[pdf] Protection Orders Webinar Materials List (December 3, 2024) (+)

This list of training materials on civil protection orders has been developed to assist state court judges, attorneys, and victim advocates working with immigrant survivors. It covers protection orders for vicitms of domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking. The list includes training tools, training manual chapters, bench cards, and links to webinars.

[pdf] Training Materials for Victim Advocates and Attorneys (11.28.23) (+)

Training materials for family lawyers, prosecutors, and state family, civil and criminal court judges assisting immigrant crime victims Topics include: U visas, T visas, Family Law cases, VAWA Self-Petitions, VAWA Confidentiality, Public Benefits, Best Practices, Language Access, Webinars, Podcasts and more.

[pdf] U Visa and Language Access (+)

Most people have heard the phrase, “communication is key.” This proves very true when working with victims of crime who are confronted with many physical, emotional, or psychological barriers to recovery. This workshop will discuss the U Visa, a powerful tool that assists law enforcement (LE) in effectively fighting crime and improving community safety while […]

[pdf] CCW Immigration leo 5.25.23 (+)

Victimization throughout immigrant communities is significantly high due to the victims’ fears of deportation, retaliation, or mistrust of law enforcement and with offenders not being held accountable. In response, the U Visa was designed to serve as a tool for law enforcement and prosecutors that provide victims of abuse the opportunity to work with the […]

[pdf] OVW, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on the VAWA Confidentiality Provisions (34 U.S.C. Section 12291(b)(2)) (October 2017) (+)

FAQ discusses the VAWA confidentiality protections that apply to Office on Violence Against Women grantees and subgrantees including the requirement that grantees and subgrantees “covered” by the VAWA Confidentiality Provision must adhere to the requirements of that Provision; that is, they may not disclose, reveal, or release personally identifying information or individual information collected in connection with services requested, utilized, or denied through grantees’ and subgrantees’ programs, regardless of whether the information has been encoded, encrypted, hashed, or otherwise protected.

[pdf] Emergency Shelter and Transitional Housing for Immigrant Victims: Government Policies (February 10, 2017) (+)

This document brings together in one collection the polices issued by federal government agencies describing the legal rights of immigrant and Limited English Proficient (LEP) victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, stalking, human trafficking, child abuse, and the homeless to access emergency shelters and transitional housing from a wide array of programs offering these services who receive federal funding. The federal agency policies in this collection include policies issued by:
The U.S. Department of Justice (Office of Victims of Crime, Office on Violence Against Women)
The Health and Human Services (Family Violence Prevention)
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
These policies provide the requirements for providers of emergency shelter, transitional housing and other programs offering services necessary to protect life and safety. this packet of policies will help advocates and attorneys working with immigrant survivors and immigrant children gain access to housing, services and assistance they are eligible to receive without regard to their immigration or LEP status.

[pdf] HUD-HHS-DOJ-Letter-Regarding-Immigrant-Access-to-Housing-and-Services (+)

This letter reiterates long standing federal policies that immigrants cannot be denied access to certain services necessary to protect life and safety based on their immigration status.
This letter reiterates that immigrants experiencing homelessness,  victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, stalking or human trafficking may not be turned away on the basis of immigration status from life and safety services including but not limited to emergency shelters, and short-term housing assistance (including transitional housing and rapid re-housing), crisis counseling and intervention, soup kitchens, community food banks, emergency Medicaid and public health services.
Importantly, this Tri-Agency letter describes the anti-discrimination requirements that apply to all federal grantees and the application of these protections to cases involving immigrants