[pdf] Marriage of David M. Salcido and Irina N. Salcido Arizona State Court of Appeals (August 24 2004) (+)

In Re the Marriage of David M. Salcido and Irina N. Salcido, Case No. 20023590 before the Arizona Court of Appeals. (2004) Filed an amicus brief in support of overturning a grant of annulment in favor of an abusive spouse who sought an annulment after a five year marriage in order to deny the victim-wife VAWA immigration status. (Crowell and Moring, Pro Bono).

[pdf] Meredith v. Muriel K&L Gates Supreme Court of the State of Washington (July 17 2009) (+)

Meredith v. Muriel, Supreme Court of the State of Washington, (2009). Submitted two amicus briefs one on behalf of Legal Momentum and a second on behalf of the National Network to End Violence Against Immigrant Women in a case in which an abuser appealed the issuance of a protection order containing a prohibition against the abuser communicating with the Department of Homeland Security regarding his wife. One brief (K & L Gates, Pro Bono) provided social science documentation of the harm to victims and the lethality of immigration related abuse and discussed the history and purpose of VAWA confidentiality protections.

[pdf] Equal Employment Opportunity Commission v. Koch Foods Amicus Brief 5th Circuit (October 22 2015) (+)

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission v. Koch Foods. NIWAP Inc. collaborated with Latino Justice, the law firms of Arnold and Porter and Procopio, and Legal Momentum to submit an amicus brief to the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals in an interlocutory appeal of a Federal District Court decision to allow an employer who employed supervisors who perpetrated rape, sexual assault, felonious assault, extortion, sexual harassment and other discrimination against workers to use civil court discovery in an EEOC enforcement action to obtain copies of the victim’s VAWA confidentiality protected U visa case files. The brief provided legislative history of the VAWA confidentiality provisions and the U visa and discussed the public policy effects on victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking and other crimes if discovery of VAWA confidentiality protected information is allowed in civil cases. (October 22, 2015)

[pdf] Hawke v. Department of Homeland Security, the United States District Court for the District of Northern California (May 23 2008) (+)

Hawke v. Department of Homeland Security, the United States District Court for the District of Northern California (September 29, 2008). Filed an amicus brief discussing the history and purpose of VAWA Confidentiality created in 1996 (expanded in 2000 and 2005) as Section 384 of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 (“IIRIRA”). In this case of first impression, the Court clarified that VAWA confidentiality provisions protect victims filing for VAWA immigration relief even if the case is ultimately denied when such denials were not based on the merits. Procedural denials or withdrawals of applications continue to receive the full scope of VAWA Confidentiality eligible protection. (Morgan, Lewis, Pro Bono)

[pdf] In the Matter of M.A. (March 23 2020) Board of Immigration Appeals (+)

In the Matter of M-A. (2020) Brief filed with the Board of Immigration Appeals. NIWAP was lead amicus in an appeal to the Board of Immigration Appeal in a case of first impression challenging an Immigration Judge’s denial of VAWA cancellation of removal to an LGBTQ+ immigrant victim of spouse abuse who suffered multiple VAWA confidentiality violations including Immigration and Custom’s Enforcement informing the court they planned to call the perpetrator as a witness, submitting an affidavit by the perpetrator that the immigration judge relied upon to deny the victim VAWA cancellation of removal, the immigration court failing to remove the victim’s case from the publicly available computer system and numerous other VAWA confidentiality violations. The brief provided detailed legislative, regulatory and policy history on VAWA confidentiality and discussed each of the numerous VAWA confidentiality violations occurring in this case by Immigration and Customs Enforcement, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, the immigration judge and the immigration courts. (March 24, 2020)

[pdf] IIRAIRA Legislative History Conference Report (September 24, 1996) (+)

Includes preservation of VAWA self-petitioning, creation of VAWA cancellation of removal, creating VAWA confidentiality requirements, and exempting battered immigrants from deeming (see pp 32, 49, 108-109, 129-130, 139, 150 for statutory text and pp 208, 214, 231, and 238 for legislative history). Included battered spouse waiver, VAWA self-petitioners and VAWA suspension of deportation in VAWA confidentiality protections. IIRAIRA is the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996.

[pdf] VAWA-Confidentiality-History-Purpose-and-Violations (+)

Chapter in Empowering Survivors: Legal Rights of Immigrant Victims of Sexual Assault. This chapter contains detailed legislative history on the development and evolution of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) confidentiality protections under U.S. immigration laws. VAWA’s immigration confidentiality protections accomplish three objectives: 1) preventing DHS, DOJ and the U.S. State Department from relying on information provided by a perpetrator or the perpetrator’s family member to harm victims; 2) barring the release by government officials of information about the existence of, actions taken in, or materials contained in a VAWA confidentiality protected case file; and 3) establishing a list of protected locations at which immigration enforcement actions in cases involving immigrant crime victims are not to take place. This chapter discusses each of these protections in detail and includes statutory and legislative history, regulations and government policies implementing VAWA confidentiality protections. This chapter also contains a discussion of sanctions applicable to DHS, DOJ, and State Department officials when VAWA confidentiality violations occur.

[pdf] VAWA Confidentiality Statutes, Legislative History and Implementing Policy (Updated June 7, 2022) (+)

This document contains the full statutory, legislative history, and history of policies issued by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the Immigration and Naturalization Service, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services and the Office of Principal Legal Advisor at Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Includes a discussion of the ICE Courthouse enforcement policy issued in January 2018 and ICE and CPB Sensitive locations policies as they affect immigrant victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, stalking, child abuse and human trafficking.

[pdf] Utilizing VAWA Confidentiality Protections in Family and Criminal Court Cases (February 17, 2017) (+)

Chapter of a publication on issues that arise in family court cases involving immigrant crime victims pending publication. This chapter discusses VAWA confidentiality protections and their impact in state court proceedings. While the emphasis of the article is on family court cases, the discussion is also useful in criminal court cases. This article discusses the Hawke, Demaj and Koch cases on VAWA confidentiality.

[pdf] Amicus Curiae Brief EEOC v Koch Foods (October 22, 2015) (+)

Amicus Brief in a federal employment discrimination case brought by the EEOC and immigrant employees who were victims of sexual assault and other crimes against Koch Foods in Mississippi. The Amicus Brief discusses VAWA confidentiality its legislative history and purpose and argues why VAWA confidentiality protected case files in VAWA self-petition and U visa cases should not be discoverable in an employment civil action. The case cites cases denying discovery in state family and criminal court cases.

[pdf] Instruction 002-02-001, Implementation of Section 1367 Information Provisions (VAWA Confidentiality)(5.28.19) (+)

DHS VAWA confidentiality implementation instructions that apply to United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, Customs and Border Patrol and Immigration and Customs Enforcement. These instructions explain in detail the steps DHS officials are required to take to comply with VAWA confidentiality’s bars on reliance on information provided by perpetrators and their family members, bars on immigration enforcement actions at protected locations and bars of release of information about the existence of and information contained in VAWA confidentiality protected cases, including VAWA self-petitions, VAWA cancellation, VAWA suspension of deportation, and T and U visa cases.

[pdf] Offering a Helping Hand: Legal Protections for Battered Immigrant Women: A History of Legislative Responses (March 1, 2002) (+)

This article chronicles the legislative history of immigration protections afforded immigrant crime victims in the Violence Against Women Acts (VAWA) of 1994 and 2000, through the Battered Spouse Waiver, and through VAWA Confidentiality, the history and development of the VAWA self-petition, VAWA cancellation of removal, the battered spouse waiver, any credible evidence standard, VAWA confidentiality, benefits access for battered immigrant VAWA self-petitioners and cancellation/suspension applicants, the U-Visa, victim’s ability to obtain lawful permanent residency in the U.S. and Legal Services Corporation funded legal assistance are discussed in detail. This article collects and publishes information contained in documents developed during advocacy that led to the passage of federal immigration law legislation creating each of these protections.