U Visa and Language Access [pdf]
Most people have heard the phrase, “communication is key.” This proves very true when working with victims of crime who are confronted with many physical, emotional, or psychological barriers to recovery. This workshop will discuss the U Visa, a powerful tool that assists law enforcement (LE) in effectively fighting crime and improving community safety while promoting access to justice and greater success for immigrant crime victims. This workshop will review the up-to-date information regarding new U.S. Department of Homeland Security policies to enhance the ability of LE, prosecutors, victim services agencies, and courts to protect and serve immigrant victims of gender-based crimes. Presenters will also address the importance of language access at crime scenes and during investigations, how decisions that LE make regarding interpretation impact victims, and officer and community safety. Concepts of perpetrator accountability, U Visa certifier challenges, best practices, toolkits, and resources will also be discussed.