Conference on Crimes Against Women (CCAW) Dallas, Texas (May 22-25, 2023)

Violence Against Immigrant Women Workshops

Description: The Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) hosted the 2023 Conference on Crimes Against Women and provided Law enforcement training on U Visa & Language Access to increase Immigrant victim safety and participation in the justice system.

Training Materials

NIWAP’s Technical Assistance for Law Enforcement, Prosecutors, and Systems-Based Victim Advocates

Forms of Immigration Relief and Screening Tools

Know Your Rights Information

Department of Homeland Security Publications

Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), U Visa and T Visa Legislative History

U and T Visas



U Visa as a Crime-Fighting Tool

State U and T Visa Certification Laws

Prosecutor’s Tools Enhancing Work with Immigrant Crime Victims

Language Access

Language Access Resources for Law Enforcement and Prosecutors from Technical Assistance Providers

Tools for Victim Advocates (Systems-Based and NGO)


VAWA Self-Petition

VAWA Confidentiality

For Systems-Based Victim Advocates – Public Benefits Eligibility for Immigrant Victims

Dynamics of Domestic and Sexual Violence Experienced by Immigrant Survivors

Research on Immigrant Survivors and the Benefits of Applying for Immigration Relief

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