[pdf] Family Law Training Materials (January 7, 2025) (+)

This is an inclusive list of all NIWAP’s training tools and resources related to family law. It also includes a link to subscribe for NIWAP’s newsletter and to access NIWAP’s web library and for state family law judges it contains a link to subscribe to the National Judicial Network.

[pdf] S.E.R.L v. U.S. Federal Court of Appeals 3rd Circuit (September 25 2017) (+)

Amicus Brief in S.E.R.L v. U.S. NIWAP filed an amicus curiae brief on behalf of a Honduran woman who had helped her daughter escape from a domestic violence perpetrator who had trafficked the daughter to Mexico. The brief discussed the extent to which those who intervene to protect their family from perpetrators of domestic violence are at risk of violent retaliation by the perpetrator, up to and including death. She fled Honduras seeking asylum in the U.S. out of fear of more retaliation. This amicus was filed in the 3rd Circuit Federal Court of Appeals in a case in which S.E.R.L is seeking gender based asylum as a Honduran woman who intervened in a domestic violence relationship who are left completely vulnerable to violent retaliation. Crowell and Moring (September 25, 2017)

[pdf] Rosa Marisol Avelar Oliva Board of Immigration Appeals (February 16 2018) (+)

Amicus Brief in Matter of Rosa Marisol Avelar Oliva, NIWAP filed an amicus curiae brief on behalf of an El Salvadorian woman who suffered child abuse and was held in isolation for years. The Immigration Judge found that she was not credible. The brief discussed the psychological and developmental effects of trauma and how childhood rape and sexual abuse can significantly impact witness’s demeanor and ability to testify and report the abuse. The brief addressed how childhood trauma impairs brain development in key regions responsible for memory, reasoning, and planning. The amicus was filed in the Board of Immigration Appeals in a case in which Rosa Marisol is seeking gender-based asylum and withholding of removal. Crowell and Moring (February 16, 2018)

[pdf] Immigrant Survivors and Their Children Assisting Survivors With Immigration Case Filings and Addressing Issues That Arise in Family Court Cases (+)

Description of the information that will be provided on the December 8, 2021 training, “Immigrant Survivors and Their Children: Assisting Survivors With Immigration Case Filings and Addressing Issues that Arise in Family Court Cases.”

[pdf] Faculty Bios for DC Family Law Presentation 8.25.2020 (+)

This is a list of faculty bios for NIWAP’s presentation on Family Law with the Office of Victim Services and Justice Grants in Washington DC. Judge Julie Breslow, Judge Rosemary Collins, and NIWAP Director Leslye Orloff presented at this virtual training and information about their backgrounds and expertise is included in this list of bios.

August 13, 2020: “Immigrant Survivors in Family Law and Immigration Cases: A Webinar for Attorneys” (Webinar)

NIWAP, in partnership with the Southern Maryland Center for Family Advocacy presented a virtual training on family law for attorneys who encounter immigrant victims of domestic violence, child abuse, sexual assault, stalking, and human trafficking in Charles, St. Mary’s, and Calvert Counties in Maryland.  If you are a victim advocate, attorney, judge, or other professional […]

August 7, 2019: Naples, FL “Immigration Issues in Family Court” Annual Education Program of the Florida Conference of Circuit Judges

This training will outline how accurate immigration law information results in just and fair outcomes in state courts. Participants will learn to recognize facts that indicate a party qualifies for crime victims related forms of legal immigration status. As well as make appropriate findings in state court cases that immigrant children filing for Special Immigrant […]

July 30, 2019: Orlando, FL NCJFCJ 82nd Annual Conference “State Court Cases Involving Immigrant Crime Victims and Immigrant Children: Custody, Discovery and U Visa Certification By Judges”

If you are a victim advocate, attorney, judge, or other professional working with an immigrant victim and you would like to receive case specific technical assistance on family law issues that arise in cases of immigrant crime victims, please call NIWAP for technical assistance.  (202) 274-4457 or email us at info@niwap.org. To receive updates, sign […]

[pdf] When State Family Law and Federal Immigration Laws Intersect: Promoting Access to the Courts and Just Outcomes for Immigrants (September 15, 2017) (+)

This webinar explains the benefits of accurate immigration law information, how to best carry out the role Congress delegated to State Court Judges in Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS) and U Visa cases. The presentation covers how to identify SIJS eligible minors before the court and issue SIJS predicate orders, and in the case of […]

November 15, 2018: “Custody for Abused Immigrants: Tips, Tools and Best Practices” (Webinar)

Parents have a constitutional right in the care and custody of their children without regard to the parent’s or the child’s immigration status. Despite this, perpetrators of domestic and sexual violence against immigrant victims with whom they share children, commonly raise immigration status related issues in custody litigation. Abusers often provide the court with legally […]

October 4, 2018: Plymouth, MI “VAWA Confidentiality & the Courts” and “Economic Relief & Public Benefits Under VAWA” at the Family Division Summit

SJI and Judicial Training Network Training Materials[1] Presented at the Family Division Summit Plymouth – Michigan October 04, 2018 Also see our full library of SJI supported materials for courts at www.niwap.org/go/sji   To receive updates, sign up for NIWAP’s outreach list. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Z6373LX You can elect NIWAP’s general outreach list to receive notices of trainings, […]

June 6-7, 2018: Albuquerque, NM “New Mexico Judicial Conclave” Workshops on SIJS, U visas and Issues that Arise in Family Court Cases Involving Immigrant Children and Crime Victims

This conference includes two workshops on the topics of SIJS, U visas, and Family Law.  The first workshop discussed best practices for issuing orders in the best interests of children in custody, protection order and child support cases in which the immigration status of a party or child is raised as an issue in the family […]

January 16-18, 2018: Washington, DC “Rural Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence and Stalking Assistance Grant Program” and “Legal Assistance for Victims” FY2017 Grantee Orientation

This training was part of the FY2017 Grantee Orientation for the OVW LAV grantees and OVW Rural grantees. This orientation addressed how to build the legal capacity to combat domestic violence and sexual assault against immigrants. Training Materials PowerPoint Presentation for Training Breaking Barriers manual Breaking Barriers is a comprehensive manual that provides information that […]

March 29,2017: Maryland State Bar Association Conference Family Law University Seminar

Immigration: VAWA, T Visas, U Visas • Bench Card: Overview of Types of Immigration Status  • Family Court Bench Card on Immigration Rights of Battered Spouses, Children and Immigrant Crime Victims (Print) • U Visa Certification Tool Kit for Federal, State, and Local Judges, Commissioners, and Magistrates  • Immigration Options for Victims of Crime -DHS Brochure […]

March 30-31, 2016: Akron & Youngstown, OH “Expanding Legal Representation of Immigrant Survivors in Immigration and Family Law”

This workshop was presented at Community Legal Aid’s Akron, OH office on March 30, 2016 and a keynote address titled “Helping Sexual Assault and Human Trafficking Victims: Holding their Abusers Accountable” at Youngstown State University on March 31, 2016. PowerPoint Presentations Slides from “Expanding Legal Representation of Immigrant Survivors in Immigration and Family Law” (March 30, […]

November 5, 2012: “Improving Outcomes for Immigrant Survivors Involved in Custody Disputes by Beginning the Process of Applying for VAWA and U-Visa” (Webinar)

Webinar entitled “Improving Outcomes for Immigrant Survivors Involved in Custody Disputes.” PowerPoint Presentation Improving Outcomes for Immigrant Survivors Involved in Custody Disputes by Beginning the Process of Applying for VAWA and the U Visa Materials Immigration Protection Screening Checklist Immigration Status in Custody Cases Reference Nebraska Advance Sheets The Impact of Domestic Violence on Children

June 22, 2012: Richmond, VA “Protection Order Conference”

Held by the Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Action Alliance. Plenary presentation on Issues That Arise for Women of Color and Immigrant Women in Family Court. Workshop presentation on Access to Immigration Relief and Protection from Deportation for Immigrant Survivors in an Age of Enhanced Immigration Enforcement. PowerPoint Presentations Crucial Role of Advocates Countering Bias: […]

September 19, 2004: San Diego, CA “Children of Battered Immigrant Women: An Assessment of the Cumulative Effects of Violence, Access to Services and Immigrant Status”

“Children of Battered Immigrant Women: An Assessment of the Cumulative Effects of Violence, Access to Services and Immigrant Status” was presented at the International Family Violence Conference in San Diego, CA. Training Materials PowerPoint Presentation for Training