as well as additional information regarding the NJN and the link to register, click here.