This document explains the Department of Homeland Security regulation’s description of battering or extreme cruelty in the context of elder abuse. It also provides a list of forms of elder abuse by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention that is consistent with DHS’ approach to battering or extreme cruelty. This two-page document is an […]
Topic: Dynamics, Culture, & Safety
Materials and various tools and best practices regarding dynamics, culture, and safety.
Narrow your search:
- Dynamics of Violence Against Immigrant Women and Children
- Interviewing & Safety Planning
- State STOP FVPSA VOCA Administrators
- Demographics
- Best Practices and Collaborations
- Migration, Acculturation, Integration Immigrant Women
- Workplace Sexual Assault
- Dynamics of Sexual Assault
- Trauma-Informed Assistance
- Dynamics of Stalking
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- Child Abuse/Incest
- Physical Health
- Adoption
- Underserved Populations
- Abusive Speech and the First Amendment
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- Duration Residency Requirement
- Sexual Assault Defamation Liablity
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- Elder Abuse
[pdf] U-Visa: “Helpfulness” Checklist (+)
This checklist has been developed to assist police, prosecutors, judges, commissioners, magistrates and other U visa certifying officials in identifying the wide range of ways an immigrant crime victim can provide helpfulness to justice system officials and government agencies in detection, investigation, prosecution, conviction or sentencing of U visa listed criminal activity. The document includes citations to U.S. Department of Homeland Security policies, regulations, guidance and training materials on U visa certification and helpfulness. A national team of law enforcement, prosecutors and judicial trainers with expertise and experience on the U visa contributed to the development of the list of examples of helpfulness included in this document based on their experience and expertise.
[pdf] Gomez v. State_ 245 So. 3d 950 (1) (2018) (+)
The Florida Court denied discovery of the U visa file which was not in the state’s possession or control. Thus, the State had no obligation to produce it.
[pdf] People v. Alvarez Alvarez (California, 2014) (+)
[pdf] Vulnerable But Not Broken: Psychosocial Challenges and Resilience Pathways Among Unaccompanied Children From Central America (2018) (+)
Publication from the Immigration Psychology Working Group. Paris, M., Antuña, C., Baily, C. D. R., Hass, G. A., Muñiz de la Peña, C., Silva, M. A., & Srinivas, T. (2018).
Vulnerable but not broken: Psychosocial challenges and resilience pathways among unaccompanied children from
Central America. New Haven, CT: Immigration Psychology Working Group.
[pdf] National Immigrant Women’s Advocacy Project, Brochure (April 2019) (+)
Brochure describing NIWAP’s mission, vision and programs:
— Training: Capacity Building to Make Laws Effective
— Research: Transformation Through Documentation
— Policy: Amplifying Voices Through Advocacy
[pdf] October 2018 Newsletter – Clarifications on Medicaid and SNAP Eligibility and the 5-Year Bar (October 13, 2018) (+)
This issue includes: – Information for the Georgia Legal Services Program – No 5 Year Bar to Federally Funded Medicaid for Immigrants who Entered the U.S. before 8/22/1996 – New NTA Policy Memo Description – New Resources from NIWAP – Upcoming Conferences and Webinars
[pdf] Do you have problems at home? (July 16, 2015) (+)
This booklet explains the legal rights of immigrant victims of family violence including domestic violence, child abuse and elder abuse.
[pdf] Anticipating and Protecting Immigrant Survivors’ Privacy Interests (December 2016) (+)
Slides from workshop presentation.
[pdf] Language Identification Card “I speak…” (May 2019) (+)
This language identification guide is a tool for law enforcement and other criminal justice agencies to identify the language of individuals they encounter who do not speak English. I Speak was adapted by Raksha, Inc and Tapestri, Inc through a grant with Dekalb Magistrate’s Court’s Compliance Court Project. It is based on the I Speak booklet created by a partnership effort of the Bureau of Justice Assistance and the Ohio Criminal Justice Service. This adaptation of the I speak guide contains the many more languages than other versions of this important I speak tool. (May 2019)
[pdf] VAWA Confidentiality and Breaches (2013) (+)
Battered immigrant women relay extremely sensitive and private information to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (CIS, formerly INS)3 when seeking immigration relief. A batterer in possession of any of this information might use it to locate the battered immigrant spouse and her children and harm them. If he becomes aware that she is seeking immigration status independently of him or planning on leaving him, he might try to seek revenge and might contact the immigration authorities in an attempt to undermine her case or have her deported. For these reasons, confidentiality rules can serve as a potentially lifesaving protection for the victim and her children. A manual of confidentiality and breaches of confidentiality.
[pdf] Education Newsletter (February 2019) (+)
This issue will explain the findings of foreign-born university/college students who took the survey. It shows the implications of the student and exchange visitor system on foreign-born college students.
[pdf] Effective Advocacy for Immigrant Victims in Difficult Times_ Lessons from the Past (+)
article by Leslye Orloff for the American Bar Association – Effective Advocacy for Immigrant Victims in Difficult Times: Lessons from the Past
[pdf] Protecting Immigrant Victims: VAWA offers immigration protections for sexual assault victims (+)
Article in the Delaware Lawyer magazine, Fall 2018 – Protecting Immigrant Victims: VAWA offers immigration protections for sexual assault victims
*Best Practices for Advocacy-Initiated Response (AIR) working with Immigrant Crime Victims
Protections for Immigrant Victims DHS U and T Visa Law Enforcement Resource Guide Blue Card: Screening Tool for Victims Who Qualify for Immigration Protective Relief U Visa Toolkit for Law Enforcement Agencies and Prosecutors Multilingual Materials
[pdf] Expert Testimony Concerning Battering (September, 2000) (+)
This appendix from a training manual written by the American Bar Association’s Commission on Violence Against Women reviews research data and provide information about the dynamics of domestic violence in immigrant families on questions and issues that are relevant to fact finders who decide cases involving battered immigrant women. Attorneys and advocates representing battered immigrant women in VAWA cases are encouraged to include a copy of this material as supporting evidence in the VAWA case.
[pdf] Domestic Violence & Immigration: Applying the Immigrant Provisions of the Violence Against Women Act (Sept. 8, 2000) – ABA Manual (+)
This manual will provide you with the information you will need to (1) understand the issues that face immigrant victims of domestic violence; (2) help immigrant victims to prepare for VAWA immigration cases including the VAWA self-petition, the battered spouse waiver, VAWA cancellation of removal, applications for work authorization as a VAWA self-petitioner, and applications for lawful permanent residency; (3) includes instructions on how to prove battering or extreme cruelty, good faith marriage, good moral character and use VAWA’s any credible evidence rules. 4) is discusses protection orders, custody and economic relief for immigrant survivors, and 5) will help develop training sessions in your local community on the issues presented in this manual. The material presented in this manual is appropriate for both attorneys and advocates who work with immigrant victims of domestic violence.
[pdf] Immigration Options and Trauma Informed Approach to Helping Immigrant Victims of Sexual Assault (+)
Presentation from the training “Trauma Informed Legal Advocacy,” part of the Trauma-Informed Webinar Series.
[pdf] Уязвимость к травме Вопросники структурированного интервью для иммигрантов (SIQI) (Russian) (+)
[pdf] 创伤知情(Trauma Informed) 移民案件结构性访谈问卷(SIQI) (+)
[pdf] SART Toolkit – Immigrants Victims of Sexual Assault (+)
Linked above is section 6 of the 2018 edition of the NSVRC Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) Toolkit. To access the full Toolkit go to NSVRC website
[pdf] Louisiana Demographics (updated October 11, 2023) (+)
Louisiana Demographics
Data from 2021
Updated 2023
[pdf] Immigration in Child Welfare System Case Studies (+)
[pdf] Chapter 17.2: Coverage for Forensic Costs for Immigrant crime Victims: Medical Coverage and Services (February 12, 2017) (+)
Chapter in Empowering Survivors: Legal Rights of Immigrant Victims of Sexual Assault. This is Chapter 17.2 of NIWAP’s manual “Empowering Survivors: Legal Rights of Immigrant Victims of Sexual Assault”. It provides a detailed chart of the forensic examination laws, immigration-related eligibility requirements, and processes to receive payment for examination costs for each state. This information is current as of February 12, 2017. It is intended to provide an overview regarding health benefits and victim compensation for each state.
[pdf] Nevada Demographics (updated October 23, 2023) (+)
Demographics of Nevada
Data from 2021 updated in 2023
[pdf] Maine Demographics (updated October 11, 2023) (+)
Demographics of Maine
Data from 2021 updated in 2023
[pdf] Louisiana Demographics (2016) (+)
Demographics of Louisiana
Data from 2016 updated in 2018
[pdf] Louisiana Demographics Data (2016) (+)
[pdf] Kentucky Demographics (updated October 4, 2023) (+)
Demographics of Kentucky
Data from 2021 updated in 2023
[pdf] Kansas Demographics (2019) (+)
Demographics of Kansas
Data from 2019 updated in 2022
[pdf] Iowa Demographics (updated October 4, 2023) (+)
Demographics of Iowa
Data from 2021 updated in 2023
[pdf] Indiana Demographics (updated October 4, 2023) (+)
Demographics of Indiana
Data from 2021 updated in 2023
[pdf] Illinois Demographics (updated September 27, 2023) (+)
Demographics of Illinois
Data from 2021 updated in 2023
[pdf] Idaho Demographics (updated September 27, 2023) (+)
Demographics of Idaho
Data from 2021 updated in 2023
[pdf] Hawaii Demographics (updated September 27, 2023) (+)
Demographics of Hawaii
Data from 2021 updated in 2023
[pdf] Georgia Demographics (updated September 27, 2023) (+)
Demographics of Georgia
Data from 2021 updated in 2023
[pdf] Florida Demographics (updated September 20, 2023) (+)
Demographics of Florida
Data from 2021 updated in 2023
[pdf] Delaware Demographics (updated September 20, 2023) (+)
Demographics of Delaware
Data from 2021 updated in 2023
[pdf] Connecticut Demographics (updated September 20, 2023) (+)
Demographics of Connecticut
Data from 2021 updated in 2023
[pdf] Colorado Demographics (2016) (+)
Demographics of Colorado
Data from 2016 updated in 2018
[pdf] Colorado Demographics (updated September 20, 2023) (+)
Demographics of Colorado. Data from 2021, updated in 2023.
[pdf] California Demographics (updated September 27, 2023) (+)
Demographics of California
Data from 2021 updated in 2023
[pdf] Alaska Demographics (updated September 27, 2023) (+)
Demographic information about the immigrant population in Alaska. Data from 2021. Updated in 2023.
[pdf] Arizona Demographics (updated September 27, 2023) (+)
Demographics of Arizona
Data from 2021 updated in 2023
[pdf] Alabama Demographics (2016) (+)
Demographics information about the immigrant population in Alabama. 2016 data. Updated in 2018.
*All State Demographics (updated October 16, 2023)
Demographic Information on Immigrant Populations for Each U.S. State – 2021 Data. Updated 2023. Limited English Proficiency Data by US Region United States Demographics Alabama Demographics Alaska Demographics Arizona Demographics Arkansas Demographics California Demographics Colorado Demographics Connecticut Demographics Delaware Demographics District of Columbia Demographics Florida Demographics Georgia Demographics Hawaii Demographics Idaho Demographics Illinois Demographics Indiana […]
[pdf] Wyoming Demographics (updated November 29, 2023) (+)
Basic demographic information on immigrant population in Wyoming – 2021 Data. Updated March 2023.
[pdf] Wisconsin Demographics (updated November 29, 2023) (+)
Basic demographic information on immigrant population in Wisconsin – 2021 Data. Updated 2023.
[pdf] New Mexico Demographics (updated October 25, 2023) (+)
Basic demographic information on immigrant population in New Mexico – 2021 Data. Updated 2023.
[pdf] New Jersey Demographics (updated October 23, 2023) (+)
Basic demographic information on immigrant population in New Jersey – 2021 Data. Updated 2023.
[pdf] Nebraska Demographics (+)
Basic demographic information on immigrant population in Nebraska – 2014 Data. Updated June 2016.
[pdf] North Dakota Demographics (updated October 30, 2023) (+)
Basic demographic information on immigrant population in North Dakota – 2021 Data. Updated 2023.
[pdf] North Carolina Demographics (updated October 30, 2023) (+)
Basic demographic information on immigrant population in North Carolina – 2021 Data. Updated 2023.
[pdf] Kansas Demographics (updated October 4, 2023) (+)
Basic demographic information on immigrant population in Kansas – 2021 Data. Updated 2023.
[pdf] Illinois Demographics (+)
Basic demographic information on immigrant population in Illinois – 2014 Data. Updated June 2016.
[pdf] Idaho Demographics (+)
Basic demographic information on immigrant population in Idaho – 2014 Data. Updated June 2016.
[pdf] Arkansas Demographics (updated September 27, 2023) (+)
Demographics of Arkansas
Data from 2021 updated in 2023
[pdf] Harvard 2018: Advocacy in Times of Crisis (+)
This panel at the Harvard Immigration Project Symposium covered how an immigrant crime victim’s ability to seek help or participate in the justice system can be impacted in times of increased immigration enforcement. It also discussed deportation and removal protections for crime victims and witnesses under laws such as VAWA Confidentiality and the ICE Courthouse […]
Table of Contents U-Visa “Helpfulness” Checklist CATEGORY: MANUAL DHS U and T Visa Law Enforcement Resource Guide Updated 11.30.15 Glossary of Terms for Work with Immigrant Survivors (November 15, 2017) U Visa Helpfulness Case Scenarios Collection of U-Visa News Articles Immigrant Crime Victims and U Visa Certification – What is it and Why Should Judges […]
[pdf] Amicus Brief: Domestic Violence Endangers Family Members Who Attempt to Intercede and Gender Based Violence in Honduras (September 25, 2017) (+)
This Amicus Brief was filed by Crowell and Moring on behalf of the NIWAP, Inc and the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence in the 3rd Circuit Federal Court of Appeals. The brief was filed in support for a mother of a domestic violence victim from Honduras who interceded to protect her daughter who was experiencing domestic violence and was stalked and threatened by her daughter’s abuser. The brief discusses the following topics: The dangers in Honduras for women in a country with unchecked gender based violence against women; Social science data on the dangers to family members who attempt to intercede to stop domestic violence and How these two factors combine in Honduras to amplify the danger to women.
[pdf] Attorney General Guidelines for Victim Witness Assistance (2005) (+)
[pdf] Law Enforcement and Prosecution Best Practices: Immigrant Crime Victims, Language Access and the U Visa (+)
[pdf] Law Enforcement Materials for Advocacy in Action 2017 (+)
March 17, 2017: Honolulu, HI “Best Practices: Immigrant Crime Victims, Language Access and the U and T Visa”
The law enforcement training covered the best practices and recommendations based on Department of Homeland Security (DHS) regulations, policies and training materials on U and T visa certification and included a discussion of the benefits for law enforcement and prosecutors in following DHS’s recommendations for certification early in the case including in cases that are […]
[pdf] Slides: Trauma-Informed Care, Part 2: The Nuts and Bolts of Immigration Story Writing Intervention (March 19, 2014) (+)
This webinar builds on a previous broadcast “Trauma-Informed Care: Promoting Healing While Strengthening Survivors’ Immigration Case”, which introduced the process of immigration story writing intervention – a unique technique that couples (1) a trauma-focused writing exercise, shown to reduce the psychological impact of trauma exposure, with (2) a record of the survivor’s experience of domestic violence, sexual abuse, or other qualifying traumatic event that enhances the survivor’s evidence-based immigration relief application. All registrants should review Part I prior to the second broadcast. In this sequel, presenters will offer a tested and trauma sensitive tool, helpful resources, and effective strategies to facilitate the immigration story writing intervention. The focus will be on helping advocates obtain in-depth details from survivors, identify patterns of coercive control, and promote healing as they build stronger immigration relief applications.
[pdf] BIA Amicus Brief on Recent Research Concerning the Neurobiological, Cognitive, and Psychological Development of Children and Adolescents (July 11, 2016) (+)
This Amicus brief was submitted to the Board of Immigration Appeals and addresses an important issue presented by Amicus Invitation No. I 6-06-09, focusing on how the term “minor” should be defined and understood by the Board in child asylum cases in light of the substantial body of recent research concerning the neurobiological, cognitive, and psychological development of children and adolescents. This brief will focus on the significant and deleterious effect trauma and
maltreatment have on that development, including the impact of impaired development on the readiness of child migrants to file asylum applications.
[pdf] USCIS Brochure: Female Genital Mutilation or Cutting (+)
Produced by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security covering Female Genital Mutilation.
[pdf] U.S. Government Fact Sheet on Female Genital Mutilation or Cutting (FGM/C) (+)
[pdf] Creative Remedies PowerPoint (PDF) (+)
Creative Remedies PowerPoint (PDF)
[pdf] Road Map to Safer Communities PowerPoint (PDF) (+)
Road Map to Safer Communities PowerPoint (PDF)
[pdf] Don’t Hush Discuss the Need for Sex-Ed for Muslim Communities (+)
[pdf] Reflections on an Imams Guilty Plea Heart Women Girls (+)
[pdf] Elgin Muslim Leader Admits Sex Abuse of Minor and Woman Gets Probation Elgin (Courier News) (+)
[pdf] On Supporting Your Loved Ones: Responding to Allegations of Sexual Violence in Muslim Community (+)
[pdf] Exploring Social Cultural and Faith Communities as Allies Powerpoint (+)
Exploring Social Cultural and Faith Communities as Allies Powerpoint
[pdf] How the Justice System can Respond to Intersections of Immigration Status, Gender, and Culture (Powerpoint PDF) (+)
How the Justice System can Respond to Intersections of Immigration Status, Gender, and Culture (Powerpoint PDF)
[pdf] Sexual Assault, Dating Violence, and Stalking on Campus: When Foreign-born Victims Become Targets (Powerpoint PDF) (+)
Sexual Assault, Dating Violence, and Stalking on Campus: When Foreign-born Victims Become Targets (Powerpoint PDF)
[pdf] Opening Plenary – Addressing Culture: Systematic Responses to Underserved Immigrant Populations (+)
Opening Plenary – Addressing Culture: Systematic Responses to Underserved Immigrant Populations
*Out of the Shadows (DHS Blue Campaign PSA)
This PSA was developed by the Department of Homeland Security for its Blue Campaign, which fights human trafficking. Please share widely! The link address is:
Fact sheet from the U.S. Equal Opportunity Commission on sex discrimination in the workplace in the form of sexual harassment.
[pdf] Slides: Screening for and Responding to Sexual Violence in the Workplace (+)
Training on response to and legal rights of immigrant victims of sexual assault in the workplace.
[pdf] 2016 NOLA Agenda with Descriptions (+)
A detailed agenda for : “Addressing Culture: Systematic Responses to Underserved Immigrant Populations.” The conference was held in New Orleans, Louisiana from December 12-16, 2016.
[pdf] Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Public Policy Timeline Highlighting Accomplishments on Behalf Of Immigrants and Women of Color (February 11, 2017) (+)
Provides an overview of the historical achievements that improve laws, policies, practices and access to services for battered women, sexual assault victims and particularly immigrant and women of color victims.
[docx] Dynamics of DV& SA learning interests from COP participants (+)
Dynamics of DV& SA learning interests from COP participants From the Community of Practice applications, here are the things participants listed as learning topics relating to the dynamics of DV & SA for Immigrant Survivors.
[pdf] Resource Guide: Supporting Undocumented Youth (2015) (+)
A guide for success in secondary and post-secondary settings
[pdf] Slides from “Helping Sexual Assault and Human Trafficking Victims: Holding their Abusers Accountable” (+)
These slides were presented by Leslye Orloff in a keynote address entitled “Helping Sexual Assault and Human Trafficking Victims: Holding their Abusers Accountable” at Youngstown State University on March 31, 2016. For additional materials relevant to this training, please visit
[pdf] Slides from A Trauma Informed Approach to Attorney/Client Relationships and Collaborations: Strategies for Divorce, Custody, Protection Orders, and Immigration Cases (+)
These slides were presented by Mercedes V. Lorduy, Mary Ann Dutton, and Aparna Bhattacharyya at the Community of Responders: A Holistic Approach to Working with Immigrant Survivors of Abuse in New Orleans, LA on July 29, 2015.
[pdf] Slides from Trauma Informed Interviewing of Immigrant Sexual Assault Survivors: For Law Enforcement, Advocates and Family Law Attorneys (+)
These slides were presented by Bill Tamayo, Mary Ann Dutton and Shelli Sonnenberg at the Community of Responders: A Holistic Approach to Working with Immigrant Survivors of Abuse in New Orleans, LA on July 29, 2015.
[pdf] Slides from Plenary II: Strengthening Immigrant Survivors and Working with Immigrant Clients in Crisis – Trauma Informed Approach (+)
These slides were presented by Mary Ann Dutton, Mercedes V. Lorduy and Edna Yang at the Community of Responders: A Holistic Approach to Working with Immigrant Survivors of Abuse in New Orleans, LA on July 29, 2015.
[pdf] Representing Domestic Violence Survivors who are Experiencing Trauma and Other Mental Health Challenges: A Handbook for Attorneys (+)
This handbook for attorneys was created by the National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma & Mental Health. In recent years, those who work with survivors of domestic violence have become
increasingly aware of the connection between trauma and domestic violence, as well as
other effects of domestic violence on a survivor’s mental health. This handbook aims to inform prosecutors who represent survivors with trauma or other mental health challenges.
[pdf] Self Care Tool (June 20, 2014) (+)
Self-care should be a preventive measure, and not
something one does when feeling completely overwhelmed. It is not always easy to take
care of ourselves; demands from work, family, and friends can relegate self-care to the
bottom of your “to-do” list. Self-care is particularly important for attorneys and advocates
that work closely with traumatized clients that have difficult stories to tell.
[pdf] Grounding Tool (June 19, 2014) (+)
Grounding techniques are used when working with a trauma survivor who may become overwhelmed or enter a dissociated state when recounting memories or strong emotions associated with a traumatic event.
[pdf] Leadership Academy Manual (2010-2015) (+)
Collection of materials aimed to promote the presence of marginalized populations in leadership roles.
*Empowering Survivors Table of Contents
This is a comprehensive manual that provides information that will be useful to advocates, attorneys, justice, and social services professionals working with and assisting immigrant survivors of sexual assault. This manual will help advocates and professionals expand their knowledge and capacity to aid immigrant victims of sexual assault in accessing justice under federal and state civil, […]
*Breaking Barriers Table of Contents
Breaking Barriers is a comprehensive manual that provides information that will be useful to advocates, attorneys, justice, and social services professionals working with and assisting immigrant survivors of domestic and family violence. This Manual provides a detailed overview explanation of immigrant survivors’ legal rights under immigration, family, public benefits, and criminal laws and their rights to […]
[pdf] DHS Policies and Safety Planning Flowchart (+)
Flowchart describing safety planning for immigrant survivors and the benefits of initiating the victims immigration case before serving a perpetration in a family law or protection order case. The document also contains a list and links to Department of Homeland Security policies that foster victim protection from immigration enforcement and removal.
[pdf] Brochure: Know Your Rights (+)
Regardless of your immigration status, you have the right to be safe in your own home. You have the right to leave or have anyone removed from your home who abuses you and/or your children physically, emotionally or sexually. No one has the right to hurt you or your children in any way.
[pdf] Chapter 05.1: Know Your Rights (+)
Brochure for battered immigrants, their advocates and their attorneys.
[pdf] Immigrant Population by State (+)
Immigrant Population by State
[pdf] Percent Change in Foreign Born Population 2006-2010 (+)
A state by state breakdown of the percent change in the foreign born population from 2006-2010.