CRS: Violence Against Women Act: History and Federal Funding (October 31, 2007) [pdf]
On Oct. 16, 2007, the Senate passed version HR 3093, the Commerce Justice-Science (CJS) Appropriations Act, which provided funding of $419 million for VAWA programs under DOJ compared to funding of $459 million for these programs in the House-passed bill. The Senate adopted an amendment that would provide total funding for three VAWA programs as follows: $60 million for grants to encourage arrest policies, $4 million for grants for engaging men and youth in prevention programs, and $1 million for the National Resources Center on Workplace Responses.
On Oct. 23, 2007, the Senate passed its version of HR 3043, the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services and Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act for FY2008, which would provide funding of $127 million for grants for the battered women’s shelters program and $3.20 million for the national domestic violence hotline program. The House-passed bill would provide funding of $134.73 for battered women’s shelters and $2.97 million for the national domestic violence hotline.