*Civil Protection Order Webinars For Judges, Court Staff, Attorneys and Victim Advocates – National Judicial Network (2023 & 2024)

Creative Civil Protection Order Remedies That Holistically Address Victim’s Safety and Cultural Needs (December 3, 2024)

PowerPoint Presentation for Creative Civil Protection Order Remedies

Webinar Description

In this national webinar, faculty will discuss the importance of protection orders and the remedies that most effectively protect immigrant victims and their children, as well as the role that no unlawful contact protection orders play for immigrant victims. Faculty will address these issues with a culturally sensitive lens by discussing factors such as the victim’s cultural, religious, immigration-related, financial, and other needs through creative protection order remedies. The presentation will also include protection order remedies that interfere with the levers of power and control being employed by the perpetrator against the victim. This webinar will be recorded and made available for viewing after the session.


  • Hon. Rosemary Collins (Ret.), 17th Judicial Circuit Court, Winnebago County, Illinois (Sep. 17)
  • Hon. Susan Maven (Ret.), New Jersey Superior Court, Family Division, Juvenile Human Trafficking Diversion Program
  • Leslye E. Orloff, Adjunct Professor and Director, NIWAP, American University Washington College of Law

Effective Protection Orders for Immigrant Survivors (August 17, 2023)

PowerPoint Presentation for Effective Protection Orders for Immigrant Survivors

Webinar Description

With support from trained victim advocates and attorneys, immigrant survivors are willing and able to successfully seek and obtain civil protection orders from state courts. Well-drafted protection orders play a crucial role in helping deter ongoing violence and abuse suffered by immigrant survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, child abuse, and human trafficking, including those still living with, working for, or in the process of leaving their abusers. All immigrants are eligible to receive civil protection orders and issuance has no effect on immigration status. Attorneys, advocates, judges, and other professionals working with immigrant victims need legally accurate information about the special issues that arise at the intersection of state civil protection order and federal immigration laws. Join Hon. Lora Livingston, Hon. RosemaryCollins (Ret.), and Leslye E. Orloff for a discussion on how to use catchall provisions in state laws to issue protection orders that more effectively protect immigrant victims and their children. This national webinar will also address custody awards, U Visa certification, Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS) findings, protection order enforcement, and best practices for drafting court orders in protection proceedings.


  • Hon. Lora Livingston (Ret.), Senior Judge, State of Texas, Austin, Texas 
  • Hon. Rosemary Collins (Ret.), Circuit CourtJudge, 17th District Circuit Court,Winnebago County
  • Leslye E. Orloff, Director, National Immigrant Women’s Advocacy Project (NIWAP), American University WashingtonCollege of Law 

Full List of Protection Order Materials

Selected Materials

Bench Book and Manual Chapters and Articles

Protection Order Remedies, Creative Remedies, and Findings

Protection Orders: Statutes, Case Law, Enforcement, and Full Faith and Credit

Special Immigrant Juvenile Status Judicial Determinations In Protection Order Proceedings

Custody in Protection Order Cases

Protection Orders and Immigration Status

Immigrants, Protections Orders and Jurisdiction

Research – Immigrant Victims and Protection Orders

U and T Visa Certification By Judges In Protection Order Cases

Toolkits, Bench Cards, Fact Sheets

Public Benefits Access for Immigrant Victims

Resources on Stalking


Civil Protection Orders