[pdf] Webinar Immigrant Child Victim (June 20, 2019) (+)

This Powerpoint corresponds to the webinar “When Child Victims are Immigrants: The Judge’s Role” on June 20, 2019. The presentation identifies forms of immigration relief available to provide protections to child abuse and neglect victims and their non-abuser parents. The workshop addresses judges and how to issue orders that are in the best interests of […]

June 5, 2019: Portland, Oregon “Access to Justice for All Victims: Language Access and Meaningful Collaborations”

Powerpoint Slides If you are a victim advocate, attorney, judge, or other professional working with an immigrant victim and you would like to receive case specific technical assistance on family law issues that arise in cases of immigrant crime victims, please call NIWAP for technical assistance.  (202) 274-4457 or email us at info@niwap.org.  To receive […]

May 14, 2019: “Part 2: Special Immigrant Juvenile Status – Best Practices of Drafting Findings” (Webinar)

This webinar addresses best practices for issuing SIJS findings for immigrant children who have been abused, abandoned or neglected by at least one of the child’s parents, and it focuses specifically on emerging issues and recommendations for what courts should include in well-written SIJS findings. Also see our full library of SJI supported materials for […]

April 25, 2019: Biloxi, MS “Immigration Protections for Immigrant Victims of Child Abuse, Family and Sexual Violence: Role of State Court Judges”

This workshop was part of the Mississippi Trial and Appellate Judges Spring Conference. It included an overview of U.S. immigration law protections for immigrant victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking, and child abuse, neglect, or abandonment. The workshop discussed the role Congress created for state court judges as part of federal immigration laws. Presentation […]

April 24, 2019: San Diego, CA “Best Practices for Working with Immigrant Crime Victims”

“Best Practices for Working with Immigrant Crime Victims” April 24, 2019 Powerpoint Presentation Link: https://niwaplibrary.wcl.american.edu/pubs/best-practices-for-working-with-immigrant-crime-victims Know Your Rights Information DHS Interactive Infographic on Protections for Immigrant Victims Link: https://niwaplibrary.wcl.american.edu/pubs/dhs-protections1-6-links-121516 DHS Brochure: Immigration Options for Victims of Crime Link: https://niwaplibrary.wcl.american.edu/pubs/imm-options-victims-of-crimes Multilingual Materials for Victims and Advocates Link: https://niwaplibrary.wcl.american.edu/topic/multilingual-materials-language/ Pathways to Immigration Relief for Students Link: https://niwaplibrary.wcl.american.edu/pubs/screening-students-for-immigraiton-protections/ Information […]

April 18, 2019: “Public Benefits and Services Legally Available to Immigrant Children and Victims – What Courts Need to Know” (Webinar)

PowerPoint Presentation Public Benefits Interactive Maps and State Charts Interactive Public Benefits Map All State Public Benefits Charts Legal Rights Overviews and Brochures Multilingual Materials for Victims and Advocates DHS Infographic: Protection for Immigrant Victims (January 12, 2017) Immigration Options for Victims of Crime – DHS Brochure Information on the Legal Rights Available to Immigrant […]

Apr 11, 2019: College Park, MD “Serving Victims of Special Populations”

This panel was presented at the 2019 Maryland Crime Victims’ Rights Conference and provided participants with better practices to provide services to assist and serve underserved victims of crime. The panel covered various topics that include victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking, child abuse, and non-English speaking victims. We have included materials from […]

April 5-6, 2019: New Orleans, LA “Judicial Training Network Multi-State Training”

This multi-state Judicial Training Network training took place April 5-6, 2019 in New Orleans, Louisiana. Workshops covered the topics of SIJS, U-Visas, custody, protection orders, and public benefits and services. PowerPoints and Training Materials New Orleans 2019 Multi-State Agenda Faculty Bios Kellogg Trainings and Publication Data Infographic Training Orientation PowerPoint SIJS Presentation PowerPoint VAWA Confidentiality […]

March​ ​18-19,​ ​2019:​ ​Las Vegas, NV​ ​”National Conference of Juvenile and Family Court Judges Annual Conference” (SJI and Judicial Training Network)

The following are the training materials from two workshops conducted at the National Conference of Juvenile and Family Court Judges Annual “Special Immigrant Juvenile Status: Latest Tips, Tools, Bench Book and Best Practices for Judges” and “At-Risk Youth Caught in the Vortex: The intersection Between Human Trafficking, Immigration Policies, and Trauma-informed Services for Commercially Sexually Exploited […]

March 15, 2019: “Judicial Training Network” Orlando, FL

The training focused on VAWA Confidentiality, U and T visa certification, civip protection orders, economic relief, immigration relief and judicial training network specifically in Florida. Law Enforcement Training Materials Training Agenda Judicial Training Network Overview Impact of Immigration on Family Law FL Immigration Relief for Crime Victims SIJS FL JNT Project Implementation FL VAWA Confidentiality […]

Jan. 30, 2019: Orlando, FL “OVW Improving Criminal Justice Responses Grant Program Orientation”

These workshops were part of the “OVW Improving Criminal Justice Responses Grant Program Orientation” presented in Orlando, FL on January 30, 2019.  The workshops covered the topics of “Immigrant Crime Victims and the U Visa: Law Enforcement Best Practices Technical Assistance Overview” and “U Visa: Prosecutors Best Practices For Serving Immigrant Domestic and Sexual Violence Victims”. […]

Nov. 30, 2018: U Visa Certifications and Special Immigrant Juvenile Status: The Judge’s Role (Webinar)

Webinar U Visa Certifications and Special Immigrant Juvenile Status: The Judge’s Role[1] November 30, 2018 Also see our full library of State Justice Institute supported materials for courts at www.niwap.org/go/sji  To receive updates, sign up for NIWAP’s outreach list. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Z6373LX  You can elect NIWAP’s general outreach list to receive notices of trainings, webinars, new materials, […]

November 15, 2018: “Custody for Abused Immigrants: Tips, Tools and Best Practices” (Webinar)

Parents have a constitutional right in the care and custody of their children without regard to the parent’s or the child’s immigration status. Despite this, perpetrators of domestic and sexual violence against immigrant victims with whom they share children, commonly raise immigration status related issues in custody litigation. Abusers often provide the court with legally […]

Oct. 26, 2018: Jackson MS “Mississippi Trial and Appellate Judges Conference (Judicial Training Network)”

SJI and Judicial Training Network Training Materials[1] Mississippi Trial and Appellate Judges Conference Jackson, Mississippi October 26, 2018 Also see our full library of SJI supported materials for courts at www.niwap.org/go/sji   To receive updates, sign up for NIWAP’s outreach list. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Z6373LX You can elect NIWAP’s general outreach list to receive notices of trainings, webinars, […]

Oct. 23, 2018: “Trauma-Informed Webinar Series: Trauma-Informed Legal Advocacy” (Webinar)

This webinar was part of a series of webinars on trauma-informed approaches to helping immigrant victims of crime. Training Materials PowerPoint for Training Immigrant Sexual Assault Victims’ Legal Rights SART Toolkit – Immigrants Victims of Sexual Assault U Visa Toolkit for Law Enforcement Agencies and Prosecutors (March 2018) Evidence Checklist for Immigrant Victims Applying for […]

Oct. 20, 2018: Arlington, VA “U Visa and Special Immigrant Juvenile Status Impact on Civil Cases”

This training was a workshop that was part of the 2018 National Association of Women Judges District Four Conference. It covered the importance of correct information in immigration cases regarding immigration options, the role that state courts play in the Special Immigrant Juvenile Status adjudication process, and understanding how SIJS can promote child welfare. Training […]

Oct. 12, 2018: Washington, DC “Immigration – Domestic Violence Effects on Victims and Perpetrators” D.C. Superior Court

This workshop is part of the Family Court of the District of Columbia Superior Court Sixteenth Annual Interdisciplinary Conference. Panelists: Victoria Hernandez, J.D., Staff Attorney – Domestic Violence/Family Law Unit, Ayuda Cynthia Henning, J.D., Direct Representation Attorney– Kids in Need of Defense (KIND) Cecelia Freidman Levin, J.D., Senior Policy Counsel – ASISTA Leslye E. Orloss, […]

October 4, 2018: Plymouth, MI “VAWA Confidentiality & the Courts” and “Economic Relief & Public Benefits Under VAWA” at the Family Division Summit

SJI and Judicial Training Network Training Materials[1] Presented at the Family Division Summit Plymouth – Michigan October 04, 2018 Also see our full library of SJI supported materials for courts at www.niwap.org/go/sji   To receive updates, sign up for NIWAP’s outreach list. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Z6373LX You can elect NIWAP’s general outreach list to receive notices of trainings, […]

September 2018: Judicial Training Network: (September 21, 2018, New Orleans, LA and March 15, 2019, Orlando, FL)

Judicial Training Network Training Materials[1]   Judicial Training Network New Orleans, Louisiana – September 21, 2018 Orlando, Florida – March 15, 2019 Also see our full library of SJI supported materials for courts at https://niwaplibrary.wcl.american.edu/sji-materials  To receive updates, sign up for NIWAP’s outreach list. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Z6373LX You can elect NIWAP’s general outreach list to receive notices of […]

Sep. 11-12, 2018: Des Moines, IA, Iowa Victim Justice Symposium

These two workshops were part of the Iowa Victim Justice Symposium. The first, “Everything Law Enforcement Needs to Know about Forms of Immigration Relief” covers immigration relief options under the Violence Against Women Act and how to use the U visa as a crime fighting tool. The second workshop, titled, “Best Practice when Working with […]

Sep. 5, 2018: Orlando, FL “Best Practices when Working with Immigrant Crime Victims”

This workshop was part of the 2018 National Training Institute from the National Center for Victims of Crime. It covers the dynamics of working with immigrant crime victims, options for immigration relief, strategies for cases involving immigrant victims of crime, and language access best practices. Training Materials PowerPoint for Training U and T Visas DHS […]

Aug. 29-30, 2018: Denver, CO “Law Enforcement and Prosecution Best Practices: Immigrant Crime Victims, Language Access and the U Visa”

This training covers the best practices for law enforcement and prosecution in situations with immigrant crime victims. Training Materials PowerPoint Presentation for Training U and T Visas DHS Victims Policy, Guidance, and Legal Memoranda DHS U and T Visa Law Enforcement Resource Guide DHS Policy Answers to Law Enforcement Reasons for Not Certifying Glossary of […]