Pierre Salame Ajami v. Veronica Tescari Solano, 6th Circuit Court of Appeals (April 19 2022) [pdf]

“Pierre Salame Ajami v. Veronica Tescari Solano” (6 th Circuit Court of Appeals) NIWAP filed an Amicus Brief in
a 6 th Circuit Court of Appeals case in which a Venezuelan mother who had been granted asylum in the United
States as a victim of domestic violence was ordered by the District Court in a Hague Convention case to return her
children who had also been granted asylum in the U.S. to their father in Venezuela. This appeal highlighted the
error of law that the District Court made in failing to consider the fact that the mother and children had been
deemed credible by DHS and granted asylum. The brief provided social science data demonstrated how the District
Court had also failed to consider the impact of trauma on testimony of domestic violence victims. NIWAP was
represented by DLA Piper and Crowell and Moring represented the victim mother in this case. (April 19, 2022)