Portland, OR (Judges) – When Federal Immigration Laws and State Family Laws Intersect: What State Family Court Judges Need to Know (October 3, 2023)


PowerPoint Presentation

NJN SJI Training Materials List (Updated September 5, 2023)

If you are a victim advocate, attorney, judge, or other professional working with an immigrant victim and you would like to receive case specific technical assistance on family law issues that arise in cases of immigrant crime victims, please call NIWAP (National Immigrant Women’s Advocacy Project) for technical assistance at (202) 274-4457 or email us at info@niwap.org.

Communities of Practice: NIWAP runs several Roundtables and Communities of Practice that provide opportunities for peer-to-peer learning that meet several times a year with others from across the country working in your profession serving immigrant victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, stalking, and human trafficking. For each membership is limited to that profession. Please join and encourage others in your community to join:

The National Immigrant Women’s Advocacy Project (NIWAP) working in partnership with the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ) on a State Justice Institute (SJI) funded project is pleased to invite you to participate in the National Judicial Network: Forum on Human Trafficking and Immigration in State Courts (“The Network”). The Network provides a forum for judges to engage in peer-to-peer learning sessions with judges from across the country, participate in webinars, communicate with other judges in a members-only confidential email group, access topic-specific publications, and attend future in-person trainings on issues that arise in state courts involving human trafficking and immigrant victims. The Network Forums are intended to help judges learn more about these complicated issues and, consequently, improve access to justice for human trafficking and immigrant victims of domestic violence, child abuse, sexual assault, and other crimes.

If you are a judge, tribal judge, magistrate, commissioner, or other judicial officer and you are interested in joining The Network, please register here.