[pdf] Types of Civil Protection Orders Available By State Chart (December 31, 2024) (+)

This chart compares the type of civil protection orders available in each state that offer state court orders for victims in a state court proceedings victims can control and direct. The chart reviews which protection orders are available in each state to offer protection to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, labor trafficking, sex trafficking, dating violence, elder abuse, child abuse, harassment, workplace violence and also extreme risk/gun violence protection orders.

[pdf] State Laws on Civil Protection Orders for Victims of Human Trafficking (December 31, 2024) (+)

This publication provides an overview of the types of civil protection orders available for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, dating violence, human trafficking and other forms of victimization available in each state and U.S. jurisdiction. This publication focuses particularly on how civil protection orders can offer protection for adult and child victims of human trafficking (sex and labor).

[pdf] Access to Civil Protection Orders for Victims of Human Trafficking: State-By-State CPO Tables (December 31, 2024) (+)

This document collects and tracks the text of state protection order statutes in all 56 state and U.S. jurisdictions reporting each type of civil protection order available in each state, what forms of abuse and/or crime each protects against, and who is eligible to receive each type of civil protection order. The chart then analyses for each state the extent to which and under what circumstances an adult or child victim of human trafficking (labor or sex) would be eligible to obtain a civil protection orders against their traffickers. The goal of this project is to help state court judges, attorneys, victim advocates, and other professionals working with victims of human trafficking be better able to help victims access this civil protection orders which are an important victim controlled and victim centered form of civil and family court protection.

[pdf] Harboring and Transportation of Undocumented Persons: Information for Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Victim Services Agencies (August 5, 2011) (+)

To help protect undocumented immigrants against domestic violence, the federal government has established certain safeguards to encourage undocumented women to report, and fully cooperate in the investigation of, incidents of domestic abuse without fear of arrest or removal from the United States. These protections guarantee that all women, without regard to immigration status, have access to programs and services necessary to protect their life and safety, such as domestic violence shelters, emergency medical service and victim assistance programs.

[pdf] Advocate’s Guide to Immigrant Survivors’ Rights and Protections (February 23, 2015 – Update January 7, 2025) (+)

A guide for advocates and attorneys on immigrant survivors rights if they become the subject of immigration enforcement. This tool helps advocates providing advise to immigrant victims of domestic violence and sexual assault about steps both the immigrant crime victim and the advocate/attorney should take should the victim become the subject of an immigration enforcement action.

[pdf] Enhancing Police Services in Immigrant Communities: The Successful Use of T and U Visas in San Francisco and Minneapolis (August 21, 2024) (+)

Police Chief Magazine On Line Giovanni Veliz, Antonio Flores, Rafaela Rodrigues, and Leslye E, Orloff, “Enhancing Police Services in Immigrant Communities: The Successful Use of T and U Visas in San Francisco and Minneapolis” Police Chief Online August 21, 2024.

[pdf] DHS Directive 002-03: Preventing and Addressing Gender-Based Violence Through a Victim Centered Approach (November 1, 2023) (+)

This Directive establishes the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) policy on efforts to prevent and address gender-based violence (GBV). DHS’s GBV policy formalizes victim1-centered, trauma-informed, and culturally sensitive approaches to GBV and highlights the importance of these approaches for the people that DHS serves.

[pdf] Customer Service and Interpretation of 8 U.S.C. 1367 (VAWA) Confidentiality Protections for U.S. Citizens (June 12, 2024) (+)

USCIS policy update stating that VAWA confidentiality protections end for VAWA confidentiality protected persons (VAWA self-petitioners, U visa, T visa, battered spouse waiver, and abused spouses of work visa holders) at the point in time when the victim is naturalized. The policy has some exceptions that may be applicable to some victims.

[pdf] Maryland Judicial Ethics Committee, Opinion 2024-24 – Judges Signing of Federal U Visa Certifications – Supplemental Opinion (October 17, 2024) (+)

This Maryland Judicial Ethics committee opinion advises about the judicial ethics of U visa certification by state court judges in Maryland. On many points the opinion is useful and provides conclusions consistent with the American Bar Association’s Model Code of Judicial Ethics, the U visa statute, and the Department of Homeland Security’s regulations, policies and publications. However, the opinion also contains assumptions and legally incorrect information about the U visa program and Violence Against Women Act confidentiality requirements that unnecessarily endanger victims and undermine federal VAWA Confidentiality law protections and the Department of Homeland Security’s victim centered and trauma informed approach to U visa victims.

[pdf] Minnesota Board of Judicial Standards Opinion 2015-2: U Visa Certification by Judges (June 26, 2015) (+)

This opinion by the Minnesota Board of Judicial Standards discusses how judges can sign U visa certifications consistent with the codes of judicial ethics. This opinion contains helpful legally correct conclusions, but also contains information and is based on assumptions that are not legally correct under U.S. immigration law. There are two Judicial Training and Education Updates that were published by the Minnesota Supreme Court that clarify and provide additional information obtained from USCIS that clarify some of the inaccuracies in this opinion. one national https://niwaplibrary.wcl.american.edu/pubs/national-uvisa-judicial-training-update/ and one for Minnesota https://niwaplibrary.wcl.american.edu/pubs/minnesota-uvisa-judicial-training-update/ that discusses the this opinion and its implications on U visa certification by judges. The November 30, 2015 U and T Visa Law Enforcement Resource Guidef or Federal, State, Local, Tribal and Territorial Law Enforcement, Prosecutors, Judges, and Other Government Agencies written by the Department of Homeland Security provides further information for judges on U visa certification. https://niwaplibrary.wcl.american.edu/pubs/dhs-updated-u-certification-resource-guide-2015/

[pdf] Maryland Judicial Ethics Committee Opinion 2023-20 Judges’ Signing of Federal U visa Certifications (August 21, 2023) (+)

This Maryland Judicial Ethics committee opinion advises about the judicial ethics of U visa certification by state court judges in Maryland. On many points the opinion is useful and provides conclusions consistent with the American Bar Association’s Model Code of Judicial Ethics, The U visa statute, and the Department of Homeland Security’s regulations, policies and publications. However, the opinion also contains assumptions and legally incorrect information about the U visa program that are not consistent with federal immigration law U visa statutes, regulations, policies and DHS publication on the U visa and U visa certification.

[pdf] Judicial Standards Commission State of North Carolina, Formal Advisory Opinion 2014-03 (August 8, 2024) (+)

Judicial Standards Commission State of North Carolina, Formal Advisory Opinion 2014-03 (August 8, 2024) issued an opinion advising against U visa certification by judges. This opinion is based on North Carolina Ethics rules that were at the time of the opinion outdated and not consistent with the American Bar Association’s Model Code of Judicial Conduct. This Advisory Opinion also contains legally incorrect assumptions and information about immigration law that is no consistent with the U visa statute or Department of Homeland Security regulations, policies, and publications.

[pdf] Understanding the Judicial Role in U Visa Certification (Winter 2018) (+)

Article published in the American Journal of Family Law discussing U visa certification by judges, its statutory, legislative and regulatory history and purpose. The article reviews U visa certification case law and judicial ethics opinions and discussed the extent to which court cases and ethics opinions are consistent with and follow or fail to consider U visa statutes, regulations, legislative history, and USCIS policies and publications on the U visa.

[pdf] USCIS SAVE, Commonly Used Immigration Documents (November 7, 2024) (+)

This document from the USCIS SAVE system catalogs common forms of immigration documentation and highlights the information on those documents that public benefits providers will need to verify an immigrant’s (including immigrant victim’s and children’s) immigration documents for public benefits eligibility. Immigrant victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse, stalking, and human trafficking begin to gain eligibility to some public benefits after their immigration case is filed as their case moves through the immigration adjudication process. Benefits access begins for: VAWA self-petitioners upon receipt of a prima facie determination and for housing at filing, for human trafficking victims upon receipt of an HHS Office on Trafficking in Persons (OTIP) child eligibility letter or upon receipt of a bona fide determination, a T-visa, or continued presence; for SIJS children upon filing (healthcare) or upon receipt of lawful permanent residency; for U visa victims upon bona fide determination (healthcare) or upon receipt of lawful permanent residency. When accompanying an immigrant survivor applying for public benefits this tool helps advocates and attorneys ensure that they are bringing with them the correct immigration documents and can use this document to assist benefits providers in correctly entering the required information into the USCIS SAVE verification system.

[pdf] Washington U and T Visa Certification Statute (2024) (+)

The state of Washington approved the Alien Victims of Crime Act in 2024, which outlines the certification process in that state for immigrant victims of crime. This Washington state law requires law enforcement, prosecutors, judges, hearing officers, and other state and local agencies including the department of labor and industries and the department of social services and health to sign U and T visa certifications. Requires that certification requests be processed within 90 days or receipt unless the victim is in removal proceedings in which case the response is required within 14 days. For victim children the agency must respond to requests within 90 days but no later than 14 days before the date the child turns age 21. Requires that agencies designate certifiers, keep written records of the number of certifications received, denied, approved, and withdrawn, develop a language access plan, and nondisclosure of personally identifying information about victims requesting certification. The law requires that the state set up a crime victim certification steering committee.

[pdf] Minnesota U Visa Certification Law (2023) (+)

The Minnesota state U and T visa certification law requires law enforcement agencies in Minnesota to respond to U and T visa requests within 90 days and within 14 days if the victim is in removal proceedings. Requires law enforcement agencies to designate certifiers, respond timely to requests for certification, conduct outreach informing the community about certification, keep records of requests, implement language access plans and prohibits disclosure of information about persons seeking certification.

[pdf] Connecticut General U Visa Statute (2014) (+)

Connecticut Code Section 46b-38b(e)(5) requires that every police department in the state designate at least one official responsible for U visa certification who assist immigrant victims with U visa certification. The statute further requires that the Police Officer Standards and Training Council issue detailed U visa certification protocols that are to be adopted by each law enforcement agency in the state. See General Notice 10-01 “Adoption of a Uniform Connecticut Law Enforcement Protocol for Treating Victims of Family Violence Whose Immigration Status is Questionable.”

[pdf] FOIA USCIS Response to NIWAP’s FOIA on Battered Spouse Waiver Cases and Case Processing (August 25, 2017) (+)

This FOIA response discusses the application of VAWA confidentiality protections to battered spouse waiver and all VAWA cases; provides slides used to train on VAWA confidentiality and the rules that apply to district office staff adjudicating battered spouse waivers and VAWA adjustments of status applications for lawful permanent residency. These slides highlight the types of evidence that adjudicators cannot rely upon that come from the abuser under VAWA confidentiality law. It also discusses how many of the cases returned to the VAWA unit from district offices stems from reliance on regulations that were later overruled by subsequent VAWA statutes and have not been updated and highlight common returns that are errors. The training includes a copy of the 4.11.08 memo on adjustment of status for VAWA self-petitioners who are present without inspection. There are also documents discussing VAWA’s amendments designed to allow VAWA self-petitioners to remarry and the USCIS position on narrow implementation of the remarriage provisions. The materials provided in response to the FOIA provide detailed information in the form of emails, policies, and trainings warning adjudicators to not rely on perpetrator provided information in adjudicating VAWA self-petitions, adjustments or battered spouse waiver cases with good examples of the types of evidence that must be avoided, including not relying on perpetrator provided information in marriage based visa interviews. The policy discussing referrals from District offices for revocations for self-petitions is discussed. The response also included the memo on the 2 year custody and 2 year residency and custody exceptions for abused adopted children. Pages 1-57 of this FIOA response contain information applies primarily to VAWA self-petition or cases of abused adopted children.

Page 58 (Electronic page 72) of the response appears to be a check list of the types of evidence that may be fraud indicators or raise questions or lead to a request for further evidence (RFE) this appears to be self-petition related and it is not clear the extent to which it relates to battered spouse waiver cases.

Pages 59-61 and pp 88-91 directly related to battered spouse adjudications and provide direction on how District Office adjudicators are to respond when at an interview for a jointly filed request to remove conditions a battered spouse/child request to file a battered spouse waiver. These communications recognize the VAWA confidentiality implications in processing these requests. Pages 70-73 provide the formal interim process from changing from a joint petition to a battered spouse waiver.

Pages 62 -67, also provided on pages 82-87. Directly discuss battered spouse waiver adjudications with VAWA Unit staff providing examples the types of questions VAWA unit trained staff use in requests for further evidence (RFE) on the following topic proof of: extreme cruelty; battering (physical abuse); good faith marriage, residence with abusive spouse/parent. There is also included RFE language describing that marital tensions are not necessarily abuse. The materials also describe the three main reasons why battered spouse waiver adjudicators send cases to an interview at a field office. Any credible evidence rules are described and an explanation of Battering or Extreme Cruelty from Chapter 25 of the Adjudicators Field Manual is included. Page 92 also addresses similar issues.

Pages 76-78 set out the standard operating procedures (S)OP) used by District offices processing VAWA cases addressing both battered spouse waiver cases and VAWA self-petitions adjustments of status to lawful permanent residency. The SOP discusses interviews, the timing of interviews and the involvement of supervisors. It also discusses having a VAWA Point of Contact at the field office and their role. This SOP recognizes that some VAWA cases will be identified during an interview and any such cases are to be referred to the VAWA POC in the field office. This policy took effect August 1, 2011.

Pages 79-81 discuss the creation of the “384” code of admission notifying DHS staff that a case has VAWA confidentiality protection. It is interesting to note that no mention of battered spouse waivers are a case type is included in these communications despite VAWA 2005 defining battered spouse waivers as VAWA self-petitioners.

[pdf] Settled Law: The Role of State Court Judges in Making Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS) Judicial Determinations (November 26, 2024) (+)

This article surveyed all of the publicly available SIJS cases issued through the date of this article’s publication. Ultimately, this survey demonstrates that the majority of state courts are issuing decisions that have become settled law and that these courts’ decisions are consistent with federal SIJS statutes, the March 2022 USCIS regulations, and USCIS policies and publications on SIJS laws and the SIJS program. Although Congress substantially amended the SIJS statute in 2008 to expand the number of immigrant children eligible for SIJS, this article demonstrates that during the decade and a half after the law passed and before USCIS issued final regulations in 2022, many state courts struggled to issue rulings in SIJS cases that were consistent with the federal SIJS statues and USCIS policies. Despite this fact, as this article documents, many courts did issue rulings that correctly interpreted and applied federal SIJS laws and issued SIJS judicial determinations that immigrant children who had suffered parental maltreatment could use to file their SIJS petitions with USCIS.

[vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet] Special Immigrant Juvenile Status – Case Law Chart (October 1, 2024) (+)

This Appendix “X” provides a case law chart for Special Immigrant Juvenile Status state court cases from across the country including reported and unreported cases through November 2024. This appendix is in locked excel format allowing users to sort by any of the chart columns. It includes an All States tab and additional tabs that report on case law by state for each of the states in which reported or unreported cases could be identified. As new cases are published please forward them to NIWAP by emailing info@NIWAP.org with the message title “NEW SIJS CASE” to help us identify new cases to add to the chart more swiftly.

This publication was developed under grant number SJI-20-E-005 from the State Justice Institute. The points of view expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the State Justice Institute.

[pdf] Maryland: U Visa Certification (October 1, 2019) (+)

Maryland’s U Visa certification requires state and local law enforcement agencies, prosecutors, child protective services, commission on civil rights, the department of labor and other state agencies responsible for the detection, investigation or prosecution of cases involving criminal activities to sign U visa certifications. The law requires certification when the victim has been, is being or likely to be helpful in the detection, investigation, or prosecution of criminal activity. The agency shall complete the certification within 90 days and shall include details about the criminal activity, a description of the victim’s helpfulness, and provide copies of documents that help the victim prove substantial harm. If the victim is in removal proceedings the response to the certification request must be completed in 14 days. The law limits disclosure of information about persons seeking certification.

[pdf] Virginia U and Visa Certification Law (2024) (+)

Virginia bill SB 1468 was signed into law by Governor Ralph Northam on March 31, 2021, and effective beginning July 1, 2021. This bill provides immigrant crime victims with clarity regarding the process for requesting a U visa certification form from local and Virginia state law enforcement agencies. It provides time restraints on law enforcement responses to certification requests and provides certification seekers with a remedy in state court for a wrongfully denied request. State Bill No. 1468

[pdf] Utah: U Visa Certification Law (2024) (+)

Utah’s 2024 law governing U visa certification requirements for law enforcement, prosecutors, courts, and other state government officials. Includes statutory definition of the law enforcement, prosecutors, and courts in the state of Utah to which the U visa certification law applies. The Utah law is consistent with the federal law definitions of “certifying official” and “qualifying criminal activity” and requires that Utah government officials adopt federal guidelines in assessing victims’ helpfulness. Includes record keeping requirements and contains confidentiality protections.

[pdf] Hennepin County Attorney’s Office U Visas and T Visas Certification Policy (Full Policy)(January 8, 2024) (+)

The Hennepin County Attorney’s Office in March of 2024 implemented a U and T visa certification policy that is both fully consistent with DHS policies, regulations, and publications on the U and T visa programs and adopts a victim centered trauma informed approach to the U and T visa certification process. It serves as a model prosecution office policy that is clear, transparent, and is designed to address and inform that public about how the agency wants to receive certification requests which is consistent with prosecutors’ discovery obligations. This policy furthers victim protection goals and the prosecutor’s office’s important work to hold offenders accountable for their crimes.

[pdf] When Federal Immigration Laws and State Family Laws Intersect: Promoting Just and Equitable Outcomes for Immigrant Survivors and Children (October 8, 2024) (PowerPoint) (+)

This plenary highlights what every state court judge needs to know to promote access to justice and fairness when immigration law issues arise in state court cases involving litigants, victims of crime or abuse, and children who are immigrants or live in immigrant families. Faculty provide an overview of the major forms of immigration relief that Congress created to protect immigrant victims of domestic violence, child abuse and neglect, human trafficking, sexual assault, and stalking and identify how access to public benefits, services, and supports grow as eligible immigrant victims and their children pursue victim-based forms of immigration relief.

[pdf] *August 8, 2024 CJI Webinar – Improving Access to Justice for Immigrant Survivors of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Stalking, and Human Trafficking (+)

Webinar Description: During the webinar, NIWAP and CJI provided an overview of different immigration relief and public benefits for immigrant survivors, including: VAWA, SJIS, U Visas, and T Visas. Also discussed issues commonly raised by perpetrators in child custody and divorce cases as well as language access for limited English proficient survivors. This webinar was sponsored by the Center for Justice Innovation for Justice for Families Grantees.

[pdf] NM Supreme Court Issues Order Against Disclosure of Immigration-Related Information of Noncitizen Crime Victims (May 7, 2024) (+)

Press release from the New Mexico Administrative Office of the Courts on New Mexico Supreme Court’s issuance of two orders of superintending control quashing subpoenas that compelled that an immigrant victim turn over the contents of their U visa and T visa immigration case files to the perpetrator in the criminal case that the state brought against perpetrators of child trafficking and child sexual assault. The New Mexico Supreme Court also ordered that materials from the U and T visa files previously produced needed to be destroyed. Full opinion to be issued by the New Mexico Supreme Court at a later date. In one case the trial court ordered the U visa victim to turn over their immigration case file and in the second case the trial court ordered the victim’s immigration counsel to turn over the victim’s T visa case file. Both orders were reversed.

[pdf] Ramirez v. Marsh, S-1-SC-39966, New Mexico Supreme Court Writ of Superintending Control (Marsh) (May 7. 2024) (+)

New Mexico Supreme Court issued two orders of superintending control quashing subpoenas that compelled that an immigrant victim turn over the contents of their U visa and T visa immigration case files to the perpetrator in the criminal case that the state brought against perpetrators of child trafficking and child sexual assault. In this case the New Mexico Supreme Court also ordered that materials from the U visa files previously produced needed to be destroyed. Full opinion to be issued by the New Mexico Supreme Court at a later date. In this case the trial court ordered the U visa victim to turn over their immigration case file and in the second case the trial court ordered the victim’s immigration counsel to turn over the victim’s T visa case file. Both orders were reversed.

[pdf] New Mexico Immigrant Law Center v. Leos, S-1-SC-40114, Writ of Superintending Control (Leos) New Mexico Supreme Court (May 7, 2024) (+)

New Mexico Supreme Court issued two orders of superintending control quashing subpoenas that compelled that an immigrant victim turn over the contents of their U visa and T visa immigration case files to the perpetrator in the criminal case that the state brought against perpetrators of child trafficking and child sexual assault. In this case the New Mexico Supreme Court also ordered that materials from the T visa files previously produced needed to be destroyed. Full opinion to be issued by the New Mexico Supreme Court at a later date. In this case the trial court ordered the T visa victim’s immigration counsel to turn over their immigration case file and in the second case the trial court ordered the victim to turn over the victim’s U visa case file. Both orders were reversed.

[pdf] Ramirez v. Marsh, S-1-SC-39966 & New Mexico Immigrant Law Center v. Leos, S-1-SC-40114, New Mexico Supreme Court (May 7, 2024) (+)

New Mexico Supreme Court issued two orders of superintending control quashing subpoenas that compelled that an immigrant victim turn over the contents of their U visa and T visa immigration case files to the perpetrator in the criminal case that the state brought against perpetrators of child trafficking and child sexual assault. The New Mexico Supreme Cour also ordered that materials from the U and T visa files previously produced needed to be destroyed. Full opinion to be issued by the New Mexico Supreme Court at a later date. In one case the trial court ordered the U visa victim to turn over their immigration case file and in the second case the trial court ordered the victim’s immigration counsel to turn over the victim’s T visa case file. Both orders were reversed.

[pdf] What Happens When We Get It Wrong? Predominant Aggressor Determination in Cases Involving Immigrant and non-English Speaking Victims – Manchester, NH (September 4, 2024) (+)

This session provides an opportunity to review hypothetical case scenarios where a primary/predominant aggressor determination must be made, yet where the analysis is not overwhelmingly clear. The unique challenges faced by immigrant survivors/victims and the consequences when non-citizens acting in self-defense are arrested will also be addressed.

[pdf] USCIS Fee Schedule (G-1055) (August 19, 2024) (+)

This document confirms that there are no fees required for filing the VAWA self-petition, the U visa or the T visa applications. However some forms that victims may need to file related to these case types have fees associated with them and as the instructions to the USCIS Fee Waiver form indicate victims eligible for fee waivers may apply for waivers of the fees associated with the following forms:
1. Battered spouses of A, G, E-3, or H nonimmigrants (such as Forms I-485, I-601 and I-212);
2. Battered spouse or child of a lawful permanent resident or U.S. citizen under INA section 240A(b)(2);
3. T nonimmigrant (such as Forms I-192, I-485, and I-601);
4. Temporary Protected Status (such as Forms I-131, I-821 and I-601);
5. U nonimmigrant (such as Forms I-192, I-485, and I-929); or
6. VAWA self–petitioner (such as Forms I-485, I-601 and I-212).

[pdf] U Visa Timeline with Background Checks (August 11, 2024) (+)

U-Visa timeline including background checks. This timeline has been updated to reflect the USCIS 2021 policies on bona fide determinations and their impact on U visa case processing which over time will provide access to protection from deportation and work authorization to U visa applicants who pass background checks and receive bona fide determinations from USCIS. Victims will remain in bona fide status while they await the date a U visa becomes available to issue them.

[pdf] Trauma Informed Structured Interview Questionnaires for Immigrant Cases (SIQI) (July 23, 2024) (+)

The SIQI tool’s goal is to help identify stalking and human trafficking that are co-occurring with domestic violence and child abuse. The following questionnaires are provided to facilitate the Trauma Informed Structured Interview, which is the second part of the Trauma Informed Immigration Story Writing Intervention Method. During the story developing session, clients are encouraged to share their story uninterrupted while advocates and attorneys listen, take notes, and watch for triggers. This tool is designed to be used during follow up interviews with clients. This Structured Interview Questionnaire for Immigration (SIQI) will aid advocates and attorneys in eliciting additional in-depth information to strengthen their client’s immigration case and will also provide a complete picture of trauma and distress endured by survivors. The questions are designed to facilitate the client’s healing and to strengthen the client’s immigration application by uncovering important details of the story by screening for additional incidents, experiences, and emotional harms that contribute to extreme cruelty and/or substantial mental or physical abuse. Attorneys and advocates should explain the goals of this session to the client before initiating the trauma informed structured interview. This 2024 version incorporates questions helpful to assessing stalking behaviors and risk factors.

[pdf] WHO Ethical and Safety Recommendations For Interviewing Trafficked Women (2003) (+)

This report contains the Ten Guiding Principles to the ethical and safe conduct of interviews with women who have been trafficked. For each of the guidelines this publication includes a discussion of key risks and recommendations. This tool sets the standard for evidence based and trauma informed guidance to professionals working with human trafficking victims and has been used by anti-trafficking experts working with survivors of human trafficking for years.

[pdf] T Visa Regulations: 2002, 2016 & 2024 – Regulations, Comparison, and Regulatory History (June 24, 2024) (+)

This tool was developed by NIWAP to facilitate better understanding of the T visa regulations and its regulatory history. This document compares the regulations that were issued in 2002, 2016, and 2024. It identifies the portions of the 2002 and 2016 regulations that remain in effect and highlights and annotates portions of the regulations that […]

[pdf] Child Protective Services Agency Toolkit: U Visa Certification, T Visa Declaration, Special Immigrant Juvenile Status and Violence Against Women Act Immigration Relief for Abused Immigrant Children (July 8, 2024) (+)

This toolkit provides an overview of humanitarian immigration relief that Congress has provided for the protection of abused noncitizen children, and/or their noncitizen parent. The toolkit focuses on four visa types: (1) the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) self-petition, (2) the U visa for crime victims, (3) the T visa for human trafficking victims, and […]

[pdf] US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Center for Countering Human Trafficking, Continued Presence Resource Guide (September 2023) (+)

The Center for Countering Human Trafficking issued a detailed guide discussing continued presence a temporary form of immigration relief designed to offer protection to victims of severe forms of human trafficking who may be potential witnesses in investigation and/or prosecution of human traffickers. This resource guide explains the application and adjudication process for continued presence.

[pdf] Soto-Alvarado Decision Granting Motion to Amend US District Court Rhode Islande (July 17, 2023) (+)

In a case brought in Federal District Court in Rhode Island an abused spouse whose VAWA self-petition had been approved challenged USCIS’s revocation of her approved petition. The self-petitioner was divorced from her abuser and remarried after filing the self-petition but before the self-petition had been approved. The court’s ruling allows the self-petitioner to fully litigate her challenge the USCIS’s revocation of her self-petition due to remarriage in Federal District Court. The court’s ruling is based on the VAWA self-petitioning statute and its legislative history.

[pdf] Annotated Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Self-Petition Definition INA 101(a)(51) (May 27, 2024) (+)

This annotated statute guides readers through the various types of immigration relief available for immigrants who were subjected to battering or extreme cruelty by their spouses, former spouses, parents, children, and step-parents who were U.S. citizens, lawful permanent residents, or Cuban Adjustment Act (CAA) , Haitian Refugee Immigration Fairness Act (HRIFA), and Nicaraguan and Central American Relief Act (NACARA) applicants, or recipients. Note that NACARA applicants may be El Salvadoran, Guatemalan, or from a list of countries in Eastern Europe. This definition of VAWA self-petitioner is relevant for immigration relief, public benefits and VAWA confidentiality purposes.

[pdf] Federal Register: New Classification for Victims of Criminal Activity for Eligibility for ‘‘U’’ Nonimmigrant Status (U Visa Regulations) (September 17, 2007) (+)

Federal Register for new classification for victims of criminal activity for the eligibility for ‘‘U’’ nonimmigrant status. This interim rule amends Department of Homeland Security regulations to establish the requirements and procedures for aliens seeking U nonimmigrant status. The U nonimmigrant classification is available to alien victims of certain criminal activity who assist government officials in investigating or prosecuting such criminal activity.

[pdf] Wilkinson v. Garland (September 2023) US Supreme Court (+)

NIWAP participated in an amicus brief on writ of certiorari to the US Court of Appeals of the Third Circuit to ensure that courts review BIA hardship determinations for immigrant victims of domestic violence seeking cancellation of removal under VAWA. SCOTUS ruled in favor of Wilkinson, holding that the application of the exceptional and extremely […]

[pdf] Classification for Victims of Severe Forms of Trafficking in Persons; Eligibility for ‘‘T’’ Nonimmigrant Status (T Visa Final Rule April 30, 2024) (+)

Final T Visa regulations issued by the USCIS on April 30, 2024 that go into effect on August 28, 2024. T Visa Rule highlights include: New Bona Fide Determination process leading to
Stays removal, benefits access, and work authorization. Victims should submit any additional needed evidence 8/28/24. Provides VAWA confidentiality protections and exempts from T visa applicants from Public Charge. Includes trauma informed definitions of: Coercion, commercial sex act, involuntary servitude, serious harm, trauma exception, and extreme hardship.
Detailed list of factors used to examine whether requests from government officials for cooperation or assistance in the detection, investigation or prosecution of human trafficking were reasonable. Exempts both labor and sex trafficked minors from any cooperation requirements. Includes a broad interpretation of when the victim’s physical presence in the U.S. is connected to human trafficking.

[pdf] Velasquez v. Miranda Supreme Court of Pennsylvania Amicus Brief (February 1, 2024) (+)

Velasquez v. Miranda Supreme Court of Pennsylvania (February 1 2024). NIWAP, represented by K & L Gates, filed an amicus brief on appeal from the judgement of the Superior Court of Pennsylvania dated June 20, 2023. The amicus brief argues that any confusion regarding the role of Pennsylvania courts in the process of obtaining SIJ […]

[pdf] Chapter 3.3 Preparing the VAWA Self-Petition and Applying for Residence (August 16, 2023) (+)

Guide to preparing and filing Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Self-Petitions on behalf of battered immigrant spouse, children, step-children, former spouses, and parents of citizens and lawful permanent residents. Includes applications for lawful permanent residency for approved VAWA self-petitioners and their children.

[pdf] Chapter 07: Preparing the VAWA Self-Petition and Applying for Lawful Residence (August 15, 2023) (+)

Chapter 7 in Empowering Survivors: Legal Rights of Immigrant Victims of Sexual Assault. This chapter provides practical tips for filing a self-petition and apply for lawful permanent residency under the Violence Against Women Act of 1994 (VAWA) as revised in 2005.

[pdf] Hennepin County Attorney’s Office U Visas and T Visas Certification Policy (March 7, 2024) (+)

The Hennepin County Attorney’s Office in March of 2024 implemented a U and T visa certification policy that is both fully consistent with DHS policies, regulations, and publications on the U and T visa programs and adopts a victim centered trauma informed approach to the U and T visa certification process. It serves as a model prosecution office policy that is clear, transparent, and is designed to address and inform that public about how the agency wants to receive certification requests which is consistent with prosecutors’ discovery obligations. This policy furthers victim protection goals and the prosecutor’s office’s important work to hold offenders accountable for their crimes.

[pdf] HHS OTIP -Child Eligibility Benefits Handout (February 20, 2024) (+)

HHS Office on Trafficking in Persons Child Eligibility Handout updated and expanded February 20, 2024 provides an overview of the benefits and services available to help immigrant child trafficking victims who have received HHS child eligibility letters. It includes useful links and telephone numbers, steps children with OTIP letters have to take to obtain social security numbers required by some benefits granting agencies, how to apply for public benefits and how to present evidence of age and date of birth.

[pdf] 12 Question Predatory Helpfulness Screener (October 24, 2023) (+)

This screener appears as an appendix to the article Inderjit K Basra, Tatum Kenney, Shandra Forrest-Bank, Lisa K. Zottarelli & Chitra Raghavan (24 Oct 2023): Predatory Helpfulness: An Empirical Framework to Identify Fraudulent Tactics Used by Pimps to Recruit and Commercially Sexually Exploit Young Girls and
Women, Journal of Human Trafficking, DOI: 10.1080/23322705.2023.2259263
To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/23322705.2023.2259263

[pdf] Chapter 10: U Visas: Victims of Criminal Activity (August 8, 2023) (+)

Chapter from “Empowering Survivors: Legal Rights of Immigrant Victims of Sexual Assault” to assist advocates and attorneys in identifying sexual assault, domestic violence, and other crime victims who may be eligible for U-visa immigration status and to provide resources to help advocates and attorneys work together to prepare U-visa applications for immigrant crime victims.

[pdf] Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS) Findings Pertaining to State Court Judges (Dec. 7, 2023) (+)

A bench card on Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS) findings pertaining to state court judges. Written by Meagan Fitzpatrick, Leslye Orloff, and Honorable Joseph L. Fernandes (Philadelphia, PA) for the administrative office of the Pennsylvania Courts. This bench card has been updated to reflect clarifications included in the March 2022 final SIJS regulations and the 2023 Policy Manual Chapter issued by US Citizenship and Immigration Services.

[pdf] Training Materials for Victim Advocates and Attorneys (February 23, 2025) (+)

Training materials for family lawyers, prosecutors, and state family, civil and criminal court judges assisting immigrant crime victims Topics include: U visas, T visas, Family Law cases, VAWA Self-Petitions, VAWA Confidentiality, Public Benefits, Best Practices, Language Access, Webinars, Podcasts and more.

[pdf] How Immigration Law and Policies Impact State Courts — When Children and Litigants are Victims of Human Trafficking, Domestic Violence, Child Abuse, or Sexual Assault (NCJFCJ, In-Session -Fall 2023) (+)

This In-Session article discusses immigration policy updates that have occurred in 2021 – 2023 and the impact that what these policies mean for state courts adjudicating a range of family court cases involving immigrant children, immigrant crime victims, and child victims living in mixed immigration status families.

[pdf] U Visa Certification and T Visa Declaration Toolkit for Adult Protective Services (APS) (October 19, 2023) (+)

Toolkit focusing on the U-Visa as well as an introduction to other options which may be available to immigrant adults who are victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking and other crimes that Adult Protective Services staff encounter. Having an awareness of these options can help you identify the best options available for immigrant victims you encounter.

[pdf] Vallabhaneni (September 27 2001) Board of Immigration Appeals (+)

NOW Legal Defense Fund and others filed this amicus in support of the appeal by Aruna C. Vallabhaneni
of the decision of the Immigration Judge denying her application for political asylum despite an
undisputed record of years of severe domestic violence and her inability to obtain protection
from the government of India. The record before the judge established that Ms. Vallabhaneni
was persecuted in the past and that she has a well-founded fear that she will continue to be
persecuted in the future by her husband if she is forced to return to India, that the persecution she
experienced and which she fears was inflicted because of her membership in a particular social
group defined in whole or in part by her gender, and that she is not able to obtain protection from
her government. The Immigration Judge’s decision should be reversed and Ms. Vallabhaneni’s
application for asylum should be granted.

[pdf] Senjab v. Alhulaibi (September 25 2020) Supreme Court of Nevada (+)

NIWAP filed an amicus brief confirming that for purposes of jurisdiction in divorce cases residence can be established without regard to the immigration status of the party seeking divorce. This is a case in which an abusive spouse argued successfully to the trial court below that a visa holder spouse (in this case a student visa holder) could not file for divorce (custody and child support) in Nevada because her visa is only temporary, and she could never obtain a divorce in NV despite the state being the victim and her abusive spouse’s state of residence. The victim otherwise met the residency requirements. This could have had broad implications for all visa holders in the U.S. if the trial court’s ruling was not overturned. Instead, the Nevada Supreme Court ruled that residence in the state is all that is needed for divorce jurisdiction. This ruling ensures that courts retain the ability to grant divorces to all persons who meet the state residency requirements without regard to any party’s immigration status. K &L Gates represented NIWAP in the amicus brief.”]

[pdf] Idinyan (August 9 2005) Board of Immigration Appeals (+)

Nvart Idinyan (formerly Nvart Huckfeldt) (August 9 2005) Board of Immigration Appeals. The National Network to End Violence Against Immigrant Women, represented by Crowell and Moring, filed this amicus in support of the immigration judge’s finding that plaintiff qualified for cancellation of removal under VAWA and refuting DHS assertion that once a victim reached a “safe house” she should no longer have access to VAWA provisions. (Crowell and Moring, Pro Bono)

[pdf] Perales v. Ashcroft (2003) US Court of Appeals 10th Circuit (+)

Perales v. Ashcroft, U.S. Court of Appeals 10th Circuit (2003). Legal Momentum, represented by National Immigration Project of the National Lawyers Guild, BIA, Arnold and Porter, submitted this amicus brief discussing the any credible evidence standard and the definition of battery or extreme cruelty in an immigrant victim’s Violence Against Women Act suspension of deportation case.

[pdf] Rosario v. Holder (May 10 2010) US Court of Appeals 2nd Circuit (+)

Rosario v. Holder (May 10 2010) US Court of Appeals 2nd Circuit. National Network to End Violence Against Immigrant Women respectfully moves pursuant to Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure for 29 for leave to file an amicus brief in support of Appellant Josefa Rosario. Client placed in removal proceedings, concedes removability and applies for VAWA Cancellation of Removal. IJ denies cancellation based on finding that there is not substantial evidence of battery to the extent envisioned by the statute and not substantial evidence of extreme hardship. BIA affirms IJ. The decision was wrong because the IJ ignored an analysis of extreme cruelty completely and even though Ms. Rosario and her witness were found to be credible – focused on the lack of police reports and medical records – thereby holding her to a standard higher than the any credible evidence standard. Battery and extreme cruelty are non-discretionary determinations that can be reviewed by that court. Ms. Rosario has now filed brief with 2nd Circuit.

[pdf] Arguijo v. USCIS (July 24 2020) US Court of Appeals 7th Circuit (+)

The National Immigrant Justice Center (NIJC) represents Jennifer Arguijo, who was 11 years old when her mother married her stepfather, who turned out to be abusive. Applying BIA case law from other contexts, VSC held that a stepchild-stepfather relationship ends after the biological parent divorces the stepparent, unless there is a “continuing relationship” between the stepchild and stepfather. NIJC sought reconsideration, and appealed to the AAO. The AAO affirmed the VSC’s decision to deny the VAWA self-petition unless the abused step-child had a continuing relationship with the abusive step-father. NIJC filed a challenge to the AAO denial under the Administrative Procedure Act in Federal District Court in 2013. Unfortunately, the case moved slowly but Jennifer eventually lost on Summary Judgment in 2020, and NIJC appealed to the Seventh Circuit. The National Immigrant Women’s Advocacy Project filed an Amicus brief in the 7th Circuit in support of NIJC’s appeal represented by K&L Gates LLP. The Seventh Circuit overturned the District Court and The Court handed down its decision on March 12, 2021 confirming that in the context of the Violence Against Women Act “stepchild” status survives divorce. Divorce between the natural parent and the abusive stepparent does not cut a stepchild victim off from VAWA immigration relief, including self-petitioning.

[pdf] USCIS Updates Policy Guidance on Self-Selecting a Gender Marker on Forms and Documents (March 31, 2023) (+)

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services is updating policy guidance in the USCIS Policy Manual to clarify that, effective immediately, USCIS will accept the self-identified gender marker for individuals requesting immigration benefits. The gender marker they select does not need to match the gender marker indicated on their supporting documentation.

[pdf] USCIS Bona Fide Determination Process for Qualifying Family Members of U Nonimmigrant Victims of Qualifying Crimes (August 11, 2023) (+)

USCIS issues updates to the USCIS Policy Manual to facilitate adjudication and issuance of bona fide determinations for qualifying family members of U visa applicants living in the U.S. at the same time the as USCIS issues a bona fide determination to the U visa applicant.

[pdf] In The Matter of: Suyi Varquero-Cubias (April 5 2016) Board of Immigration Appeals) (+)

In The Matter of: Suyi Varquero-Cubias (April 5 2016) Board of Immigration Appeals. NIWAP, represented by Tahirih Justice Center and Center for Gender and Refugee Studies, participated filed this brief in a case of a battered immigrant from El Salvador who separated from her abusive boyfriend and her abuser continued to stalk, sexually assault, and threaten her for the next two years until she fled in fear of her life for the United States. The
Immigration Judge denied her asylum case based on the fact that she was not married to the abuser and that she had physically separated from her abuser. This amicus brief asked the Board of Immigration Appeals to clarify that divorce or a woman’s other attempts to separate are not dispositive of a woman’s
ability to leave the abusive relationship where she lacks the power to end the domestic relationship.
NIWAP provided social science research on separation violence and abusers power and control to
continue to perpetrate the post-separation coercive control, abuse and sexual violence supporting the victim’s
claim for gender based asylum.

[pdf] Vigil v. Lynch (February 29 2016) US Court of Appeals 5th Circuit (+)

Maria Esterlina Perez Vigil v. U.S. (February 29 2016) 5 th Circuit Court of Appeals. NIWAP, and various Immmigration Law Professors from Texas, filed an
amicus curiae brief on behalf of Maria Esterlina Perez Vigil a victim of domestic violence, who had
denied her request for asylum because she was able to move out the residence that she shared with the
abuser. The brief discussed the dynamics of abusive relationships and explained that physical separation
from an abuser rarely means that an abused woman has successfully left the relationship or marriage and
stopped the cycle of violence. Indeed, the abuser’s control of the victim can often continue well after the
victim moves out, particularly where children are involved. This amicus was filed in the 5th Circuit
Federal Court of Appeals in a case in which Perez Vigil is seeking to overturn the Immigration Judge and
the Board of Immigration`s ruling that denied her request seeking asylum, withholding of removal, and
protection under the CAT.

[pdf] Rosen v. Ming Dai and Rosen v. Alcaraz (January 11 2021) Supreme Court of the United States (+)

Rosen v. Ming Dai and Rosen v. Alcaraz (January 11 2021) Supreme Court of the United States. NIWAP assisted Jenner &
Block LLP in developing and securing social science support in a brief filed to the Supreme Court of the
United States on the question of credible testimony. The brief explained the impact of trauma on memory
and ability to testify, other mental health conditions’ impact on memory and credibility, and credibility
compared to truth.

[pdf] Geidy Mavely Soto Alvarado And Mauricio Antonio Garcia Soto v. Merrick Garland (June 13 2023) US District Court Rhode Island (+)

Geidy Mavely Soto Alvarado And Mauricio Antonio Garcia Soto v. Merrick Garland (June 13 2023) US District Court of Rhode Island. NIWAP, represented by Crowell and Moring, led an amicus brief that was joined by Harvard Law School professors and clinics, the ACLU, the Rhode Island Coalition Against Domestic Violence, and all of the major women shelters in Rhode Island. This brief argued that USCIS had misinterpreted VAWA 2000 amendments that were designed to allow VAWA self petitioners to divorce, file their self petitions, and after filing remarry with no impact that would lead to denial of the application. In this case an immigrant for self petitioner remarried year and ½ after filing but before her self-petition case was approved and USCIS revoked or approved self petition. Amici won a motion to reopen the District Court’s denial of the self petitioner’s case and the trial will proceed on the merits. Map is being represented in this case by Crowell and Moring.