How to work with an interpreter after a qualified interpreter is selected.
Topic: Language Access Training Materials & Tools
Training materials and tools regarding language access.
[pdf] Language Access, Trauma Informed Equitable Services, and Title VI Compliance (+)
PowerPoint Presentation for May 17, 2022 training with RAINN
[pdf] Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) Pros and Cons (+)
This resource is from VERA’s Translating Justice series (Module 6) and evaluates the pros and cons of video remote interpreting.
[pdf] In Accordance with the Law: Working with LEP Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Victims Presentation (+)
This presentation reviews the language access requirements of Title VI and the American Disabilities Act. The goal of this presentation is to improve investigations and prosecutions by using language access tools. Better language access plans for Limited English Proficiency (LEP) victims enhance victim safety and participation in the criminal justice system.
November 21, 2019: In Accordance with the Law: When Your Victim Witness Speaks Limited English (Webinar)
NIWAP hosted this webinar on Thursday, November 21, 2019, from 11:30am-1:00pm (Eastern). This webinar outlines language access requirements under Title VI and the American Disabilities Act. With the help of NIWAP’s faculty experts, the webinar discusses best practices and language access plans that enhance Limited English Proficiency (LEP) victims’ safety and participation in the criminal […]
[pdf] Уязвимость к травме Вопросники структурированного интервью для иммигрантов (SIQI) (Russian) (+)
[pdf] Alabama Demographics (2016) (+)
Demographics information about the immigrant population in Alabama. 2016 data. Updated in 2018.
[pdf] Bench Card: Working With Court Interpreters (December 2016) (+)
Bench card for state court judges on best practices for working with interpreters. Based on training materials developed by the Asian Pacific Institute on Gender Based Violence.
[pdf] Slides from “Helping Sexual Assault and Human Trafficking Victims: Holding their Abusers Accountable” (+)
These slides were presented by Leslye Orloff in a keynote address entitled “Helping Sexual Assault and Human Trafficking Victims: Holding their Abusers Accountable” at Youngstown State University on March 31, 2016. For additional materials relevant to this training, please visit
[pdf] Slides from Language Access at Crime Scenes Improve Successful Criminal Investigations and Prosecutions (+)
These slides were presented by Officer Michael LaRiviere, Detective Shelli Sonnenberg, and Wendy Lau at the Community of Responders: A Holistic Approach to Working with Immigrant Survivors of Abuse in New Orleans, LA on July 30, 2015.
[pdf] Slides from Creative Language Access Advocacy: Removing Language as a Barrier to Justice in Rural and Urban Communities (+)
These slides were presented by Detective Shelli Sonnenberg, Olga Trujillo, and Cannon Han at the Community of Responders: A Holistic Approach to Working with Immigrant Survivors of Abuse in New Orleans, LA on July 29, 2015.
[pdf] U Visa LEP Training for LE and Prosecutors NSA 2016 (+)
This workshop was presented by Leslye E. Orloff and Officer Michael LaRiviere at the National Sheriff’s Association Winter 2016 Conference in Washington, D.C. The slides aim enhance officer, victim, and community safety using language access and certification programs including the U and T Visas.
[pdf] Law Enforcement and Prosecution Best Practices: Immigrant Crime Victims, Language Access and the U Visa Slides (NCVC Anaheim Training 2015) (+)
These slides were presented by Leslye E. Orloff and Officer Michael LaRiviere at the National Center for Victims of Crime 2015 Training Institute. The slides aim to educate law enforcement, prosecutors, and other victim service providers about their role in providing services to immigrant crime victims, including providing U visa certification and T visa endorsement.
[pdf] National Association of Judiciary Interpreters & Translators Code of Ethics and Professional Responsibilities (+)
This code of conduct developed by the National Association of Judiciary Interpreters and Translators is a model code used by interpreters across the country. Law enforcement officials, courts, attorneys and advocates using interpreters often ask/require that interpreters with whom they work agree to follow this code when providing interpretation and translation services.
The function of court interpreters and translators is to remove the language barrier to the extent possible, so that such persons’ access to justice is the same as that of similarly-situated English speakers for whom no such barrier exists. The degree of trust that is placed in court interpreters and the magnitude of their responsibility necessitate high, uniform ethical standards that will both guide and protect court
[pdf] Are You Compliant with Title VI ? Language Access Self-Assessment Tool (+)
Language access self-assessment tool for compliance of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
[pdf] Chapter 02: Ensuring Language Access to Immigrant Victims of Sexual Assault (July 1, 2013) (+)
Chapter in Empowering Survivors: Legal Rights of Immigrant Victims of Sexual Assault. This chapter provides an overview of federal language access laws that apply to work involving immigrant and Limited English Proficient victims of sexual assault. It includes a discussion of the history and development of federal language access laws, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, how to research demographics of the LEP community in your jurisdiction, definitions of who are LEP persons, federal enforcement of LEP laws, the importance of using qualified interpreters, an overview of language access plans, steps for determining interpreter qualifications, translation requirements, tips and best practices.
[pdf] Interpreting Exercise (+)
Interactive training exercise for language interpretation.
[pdf] Dos and Don’ts to Help Law Enforcement Identify Victims, Witnesses, and Other Persons Who Are Limited English Proficient and Need An Interpreter (May 16, 2017) (+)
This document provides general Dos and Don’ts for law enforcement officers that assist in detecting whether a person is limited English proficient (LEP) and needs an interpreter to communicate fully and effectively with law enforcement officials. This tool will also help law enforcement officials determine whether they believe an interpreter would facilitate accurate communication and the officer wishes to have an interpreter to ensure accuracy in police reports and investigations.
Law Enforcement, Prosecutor and T and U Visa Certifier Training Materials
Most of the documents in this section and the trainings provided to law enforcement and prosecutors listed at the end of this section were supported by grants from the Office on Violence Against Women, The Bureau of Justice Assistance and/or the Training and Technical Assistance Center of the Office of Victims of Crime of the […]
[pdf] Percent Change in Foreign-Born Population Between 2001 and 2009- Census 2010 (+)
A chart of the percent change in foreign-born population between 2001 and 2009 based on U.S. Census data 2010.
[pdf] Geographic Location of Newly-Arrived Immigrants in the U.S. Census 2010 (+)
A chart showing the percentage of foreign-born population who have been in the U.S. 0-5 years. Based on U.S. Census data 2010.
[pdf] Top 5 Languages Spoken at Home (+)
A chart of the top 5 languages spoken at home by state. Based on U.S. Census data 2010.
[pdf] Percent Limited English Proficiency (LEP) by State- 2010 Census (+)
A chart of the percentage of limited English proficiency by state, based on U.S. Census data 2010.
[pdf] Top 10 Languages Spoken at Home, Other Than English (+)
A chart of the top 10 languages spoken at home by state.
[pdf] Comparison of State LEP and Foreign-Born Populations (+)
A chart of comparing state limited English proficient individuals and foreign-born populations by state, based on U.S. Census data 2010.
[pdf] Percentage of Population By State By Level of English Language Proficiency -Census 2010 (+)
A chart of English proficiency by state based on 2010 U.S. census data.
[pdf] Languages Spoken at Home (+)
A chart of the languages spoken at home, by state based on 2010 U.S. census data.
[pdf] Common Language Access Questions, Technical Assistance, and Guidance for Federally Conducted and Federally Assisted Programs (+)
Language access questions, answers, technical assistance and guidance for federally conducted and federally assisted programs.
[pdf] Language Access Assessment and Planning Tool for Federally Conducted and Federally Assisted Programs (+)
Language access assessment and planning tools for federally conducted and federally assisted programs, so they can communicate effectively with limited English proficient (LEP) individuals.
[pdf] Important Tips to Remember When Using an Interpreter (+)
Tips to remember when working with an interpreter and a non-English speaking client.
[pdf] Immigration Population by State, Broken Down by Years Since Immigration to the US -Census ACS 2009 (+)
A chart of immigration population by state broken down by years since immigrating to USA, based on U.S. Census data for 2010.
[pdf] Proper Role of a Court Interpreter (+)
Guidelines of what an individuals should look for when working with a court interpreter.
[pdf] NCSC, Serving Limited English Proficient (LEP) Battered Women: A National Survey of the Courts’ Capacity to Provide Protection Orders (June 30, 2006) (+)
This study explores the capacity of Limited English Proficient (LEP) petitioners to receive
orders of protection. It was carried out by using a multi-method study design that included a
national survey of courts, an intensive survey of a select group of courts and community-based
organizations within their jurisdictions, and the assessment of selected sites that can serve as
national models.
[pdf] Bench Card: Court Interpretation in Protection Order Hearings (+)
Judicial benchcard to help judges determine when a language interpreter is necessary and how to appoint and work with an interpreter an interpreter during Order of Protection Proceedings.
[pdf] Executive Order 13166 Limited English Proficiency Resource Document: Tips and Tools from the Field (+)
From the Department of Justice, tips and tools of language-assistance services for limited English proficient (LEP) individuals.
[pdf] Protection Orders and Limited English Proficient (LEP) Individuals (+)
Brochure regarding limited English proficient (LEP) individuals and protection orders.
[pdf] Improving Accessibility of Your Program’s Services to Battered Immigrant Women (+)
Lack of information about and access to services to assist battered women is one of the major obstacles battered immigrant women encounter when they consider fleeing a violent relationship. For immigrant women who do not speak English, communities without bilingual services are communities without any services. This tool outlines steps programs can take to improve accessibility of the program’s services for immigrant and limited English proficient survivors.
[pdf] Consecutive Exercise (+)
An exercise for interpreters to practice listening to others that will help improve their interpreting abilities.
[pdf] Limited English Proficiency: Resources (+)
National resources on working with limited English proficient persons.
[pdf] Know Your Rights (Are you Limited English Proficient?) (2002) (+)
Brochure regarding limited English proficient (LEP) individuals’ rights.