Law Enforcement, Prosecutor and T and U Visa Certifier Training Materials

Most of the documents in this section and the trainings provided to law enforcement and prosecutors listed at the end of this section were supported by grants from the Office on Violence Against Women, The Bureau of Justice Assistance and/or the Training and Technical Assistance Center of the Office of Victims of Crime of the U.S. Department of Justice.  This page also contains training materials and resources for law enforcement officers, prosecutors and other professionals working to help immigrant victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, stalking, human trafficking and many other crimes.  NOTE: Power points for recent trainings are posted at in the last section below.

U-Visa Toolkit for Law Enforcement Agencies and Prosecutors

Offering Training and Technical Assistance to Law Enforcement and Prosecutors on U Visa Certification and T Visa Declarations

DHS Training Materials for Law Enforcement and DHS Crime Victim Policies

U-Visa Certification Forms

Webinars and Podcasts

How the U-Visa Helps Law Enforcement

Law Enforcement Publications, Research and News Articles

Protocols and Policies

Screening tools, U Visa Flow Chart, Glossary and Training Tools

Hypothetical Case Scenarios for Trainings

Providing Language Access at Crime Scene Investigations

Power Point Presentations From Recent Law Enforcement and Prosecution Trainings