Immigrant victims of crime are often reluctant to call the police for help or to participate in the criminal justice process. In cases involving domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, and child abuse the barriers are compounded, as victims often face immigration-related abuse and threats of deportation. This training will provide information on the U and T visa programs, including how these programs stabilize victims and improve victim and community safety by increasing victims’ justice system participation,
which enhances offender accountability. Participants will also learn prosecution best practices in the context of immigrant victim and offender dynamics, including pretrial and trial strategies to counter common defenses in cases involving immigrant victims of crime.
Training Materials for Law Enforcement and Prosecutors (February 25, 2025)
2025 Policies and Executive Orders
Memo Enforcement Actions In or Near Protected Areas (January 20, 2025)
ICE Interim Guidance: Civil Immigration Enforcement Actions In or Near Courthouses (January 2025)
Implementation of section 1367 Information Provisions Instruction (May 28, 2019)
Highlights From Training Materials for Law Enforcment and Prosecutors
Forms of Immigration Relief and Screening Tools
Know Your Rights Information
Brochure: Continued Presence & Temporary Immigration Status for Victims of Human Trafficking
Prosecutor’s Tools Enhancing Work with Immigrant Crime Victims
Relevancy of a Victim’s Immigration Status in State Criminal Court Proceedings (August 24, 2022)
Certifying Early: When Should You Sign a U or T Visa Certification for a Victim?
U and T Visas
U-Visa Checklist: “Helpfulness”
Help for Immigrant Victims of Human Trafficking
Domestic Violence and Involuntary Servitude as Human Trafficking (August 17, 2023)
VAWA Confidentiality
Decision and Order on Sanctuary’s Motion to Quash Subpoena – State v. Jun Du (September 27, 2024)
Trauma Informed Work with Immigrant Survivors
Structured Interview Questionnaires for Immigrant Cases (SIQI) (July 23, 2024)