“Building Legal Protections for Immigrant Survivors: Past, Present and Future,” presented at a community lecture at Northeastern University School of Law. Presented by Leslye Orloff on October 1 through 4, 2012.
PowerPoint Presentation
State-by-State Immigrant Demographics
- Percent Increase of Immigrant Population between 2001 and 2009
- Percentage of State Population That Is Foreign Born Compared to LEP and English Proficiency
- Language Spoken at Home Other than English
- Percentage of State Population That Is Foreign Born
- Immigrant Population by State Broken Down By Years Since Immigration to US
Know Your Rights
- Are You Safe At Home?
- Know Your Rights (English)
- Know Your Rights (French)
- Know Your Rights (Spanish)
- Immigrant Victim’s Rights and Protections
Immigration Benefits
- Screening and Risk Assessment Tools for Immigration
- Comparing Forms of Immigration Relief for Immigrant Victims of Crime
- Empowering Survivors: Legal Rights of Immigrant Victims of Sexual Assault
- Identifying a Trafficked/Enslaved Person
- Other Materials on U-Visas
- Other Materials on VAWA Self-Petitions
VAWA Confidentiality
- Confidentiality and Breaches of Confidentiality
- DHS Broadcast Message on New 384 Class of Admission Code
- Interim Guidance Relating to Officer Procedure Following Enactment of VAWA 2005
- Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Confidentiality Provisions at the Department of Homeland Security
- VAWA Confidentiality Fact Sheet
Enforcement: Resource and Funding Procurement
- Immigration Update: Maximizing Public Safety and Better Focusing Resources
- ICE Announces Improvements to Secure Communities Program
Prosecutorial Discretion
- Exercising Prosecutorial Discretion with Respect to Individuals Who Came to the United States as Children
- Exercising Prosecutorial Discretion Consistent with the Civil Immigration Enforcement Priorities of the Agency for the Apprehension, Detention, and Removal of Aliens
- Prosecutorial and Custody Discretion
Immigration Law Enforcement for Individual Victims and in Communities
- Secure Communities Complaints Involving State or Local Law Enforcement Agencies
- Model U Visa Certification Protocol for Law Enforcement Agencies
- Guidance Regarding the Handling of Removal Proceedings of Aliens with Pending or Approved Applications or Petitions
- Field Guidance on Enforcement Actions or Investigative Activities at or Near Sensitive Community Locations
- Letter from DHS Clarifying DHS Policies Regarding Nursing Mothers, Caregiver Parents and Detention
- Enforcement Activities at Schools, Places of Worship, or at Funerals or Other Religious Ceremonies
Family Law Issues
- Battered Immigrants and Civil Protection Orders
- Evidence List for Battered Immigrant Women Seeking Protection Orders
- Protection Orders for Immigrant Victims of Sexual Assault
- Attorney Guide to Representing Immigrant Victim Parents Who are at Risk of Detention/Deportation in Detention, or Have Been Deported
- Immigration Status and Family Court Jurisdiction
- Fact Sheet on State v. Maria L.
- Immigration Protection Screening Checklist