National Judicial Network Peer-to-Peer Session – State Protection Orders: A Civil Remedy for Victims of Human Trafficking (March 4, 2025)

PowerPoint Presentation

State Laws on Civil Protection Orders for Victims of Human Trafficking (December 31, 2024)

Access to Civil Protection Orders for Victims of Human Trafficking: State-By-State CPO Tables (December 31, 2024)

Types of Civil Protection Orders Available by State Chart (December 31, 2024)

Civil Protection Order Webinars For Judges, Court Staff, Attorneys and Victim Advocates – National Judicial Network (2023 & 2024)

Protection Orders Webinar Materials List (January 18, 2025)


What has been learned from over 50 years of experience working with civil protection orders (CPOs) for victims of domestic violence, is that CPOs provide an important justice system option that is independent of the criminal justice system. This peer-to-peer forum helps judges better identify the full range of civil protection order options available in each state for victims of human trafficking. In this session, faculty rolls out NIWAP’s fifty-six jurisdiction review of how protection orders can help adult and child victims of both sex and labor trafficking in states across the country.


  • Hon. Chanpone Sinlapasai, Circuit Court Judge Multnomah County Circuit Court, Portland, OR
  • Hon. Mary Weir, Associate Circuit Judge, Div. 31, Sixteenth Judicial Circuit Court of Missouri 
  • Leslye E. Orloff, Director, NIWAP, American University Washington College of Law
  • Nupur Chandna, Policy Fellow, NIWAP, American University Washington College of Law