Judiciary of Hawaii and Center for Justice Innovation Webinar: Immigration Issues in Family Court (January 12, 2024)

PowerPoint Presentation

State Justice Institute (SJI) and National Judicial Network Training Materials (Last Updated April 30, 2024)



This course will provide a more in-depth discussion of what Hawaii judges need to know to fairly adjudicate family court cases that involve noncitizen litigants, parents and children applying legally accurate information about immigration law. Faculty will provide an overview of the most common immigration law related issues that arise in family court cases and will discuss how acceding legally correct immigration law information helps judges improve just and fair outcomes for litigants, crime victims, and children.  Topics to be covered include what family court judges need to know about immigration law issue when hearing custody, protection order, divorce, child support and child welfare cases and ruling on discovery motions in a manner that is consistent with federal Violence Against Women Act confidentiality laws. Attendees receive up-to-date training material, resources and tools that judges and courts can turn to as issues arise. Participants will also learn about judge-to-judge technical assistance available on the intersection of federal immigration laws and state family laws.

Research on the Effectiveness of Protection Orders for Domestic Violence Victims

Final report to the National Institutes of Justice on a grant documenting the use and outcomes of civil protection orders by battered immigrant women. (November 10, 2006).

Battered Immigrant Women in the United States and Protection Orders: An Exploratory Research (August 1, 2012)

Immigrant Victims of Interpersonal Violence and Protection Orders (2020)

National Center for State Courts Article On How Courts Build Trust With Immigrant Victims

Promoting Access to Justice for Immigrant Crime Victims and Children: Findings of a National Judicial Survey and Policy Recommendations (2018)

Protection Orders Webinar Materials List (February 24, 2024)

NCSC White Paper: Improving the Courts’ Capacity to Serve Limited English Proficient Persons Seeking Protection Orders

Bench Card and Creative Remedies

Immigrants and Protection Orders Bench Card (March 30, 2019)

Creative Methods in Protecting Battered Immigrants

Immigration Law Definition of Domestic Violence

Battering or Extreme Cruelty: Drawing Examples from Civil Protection Order and Family Law Cases (September 12, 2015)

Training Manual Chapters on Protection Orders and Immigrant Victims

Chapter 05.1: Battered Immigrants and Civil Protection Orders

Protection Orders for Immigrant Victims of Sexual Assault (2013)