[pdf] Meeting the Legal Needs of Child Trafficking Victims: An Introduction for Children’s Attorneys and Advocates (April 2009) (+)

The ABA training manual written by Eva Klain, Amanda Kloer, Diane Eason, Irena Lieberman, Carol Smolenski, and Robin Thompson discusses identification and representation of child victims of human trafficking in civil, protection order, immigration, employment and other cases. It discusses community-based responses to child trafficking and provides resources for attorneys and advocates.

[pdf] Meeting the Legal Needs of Human Trafficking Victims: An Introduction for Domestic Violence Attorneys and Advocates (2009) (+)

The ABA manual written by Jean Bruggeman and Elizabeth Keyes helps attorneys and victim advocates working with domestic violence victims recognize human trafficking occurring in domestic violence relationships. It describes why it is important to identify trafficking occurring within families, the civil, immigration, employment and other remedies available for victims and provides practice pointers for effective representation. The publication includes other valuable resources for domestic violence victims’ attorneys working with victims who are also subjected to human trafficking.

[pdf] Human Trafficking and Domestic Violence: A Primer for Judges (2013) (+)

This article by Dorchen Leidholdt discussed the intersection of human trafficking with domestic violence relationships. It discusses how “understanding the domestic violence/trafficking connection is not only useful to
judges and court personnel in identifying victims and understanding the nature and effects of their ordeal. It can also be valuable in understanding the kind of assistance victims need and where help is available. Courts increasingly are taking steps to ensure that victims obtain assistance and are referring them to service.”

[pdf] Expert Testimony Concerning Battering (September, 2000) (+)

This appendix from a training manual written by the American Bar Association’s Commission on Violence Against Women reviews research data and provide information about the dynamics of domestic violence in immigrant families on questions and issues that are relevant to fact finders who decide cases involving battered immigrant women. Attorneys and advocates representing battered immigrant women in VAWA cases are encouraged to include a copy of this material as supporting evidence in the VAWA case.

[pdf] Domestic Violence & Immigration: Applying the Immigrant Provisions of the Violence Against Women Act (Sept. 8, 2000) – ABA Manual (+)

This manual will provide you with the information you will need to (1) understand the issues that face immigrant victims of domestic violence; (2) help immigrant victims to prepare for VAWA immigration cases including the VAWA self-petition, the battered spouse waiver, VAWA cancellation of removal, applications for work authorization as a VAWA self-petitioner, and applications for lawful permanent residency; (3) includes instructions on how to prove battering or extreme cruelty, good faith marriage, good moral character and use VAWA’s any credible evidence rules. 4) is discusses protection orders, custody and economic relief for immigrant survivors, and 5) will help develop training sessions in your local community on the issues presented in this manual. The material presented in this manual is appropriate for both attorneys and advocates who work with immigrant victims of domestic violence.

[pdf] The Impact of Domestic Violence on Children (+)

This report was commissioned by American Bar Association (ABA) President, R. William Ide, III, in March 1994. This report is a review of the legal literature and reform proposals that had been developed in the area of domestic violence and contains recommendations for legislation and other policy action, as well as proposals for what the organized bar and individual attorneys should do to better address domestic violence and its adverse impact on children.