Dec. 13, 2023 – Annapolis, Maryland – U and T Visas for Immigrant Victims of Crime and Trafficking: Best Practices in Responding to, Investigating and Prosecuting Cases Involving Immigrant Crime Victims-including Cases of Domestic and Sexual Violence

PowerPoint Presentation

Webinar Materials

Webinar Description

Immigrant victims of crime are often reluctant to call the police for help or to participate in the criminal justice process. In cases involving domestic and sexual violence, child abuse and human trafficking, the barriers are compounded, as victims often face immigration-related abuse and threats of deportation.
This training will provide law enforcement, prosecutors, system-based advocates, and certifying agency staff with information on the U and T visa programs, including how these programs enhance victim and community safety by increasing victim participation in the justice system and ultimately holding offenders accountable.
Faculty will discuss Maryland’s laws, best practices, the benefits of early U and T visa certification for successful criminal investigations and prosecutions, the context of victim and offender dynamics, and pretrial and trial strategies to counter common defenses in cases involving immigrant victims of crime.

Officer Michael LaRiviere, Salem MA Police Dept.
Leslye Orloff, NIWAP, Director
Tara Patet, Supervising Attorney, St. Paul Attorneys’ Office

Technical Assistance

If you are a victim advocate, attorney, judge, or other professional working with an immigrant victim and you would like to receive case specific technical assistance on family law issues that arise in cases of immigrant crime victims, please call NIWAP (National Immigrant Women’s Advocacy Project) for technical assistance at (202) 274-4457 or email us at

Tools for police and prosecutors:  

Tools for victim advocates and attorneys:  

Communities of Practice: NIWAP runs several Roundtables and Communities of Practice that provide opportunities for peer-to-peer learning that meet several times a year with others from across the country working in your profession serving immigrant victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, stalking, and human trafficking. For each membership is limited to that profession. Please join and encourage others in your community to join: