Presentations with the Nevada Coalition Against Domestic Violence.
- Advocacy and Collaborations That Help Immigrant Victims of Domestic Violence: VAWA, The U-Visa, Protection Orders and Custody
- Providing Culturally Competent Help for Immigrant Victims of Intimate Partner Violence: Legal Options & Access to Services
- Are You Safe At Home?
- VAWA Self-Petition Flow Chart for Adult Applicants
- VAWA Self-Petition Flow Chart for Child Applicants
- U Visa Application Victim Flow Chart
- Model U Visa Certification Protocol for Law Enforcement Agencies
- VAWA Red Flags
- Language Identification Guide: I Speak…
- Know Your Rights (Are You Limited English Proficient?)
- Final Specification of Community Programs Necessary for Protection of Life or Safety Under Welfare Reform Legislation
- HUD Funds Emergency Shelter and Transitional Housing
- Student Aid Eligibility
- Aliens Who May Be Unlawfully Present in the United States and their Access to Public Post-Secondary Educational Institutions
- HUD Programs and Immigrant Eligibility
- HHS Funded Programs Open to all Immigrants
- Coverage Forensic Costs Chart
- Emergency Medicaid Chart
- Pre-Natal Care Chart
- Post Assault Health Care Chart