Oct. 20, 2018: Arlington, VA “U Visa and Special Immigrant Juvenile Status Impact on Civil Cases”

This training was a workshop that was part of the 2018 National Association of Women Judges District Four Conference. It covered the importance of correct information in immigration cases regarding immigration options, the role that state courts play in the Special Immigrant Juvenile Status adjudication process, and understanding how SIJS can promote child welfare.

Training Materials

Agenda for Training

PowerPoint for Training

Special Immigrant Juvenile Status

Special Immigrant Juvenile Status Findings in Proceedings Involving Custody and Child Support

Special Immigrant Juvenile Status Bench Book: A National Guide to Best Practices for Judges and Courts

Custody and Best Interest of the Child

Family Court Bench Card on Issues that Arise in Custody Cases Involving Immigrant Parents, Children, and Crime Victims

U Visa

U Visa Certification Toolkit for Judges

U Visa Quick Reference for Judges