ICE Directive 11005.3 – Using a Victim-Centered Approach with Noncitizen Crime Victims (August 10, 2021) [pdf]

Immigration and Customs Enforcement directive that lays out the history and purpose to immigration law protections for crime victims and directs ICE officials about how they are to identify and assist immigrant crime victims using a victim centered approach. States and spells out how the following policy is to be implemented by all ICE officials. ICE will exercise prosecutorial discretion in appropriate circumstances to facilitate access to justice and victim-based immigration benefits by noncitizen crime victims. To that end, absent exceptional circumstances, ICE will refrain from taking civil immigration enforcement action against known beneficiaries of victim-based immigration benefits and those known to have a pending application for such benefits. Additionally, ICE officers and agents may encounter noncitizen victims of crime who are not the beneficiary of victim-based immigration benefits and do not have pending applications for such benefits. Accordingly, in the course of their duties, ICE officers and agents must look for indicia or evidence that suggests a noncitizen is a victim of crime, such as being the beneficiary of an order of protection or being the recipient of an eligibility letter from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Trafficking in Persons.