July 24, 2017 – California Rural Legal Assistance Training: “Immigrant Access to Federally Assisted Housing”

This presentation was part of an annual training for the California Rural Legal Assistance Training. Karlo Ng from the National Housing Law Project co-presented this workshop with NIWAP’s director, Leslye Orloff. This workshop focused on: Section 214 Housing VAWA self-petitioners’s eligibility Eligibility of T visa victims Limited options for U visa victims Transitional housing and […]

July 17, 2017: Washington, D.C. “Unaccompanied Minors and Immigration”

This session was presented at the 80th annual National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ) Conference. This conference featured presentations on topics that discussed issues facing the family court and juvenile justice system. Training Materials PowerPoint Presentation for Training Full Library of SJI Supported Materials for Courts Immigration Relief for Children and Crime […]

February 22, 2017: Immigrant Access to Federally Assisted Housing (Webinar and Materials)

The National Immigrant Women’s Advocacy Project (NIWAP) and the National Housing Law Project co-presented this webinar on the legal rights of immigrant survivors to access federally funded housing.  For many survivors of domestic and sexual violence, the ability to secure decent, safe, and affordable housing is critical to long-term survival. Yet, immigrant survivors of domestic […]

June 22, 2017 “Enhancing Safety for Immigrant Survivors: Immigration Relief, Custody, Public Benefits and Family Law Protections” Providence RI

This training was held in Providence, Rhode Island on June 22, 2017. It covered a range of issues important to immigrant survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault’s legal rights including for their children. Topics included: Dynamics of DV and SA experienced by immigrant victims Immigration relief and protection from deportation for immigrant crime victims […]

June 20, 2017 “Enhancing Safety for Immigrant Survivors: Legal Rights to Immigration, Public Benefits and Family Law Protections”

This was part of a training conducted at Kansas Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence. Presentation Slides Kansas State Benefits Chart Materials Lists: VAWA Confidentiality Protections Training Materials Public Benefits Training Materials Law Enforcement Training Materials Immigration Relief for Immigrant Crime Victims and Immigrant Children: Training Materials Family Law Protections Training Materials   Materials related […]

May 11-12, 2017: “2017 Crime Victim Law Conference Plenary” Seattle Washington

Plenary Description: For over two decades since passage of the Violence Against Women Act in 1994 protections available to immigrant survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and other crimes in the U.S. under immigration, public benefits, and family laws have expanded dramatically. In 2017, immigrant survivors need assistance from trained victim advocates, attorneys and justice […]

April 28, 2017: “DC Superior Court Quarterly Training: Protection of Immigrant Crime Victims” (Webinar)

  Presentation Presentation Slides Immigration: VAWA, T Visas, U Visas, Prosecutorial Discretion: Bench Card: Overview of Types of Immigration Status- https://niwaplibrary.wcl.american.edu/reference/additional-materials/materials-for-adjudicators-and-judges/tools-for-courts/immigration-law/Imm-Status-Overview-Bench-Card.pdf Family Court Bench Card on Immigration Rights of Battered Spouses, Children and Immigrant Crime Victims https://niwaplibrary.wcl.american.edu/reference/additional-materials/materials-for-adjudicators-and-judges/tools-for-courts/immigration-law/Immigration-Rights-Bench-Card.pdf/view Immigration Options for Victims of Crime -DHS Brochure https://niwaplibrary.wcl.american.edu/cultural-competency/multilingual-materials-for-victims/dhs-immigration-options-for-crime-victims/DHS%20Flier%20Immigration%20Options%20for%20Victims%20of%20Crimes-Niwap%20draft.pdf Language Access DOJ Letter to State Chief Justices and […]

April 11, 2017: Albuquerque, NM “U Visa Certifications: Helpful Tools for Prosecuting Violence and Sexual Assault Cases”

This workshop was part of the 2017 New Mexico District Attorney’s Association Conference. The training included information about the range of misdemeanor and felony crimes for which immigrant victims can receive U visa protection and the benefits of early U visa certification. An array of issues particular to prosecutions of cases involving immigrant crime victims […]

March 29,2017: Maryland State Bar Association Conference Family Law University Seminar

Immigration: VAWA, T Visas, U Visas • Bench Card: Overview of Types of Immigration Status  • Family Court Bench Card on Immigration Rights of Battered Spouses, Children and Immigrant Crime Victims (Print) • U Visa Certification Tool Kit for Federal, State, and Local Judges, Commissioners, and Magistrates  • Immigration Options for Victims of Crime -DHS Brochure […]

March 17, 2017: Honolulu, HI “Best Practices: Immigrant Crime Victims, Language Access and the U and T Visa”

The law enforcement training covered the best practices and recommendations based on Department of Homeland Security (DHS) regulations, policies and training materials on U and T visa certification and included a discussion of the benefits for law enforcement and prosecutors in following DHS’s recommendations for certification early in the case including in cases that are […]

March 15, 2017: Honolulu, HI “Building a Safety Net for Immigrant Victims: Eligibility for Public Benefits, Housing, Confidentiality and More”

This training provided an overview of public benefits eligibility for immigrant crime victims and children, explaining access to subsidized health care, TANF, housing, food stamps, and other public benefits for victims with varying immigration statuses (e.g. VAWA self-petitioners, U-Visa, T-Visa, SIJS, and DACA). Training Materials PowerPoint Presentation for Training Hawaii State Benefits Chart Interactive Public […]

March 7, 2017: Albuquerque, NM “Advocacy in Action 2017: Promoting Immigrant Victim and Detective Safety Through Best Practices: Language Access and Crime Victims Visas”

A team of law enforcement and victim advocate faculty provided participants with information about immigration relief and protections from deportation created by Congress and DHS to identify, protect, and assist immigrant crime victims. The training educated law enforcement, prosecutors, and other victim service providers about their roles in providing services to immigrant crime victims, including best […]

February 24, 2017: “Enhanced Safety Planning for Immigrant Survivors of Domestic and Sexual Violence” (Webinar)

Abusers often use the threat of immigration enforcement as a way to maintain power and control and to make victims less likely to seek protection. For this reason, it is important for advocates to understand how to: help immigrant survivors become aware of their rights; identify special immigration remedies for victims, including special VAWA provisions around confidentiality; and how to prepare […]

February 14, 2017: National Council of Juvenile Family Court Judges 2017 National Conference on Juvenile Justice

This workshop provides judges and court staff with authoritative information on the role of state court judges in cases involving immigrant children. The specific roles state court judges play “Special Immigrant Juvenile Status” and U-visa cases were discussed as was how these and other protections from deportation can be important in state family and juvenile […]

April 23, 2014:Training For Advocates and Attorneys on Trauma Informed Work With Immigrant Women

Hands On Training for Advocates and Attorneys on Trauma-Informed Work With Immigrant Women Who Are Survivors of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault.   Published on Apr 23, 2014 Table of Contents: Scenario 1: Avoidant / Minimizing Coercive Control – 6:23 Scenario 2: Patterns of Trauma / Traumatized Client – 28:37 Scenario 3: Anxious Client – […]

December 12-16, 2016: New Orleans, LA: “OVW Grantee Training: Addressing Culture: Systemic Responses to Underserved Immigrant Populations”

All materials on this page were presented as part of our December 2016 conference: “Addressing Culture: Systematic Responses to Underserved Immigrant Populations.” Documents are listed under the workshop or plenary with which they are associated. Training Materials Agenda for Conference Opening Plenary: How to Use Culture, Religion and the Law for Survivor Safety and Justice Opening […]

October 7, 2016 – 2016 Kellogg Fellows Leadership Alliance Conference Materials

Presentation: Building a Community of Practice: Creating a Culture of Social Equity for Immigrant Women and Children   Additional Materials: Herstory: Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Public Policy Timeline Highlighting Accomplishments on Behalf of Immigrants and Women of Color Collecting Stories to Illustrate the Need for Proposed Reforms to Aid Immigrant Victims Understanding and Participating […]

September 21, 2016: Philadelphia, PA “Improving Officer and Survivor Safety by Ensuring Language Access at Crime Scenes”

This was a training for law enforcement officials on U visa certification and language access for immigrant crime victims. It was presented as part of The National Center for Victims of Crime’s annual conference. Training Materials PowerPoint Presentation for Training Manual: Training Manual for Law Enforcement and Prosecutors  Training manual for law enforcement and prosecutors […]

August 2016: Materials for 2016 IVAT Conference

Training Materials: IVAT 2016 August 29-30, 2016 Presentations Issues of Risk Assessment and Identification of Adult Victimization – Immigrant Victims Promoting Safety Through Successful Family Court Outcomes When Family and Immigration Laws Intersect Dynamics of Domestic and Sexual Violence Experienced by Immigrant Victims CH 1.1 Dynamics of Domestic Violence Experienced by Immigrant Victims CH 1 Dynamics of […]

July 8, 2016: Washington, DC “Barriers to Accessing Services: Trauma Informed Approach to Serving Survivors of Domestic Abuse”

This training was held as part of the national symposium “Hope, Help, and Healing: A Catholic Response to Domestic Violence and Abuse” at The Catholic University of America in Washington, DC. Training Materials PowerPoint Presentation for Training Advocate’s and Attorney’s Tool for Developing a Survivor’s Story: Trauma Informed Approach Trauma Informed Structured Interview Questionnaires (SIQI) […]

June 25, 2016: Minneapolis, MN “Nuts and Bolts of U Visa for Undocumented Victims of Crime: A Case Study”

This training was presented at the National Sheriff’s Association (NSA) conference and covered the basics of the U Visa. Training Materials PowerPoint Presentation for Training [Recording] Blue Campaign: Law Enforcement Discussion of Immigration Relief April, 2013 Part I [Recording] Blue Campaign: Law Enforcement Discussion of Immigration Relief April, 2013 Part II U Visa Toolkit for […]

[pdf] Using the Law to Empower Victims (+)

Overview of VAWA, T and U visa immigration options for immigrant victims of domestic vioelnce and sexual assault. Discussion of DHS policies on humanitarian release from detention and 8.20.10 policy not detain and dismiss immigration cases against immigrants with valid cases filed for immigration relief including VAWA, T and U visa applicants.

[pdf] Violence Against Women Act: Current Protections and Future Possibilities for Immigrant Victims of Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence (+)

Sponsored by Peace Over Violence, Los Angeles, CA. Topics Covered: History and purpose of the Violence Against Women Act’s immigration protections, safety planning and deportation, services open to undocumented victims, legal rights of immigrant victims of sexual assault and domestic violence, VAWA confidentiality, how immigrant women will benefit from Comprehensive Immigration Reform and the International Violence Against Women Act.

May 6, 2016: “Advocates’ Introduction to Gender-Based Asylum for Survivors of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault” (Webinar)

This webinar was presented by the National Immigrant Women’s Advocacy Project (NIWAP)  in partnership with Tahirih Justice Center, American Gateways and California Coalition Against Sexual Assault (CALCASA). Training Materials Powerpoint Presentation for Training Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Survivors and Gender-Based Asylum Legal Service Corporation: Program Letter 14-3 Trauma Informed Structured Interview Questionnaires for Immigration Cases […]

March 30-31, 2016: Akron & Youngstown, OH “Expanding Legal Representation of Immigrant Survivors in Immigration and Family Law”

This workshop was presented at Community Legal Aid’s Akron, OH office on March 30, 2016 and a keynote address titled “Helping Sexual Assault and Human Trafficking Victims: Holding their Abusers Accountable” at Youngstown State University on March 31, 2016. PowerPoint Presentations Slides from “Expanding Legal Representation of Immigrant Survivors in Immigration and Family Law” (March 30, […]

March 17, 2016: Albuquerque, NM “Keynote:Best Practices and Collaborations That Promote Safety for Immigrant Crime Victims” and “Workshop: Immigrant Survivors Legal Rights, Options and Opportunities Under Family Law and Public Benefits Laws”

This keynote address will discuss the dynamics of domestic and sexual violence and child abuse experienced by immigrant adults and children and the important role of language access in serving limited English proficient victims.  An overview of immigration relief available to immigrant victims and current and newly released Department of Homeland Security (DHS) policies and […]

[pdf] New Mexico Workshop: Immigrant Survivors Legal Rights, Options and Opportunities Under Family and Public Benefits Laws (+)

This workshop discusses the range of issues that arise in family court cases involving immigrant survivors and immigrant children and best practices for helping immigrant survivors involved in family court cases. Custody, protection orders, child support, spousal support, U visa certification by judges and special immigration remedies for immigrant children (Special Immigrant Juvenile Status and Access to healthcare, housing, and public benefits for immigrant domestic and sexual violence victims and children who suffer child abuse, abandonment or neglect vary by the type of immigration case the victim pursues, the state in which the victim lives and the benefit being sought. This workshop provides an overview of the range of publicly funded assistance available to undocumented immigrant victims and children and will discuss how when victims file for immigration benefits, over time their access to state and federally funded public benefits increases. The workshop will cover TANF, healthcare, housing, student grants and loans, child care, food stamps (SNAP), driver’s licenses and assistance with heating.

[pdf] Keynote: Best Practices and Collaborations That Promote Safety for Immigrant Crime Victims (+)

Presentation delivered as the Keynote at the Advocacy in Action Conference.

This keynote address discusses the dynamics of domestic and sexual violence and child abuse experienced by immigrant adults and children and the important role of language access in serving limited English proficient victims. An overview of immigration relief available to immigrant victims and current and newly released Department of Homeland Security (DHS) policies and priorities regarding crime victim protection will be highlighted. These policies affect best practices for safety planning in work with immigrant survivors and impact case planning in victims’ family court cases. The presentation concludes with a discussion of what evidence based research tells us about best practices and successful victim advocate, attorney, law enforcement collaborations that result in offering effective life-saving assistance to immigrant survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse and human trafficking.

February 7, 2016: National Sheriffs Association Washington, DC

This workshop was presented by Leslye E. Orloff and Officer Michael LaRiviere at the National Sheriff’s Association Winter conference in Washington, D.C. The workshop aims to enhance officer, victim, and community safety using language access and certification programs including the U and T Visas. PowerPoint Presentation U Visa LEP Training for LE and Prosecutors NSA Winter […]

December 8, 2015: York, PA “Overview of Federal and State Public Benefits: Access For Immigrant Survivors and Their Children”

This training, presented by Leslye E. Orloff and Benish Anver, was presented in partnership with the Pennsylvania Immigration Resource Center. PowerPoint Presentation Overview of Federal and State Public Benefits: Access For Immigrant Survivors and Their Children Materials Access to State Funded Public Benefits in Pennsylvania Based on Immigration Status NIWAP Public Benefits Materials Immigration: Comparing Forms […]

November 23, 2015: “ABC’s of Language Access Advocacy” (Webinar)

Effective communication with limited English proficient (LEP) survivors requires that programs federally conducted and/or government funded have language assistance services in place. This webinar will explain Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 obligations of recipients of federal funding, including legal services and victim assistance programs. Faculty will provide information and resources on […]

Oct. 28, 2015: DuPage County, IL “Best Practices That Promote Safety and Holistic Assistance for Immigrant and Refugee Survivors”

PowerPoint Presentation Best Practices That Promote Safety and Holistic Assistance for Immigrant and Refugee Survivors Materials Language Access and Dynamics Translation Requirements for Vital Documents, Intake, and Notice of LEP Assistance for DOJ and HHS Grantees Serving Immigrant Crime Victims Dynamics of Domestic Violence Experienced by Immigrant Victims Dynamics of Sexual Assault and the Implications […]

September 29, 2015: “Language Access at Crime Scenes: Improve Successful Criminal Investigations and Prosecutions” (Webinar)

This webinar addresses language access at crime scenes and how decisions law enforcement make regarding interpretation at the initial crime scene can impact the case long-term. Participants consider issues to be aware of when communicating with limited English proficient (LEP) individuals when securing the scene and best practices for communication using qualified interpreters during crime […]

September 11, 2015: Seattle, WA “Keynote: Best Practices That Promote Safety and Holistic Assistance for Immigrant and Refugee Survivor”

Seattle Domestic Violence Symposium Concurrent Keynote: Best Practices That Promote Safety and Holistic Assistance for Immigrant and Refugee Survivors | Leslye E. Orloff (September 11, 2015) Programs Open to Immigrant Victims and All Immigrants without Regard to Immigration Status Access to Publicly Funded Legal Services for Battered Immigrants Interviewing and Safety Planning for Immigrant Victims […]

Sep. 9, 2015: Anaheim, CA “Law Enforcement’s Tool to Strengthen Community Policing”

This workshop was presented by Leslye E. Orloff and Officer Michael LaRiviere at the National Center for Victims of Crime 2015 Training Institute. The workshop aims to educate law enforcement, prosecutors, and other victim service providers about their role in providing services to immigrant crime victims, including providing U visa certification and T visa endorsement. PowerPoint Presentation […]

July 29, 2015: New Orleans, LA “Community of Responders: A Holistic Approach to Immigrant Survivors of Abuse”

Training for OVW grantees, grant partners, and STOP sub-grantees was held July 29-30, 2015 in New Orleans. Training Packet Materials: Agenda for “Community of Responders: A Holistic Approach to Immigrant Survivors of Abuse” Training Table of Contents for Print Materials Plenary I: Best Practices for Working with Immigrant Survivors in Rural Communities Slideshow: Best Practices […]

July 13, 2015: “State Court Findings for Abused Youth Seeking Special Immigrant Juvenile Status” (Webinar)

Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS) allows certain youth immigrant survivors of abuse, abandonment, and/or neglect by a parent to obtain legal immigration status in the United States. This webinar will review elements required for a successful SIJS application focused particularly on special findings in state court orders. Faculty will provide information and resources on screening […]

May 26, 2015: Washington, DC “Helping Immigrant Survivors of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault: Options and Challenges in Seeking Relief”

Workshop Presented by Benish Anver and Meaghan Fitzpatrick at BWJP National Center on Protection Orders and Full Faith and Credit’s National Training Institute on Protection Order Practice for Attorneys and Advocates [Slideshow] Helping Immigrant Survivors of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault: Options and Challenges in Seeking ReliefSlideshow for the training taking place on May 26, […]

April 22, 2015: Galloway, NJ

Presented by Leslye E. Orloff with support from the State Justice Institute (SJI). Materials: Bench Card: Overview of Types of Immigration Status Bench Card: DHS Enforcement Priorities Information for State Court Judges Family Court Bench Card on Immigration Rights of Battered Spouses, Children and Immigrant Crime Victims Family Court Bench Card on Issues that Arise […]

April 10, 2015: “Assessing Helpfulness for Immigrant Crime Victims Battered Women’s Justice Project (BWJP)” (Webinar)

The U visa is a form of legal immigration status that offers protection from deportation, work authorization, and a potential path to lawful permanent residency for immigrant victims of certain crimes who have been and are currently being helpful to police, sheriffs, prosecutors, or other state or federal agencies. To meet the helpfulness requirement victims […]

February 18, 2015: “Battered Women’s Justice Project (BWJP) Immigrant Crime Visas: Law Enforcement’s Tool to Strengthen Community Policing” (Webinar)

Congress created the U visa as a tool to strengthen the ability of law enforcement and prosecutorial agencies to detect, investigate, prosecute and sentence crimes against immigrants, a population that traditionally under-reports crimes of which they are victims. The U visa offers temporary immigration benefits to victims of qualifying criminal activities, and to their qualifying […]