[pdf] Factors That Demonstrate That It is Not In a Child’s Best Interests to Return to Their Home Country (June 12, 2021) (+)

In Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS) cases, one of the required SIJS findings is that it is not in the child’s best interests for the child to be returned to the child’s or their parent’s home country. This document outlines recommended approaches to making or obtaining these findings that for SIJS eligible children. The recommendations include examining and applying the same factors that are used in VAWA self-petitioning cases to prove extreme hardship. These are abuse related factors that can help SIJS children establish that it is not in the child’s best interest to return to the child’s home country.

[pdf] DHS Proteccions Para Las Víctimas Inmigrantes (Protections for Immigrant Victims)(Marzo 1, 2017) (+)

El Departamento de Seguridad Nacional ha producido una infografía que provee un resumen de protecciones legales para víctimas de crimen quien son adultos y niños. Esta infografía provee protección sobre inmigración para víctimas que sufren abuso en los estados unidos y/o en el extranjero. Las formas de alivio son: VAWA auto petición, Visa U, Visa T, Presencia Continua, Estado Especial de Inmigrante Juvenil (SIJS) y Asilo. Esta infografía tiene enlaces al sitio de web de DHS con materiales de entrenamiento e información sobre estos programas, formas de aplicaciones e instrucciones producido por el gobierno.

[pdf] And Legal Services for All: Implementing the Violence Against Women Act of 2005’s New Path to Legal Services Corporation Funded Representation for Immigrant Survivors of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Human Trafficking, and Other Crimes (+)

This article contains a detailed description of the history and purpose of access to legal services funded by the Legal Services Corporation (“LSC”) for immigrant victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking and other U visa listed criminal activities. It provides a detailed analysis of the 2014 LSC regulations, policies and the services they provide to immigrant victims, and highlights the very real implications that a lack of legal services can have for individuals who need them most.

[pdf] October 2014 Newsletter (+)

In this issue:
– Demographics of Unaccompanied Minors in the United States
– Screening Children and Crime Victims for Immigration Relief Eligibility Using a Trauma Informed Approach
– Comparing Public Benefits for Forms of Immigration Relief
– Latest Developments at NIWAP
– Webinars, Publications, Trainings
– Student Corner

[pdf] SIJS Bench Book (Full Manual) (+)

The Special Immigrant Juvenile Status Bench Book: A guide to Best Practice for Judges and Courts is a comprehensive tool that provides information that will be useful to Judges and Courts working with immigrant children. Special Immigrant Juveniles Status (SIJS) is a form of humanitarian immigration relief that provides for a path to lawful permanent residence (LPR) for children who are unable to be reunited with one or both parents due to abuse, abandonment, neglect, or a similar basis under state law. The SIJS bench book provides a detailed overview explanation of SIJS and the role that Congress created for state court judges in an immigrant child’s application process. The bench book provides information about laws and regulations, policies and best practices, legislative history, quick-guides tools that will help Judges and Courts staffs working with immigrant children and juveniles.

[pdf] Immigration Options for Victims of Crimes (+)

Produced by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security covering Violence Against Women Act self-petitions, U visas and T visas. Information on Special Immigrant Juvenile Status and Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals has been added by the National Immigrant Women’s Advocacy Project, American University, Washington College of Law. Downloadable one page (two sided brochure) available in English, Spanish, Russian, Korean, and Chinese.

Nov. 30, 2018: U Visa Certifications and Special Immigrant Juvenile Status: The Judge’s Role (Webinar)

Webinar U Visa Certifications and Special Immigrant Juvenile Status: The Judge’s Role[1] November 30, 2018 Also see our full library of State Justice Institute supported materials for courts at www.niwap.org/go/sji  To receive updates, sign up for NIWAP’s outreach list. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Z6373LX  You can elect NIWAP’s general outreach list to receive notices of trainings, webinars, new materials, […]

[pdf] Factors That Can Demonstrate That It is Not in a Child’s Best Interests to be Returned to Their Home Country (+)

Information regarding required SIJS finding that states that it is not in the best interests for the child to be returned to the child’s or their parent’s home country; steps the courts should take when making this SIJS finding; and factors to consider when making this finding.

*New Practices Advisory on Special Immigrant Juvenile Status Applications Published (September 17, 2018)

The Immigration Legal Resource Center recently published a helpful Practice Advisory on “Risk of Applying for Special Immigrant Juvenile Status in Affirmative Cases”[1] due to the recently updated USCIS guidance on when it will refer a person to Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) or issue a Notice to Appear (NTA, the charging document that begins […]

*Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS)Bench Book (March 31, 2018) Table of Contents

NOTE: This United States Citizenship and Immigration Services issued final SIJS regulations in March of 2022 and updated its SIJS policy manual consistent with the final regulations.  NIWAP is in the process of updating the chapters in this bench book.  A Question and Answer Guide that highlights the updates and a copy of the new […]

[pdf] Appendix T – Declaratory Judgments – Cases By Topic & State (+)

This Appendix is document that collects case law from states across the country illustrating the wide range of circumstances in which state courts apply state declaratory judgment statutes to issue declaratory judgments on family law matters. It explains a chart that provides helpful illustrative information for courts and attorneys in cases of immigrant children seeking Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS) findings.

[pdf] Appendix Z- Glossary of Terms (November 15, 2017) (+)

This appendix is a glossary of terms that give brief descriptions of terms are relevant to assisting adult and child immigrant victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, stalking, human trafficking, elder abuse, and immigrant children who have suffered child abuse, abandonment or neglect. The terms are organized alphabetically.

[pdf] Appendix G – DHS Immigrants Options for Victims of Crime (English) (+)

This Appendix provides a snapshot of immigrant’s options for victims of crime.