Provided by the U.S Department of State’s National Human Trafficking Hotline, this informational packet describes your rights while working in the United States.
Topic: English
[pdf] Advanced U Visa Issues (+)
This training identifies issues with U Visas and U Visa verifications.
[pdf] Matter of Hranka (+)
Decision in Hranka Proceeding.
[pdf] Individual Services Assessment- Cherokee Family Violence Center (+)
Done with the Cherokee Family Violence Center (CFVC).
[pdf] U Visa and Language Access (+)
Most people have heard the phrase, “communication is key.” This proves very true when working with victims of crime who are confronted with many physical, emotional, or psychological barriers to recovery. This workshop will discuss the U Visa, a powerful tool that assists law enforcement (LE) in effectively fighting crime and improving community safety while […]
[pdf] CCW Immigration leo 5.25.23 (+)
Victimization throughout immigrant communities is significantly high due to the victims’ fears of deportation, retaliation, or mistrust of law enforcement and with offenders not being held accountable. In response, the U Visa was designed to serve as a tool for law enforcement and prosecutors that provide victims of abuse the opportunity to work with the […]
[pdf] Public Charge Test for Benefits Flow Chart (October 12, 2020) (+)
Flow chart for transitional housing and other victim advocates to help immigrant victims who are exempt from public charge navigate the exception and public benefits eligibility.
[pdf] Do you have problems at home? (July 16, 2015) (+)
This booklet explains the legal rights of immigrant victims of family violence including domestic violence, child abuse and elder abuse.
[pdf] Immigration Options for Victims of Crimes (+)
Produced by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security covering Violence Against Women Act self-petitions, U visas and T visas. Information on Special Immigrant Juvenile Status and Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals has been added by the National Immigrant Women’s Advocacy Project, American University, Washington College of Law. Downloadable one page (two sided brochure) available in English, Spanish, Russian, Korean, and Chinese.
[pdf] Appendix G – DHS Immigrants Options for Victims of Crime (English) (+)
This Appendix provides a snapshot of immigrant’s options for victims of crime.
[pdf] Brochure: Know Your Rights (+)
Regardless of your immigration status, you have the right to be safe in your own home. You have the right to leave or have anyone removed from your home who abuses you and/or your children physically, emotionally or sexually. No one has the right to hurt you or your children in any way.
[pdf] Rights and Options for Battered Immigrant, Migrant and Refugee Women (September 12, 2015) (+)
This 54-page brochure provides a broad overview of the legal rights of immigrant victims of domestic violence.