Webinar: Offender-Focused Prosecutions and Criminal Investigations in Cases of Immigrant Victims of Domestic and Sexual Violence (December 8, 2023)

PowerPoint Presentation

Offender-Focused Investigations of DV & SA involving Immigrant Victims – Spanish (December 8, 2023)


We will discuss how law enforcement and prosecutors can work together to prosecute offender-focused criminal cases that keep the attention of the court and the jury on the offender and how the offender targeted a vulnerable victim due to immigrant status and limited English proficiency. Strategies for Voir
Dire, opening and closing statements, witness preparation, and pre-trail motions that familiarize the court with the prosecution’s case and secure favorable pretrial rulings will be discussed.


  • Jane Anderson, Senior Attorney Director, AEquitas
  • Michael LaRivere, Investigator, Salem, MA Police Department

If you are a victim advocate, attorney, judge, or other professional working with an immigrant victim and you would like to receive case specific technical assistance on family law issues that arise in cases of immigrant crime victims, please call NIWAP for technical assistance at (202) 274-4457 or email us at info@niwap.org

Supplementary Materials for Webinar

Training Materials

Communities of Practice

NIWAP runs several Roundtables and Communities of Practice that provide opportunities for peer-to-peer learning by meeting virtually several times a year with others from across the country working in your profession and serving immigrant victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, stalking, and human trafficking. For each, membership is limited to that profession. Please join and encourage others in your community to join:


SPARC Resources

More Information on Immigration Protections for Immigrant Crime Victims

Immigrant Survivor Prosecutor Resources and Materials

U and T Visas

U Visa as a Crime-Fighting Tool

Dynamics of Domestic Violence Experienced by Immigrant Survivors

Glossary of Terms

**If you have difficulty accessing this publication please contact for assistance NIWAP at (202) 274-4457 or info@niwap.org