[pdf] Training Materials for Victim Advocates and Attorneys (February 23, 2025) (+)

Training materials for family lawyers, prosecutors, and state family, civil and criminal court judges assisting immigrant crime victims Topics include: U visas, T visas, Family Law cases, VAWA Self-Petitions, VAWA Confidentiality, Public Benefits, Best Practices, Language Access, Webinars, Podcasts and more.

[pdf] Foreign-Born and Limited English Proficient (LEP) Populations Five Maryland Counties (June 9, 2020) (+)

This tool includes a breakdown of five Marlyand counties’ demographics updated on June 9, 2020. The five counties include: Montgomery, Prince George’s, Charles, Calvert, and St. Mary’s Counties in Maryland. This tool includes 3 charts: one of the citizens vs. noncitizens in MD, a breakdown of most common LEP languages in MD, and the demographics specific to each of the five MD counties listed above. This census data is compiled to inform service providers about the immigrant populations they serve and potential immigrant victims of crime they could encounter.

[pdf] Foreign-Born and Limited English Proficient (LEP) Populations in the District of Columbia (June 9, 2020) (+)

This tool includes a breakdown of DC demographics updated on June 9, 2020. This tool includes 3 charts: one of the citizens vs. noncitizens in DC, a breakdown of most common LEP languages in DC, and the demographics specific to each DC ward. This census data is compiled to inform service providers about the immigrant populations they serve and potential immigrant victims of crime they could encounter.

*All State Demographics (updated October 16, 2023)

Demographic Information on Immigrant Populations for Each U.S. State – 2021 Data. Updated 2023. Limited English Proficiency Data by US Region United States Demographics  Alabama Demographics Alaska Demographics Arizona Demographics Arkansas Demographics California Demographics Colorado Demographics Connecticut Demographics Delaware Demographics District of Columbia Demographics Florida Demographics Georgia Demographics Hawaii Demographics Idaho Demographics Illinois Demographics Indiana […]

[pdf] Services and Assistance Legally Available to Help Immigrant Victims of Violence Against Women (+)

Training powerpoint on public benefits from the December 1, 2010 Sioux Falls, South Dakata

[pdf] Women Immigrants and Domestic Violence (+)

Paper presented at a symposium convened by the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars entitled Women’s Rights in Theory and Practice: Employment, Violence and Poverty, May 21-22, 2002. Discussing the demographics of immigrant women in the United States and the importance that services providers, advocates and attorneys learn how to provide culturally appropriate assistance to diverse immigrant victims, the significance of fear of deportation as a barrier, and the importance of identifying and working with survivors the continuum of violence immigrant survivors experience.

[pdf] The Roles of Culture, Context, and Legal Immigrant Status on Intimate Partner Violence (March, 2002) (+)

Intimate partner violence against immigrant women is at epidemic proportions, but research has only recently begun to address the concern. A review of the legal, medical, and social science research literature reveals little data, but that which exist demonstrate that immigrant women’s cultures, contexts, and legal status (a) increase vulnerability for abuse, (b) are used by batterers to control and abuse immigrant women, and (c) create barriers to women seeking and receiving help. Data also reveal that immigrant culture and context offer resiliency factors through which programs and policy can be used to better serve these populations.

[pdf] Dreams Lost, Dreams Found: Undocumented Women in the Land of Opportunity (+)

This study was designed to identify problems and social service needs of undocumented Filipina, Latina, and Chinese women in the Bay Area. Undocumented women in the Bay Area are a growing and neglected population in need of services. This study examines the factors causing increased migration by women to the U.S., and how these factors influence women’s lives once they are here. Findings of this study reveal the economic hardship of undocumented women and their families and provide insight into immigrant women’s experiences with domestic violence. This survey was the precursor to the survey conducted in the early 1990s by Ayuda.