These two workshops were part of the Iowa Victim Justice Symposium. The first, “Everything Law Enforcement Needs to Know about Forms of Immigration Relief” covers immigration relief options under the Violence Against Women Act and how to use the U visa as a crime fighting tool. The second workshop, titled, “Best Practice when Working with Immigrant Survivors” includes information on dynamics when working with immigrant survivors, case strategy, VAWA confidentiality, and language access.
Materials for Training
PowerPoint, “Everything Law Enforcement Needs to Know about Forms of Immigration Relief”
PowerPoint, “Best Practices when Working with Immigrant Survivors”
U and T Visas
DHS Victims Policy, Guidance, and Legal Memoranda
DHS U and T Visa Law Enforcement Resource Guide
DHS Policy Answers to Law Enforcement Reasons for Not Certifying
I-130 Victim’s Proof of Battering or Extreme Cruelty
Instructions for Form I-914, Supplement B
Form I-914, Supplement B for T Visa Endorsement
Form I-918, Supplement B, for U Visa Certification
Model Policy for Working with Immigrant Victims of Crime and Human Trafficking
U Visa Certifiers: Range of Potential Certifiers
Press Release on the U Visa — Template
USCIS U Visa Certification Factsheet Q&A
U Visa Checklist: “Helpfulness”
U Visa Toolkit for Law Enforcement Agencies and Prosecutors
U Visa as a Crime-Fighting Tool
COPS Dispatch Article: the U Visa: An Important Tool for Community Policing
Visas Out of Hell: Women Need to Know they Exist
How Law Enforcement is Using the U Visa Practice Brief
Protecting Our Communities and Officer Safety
Prosecution Materials
Chapter 3.4: Quick Reference Guide for Prosecutors: U Visa and VAWA Confidentiality Related Case Law
Chapter 3.2: Certifying Early: When Should You Sign a U or T Visa Certification for a Victim?
VAWA Confidentiality Statutes, Legislative History and Implementing Policy (April 4, 2018)
Model Policy
Screening Tools and Collaboration
Brochure: Continued Presence & Temporary Immigration Status for Victims of Human Trafficking
Bluecard: Screening for Victims Who Qualify for Immigration Protection Relief
DHS Infographic: Protections for Immigrant Victims (January 12, 2017)
NIWAP DHS: Immigration Options for Victims of Crime — English
Immigrant and LEP Victims’ Access to the Criminal Justice System
U Visa Legal Advocacy: Overview of Effective Policies and Practices
Immigration Relief for Abused Children
Language Access
Code of Conduct for Court Interpreters — Washington State Interpreters Program
Consecutive Interpretation Exercise
Questions to Use for Crime Scene Identification of LEP
Dos and Don’ts to Help Identify LEP Persons
Laws Governing Law Enforcement Agency Provision of Language Assistance to LEP Persons
Important Tips to Remember When Using an Interpreter
NAJIT Code of Ethics and Professional Responsibilities
Sample Limited English Proficiency Guidelines from Office of Justice Programs
Steps for Obtaining Interpreters
Tips for Working Effectively with Telephone Interpreters