Training on This training will provide an overview of the protections under immigration, public benefits, protection order and family laws that help immigrant survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, dating violence, child abuse and human trafficking. Faculty will discuss how victim advocates, attorneys, law enforcement, healthcare providers, prosecutors and other professionals can collaboratively work together to improve safety for immigrant victims, their families and the community.
Topic: Immigration
[pdf] S.E.R.L v. U.S. Federal Court of Appeals 3rd Circuit (September 25 2017) (+)
Amicus Brief in S.E.R.L v. U.S. NIWAP filed an amicus curiae brief on behalf of a Honduran woman who had helped her daughter escape from a domestic violence perpetrator who had trafficked the daughter to Mexico. The brief discussed the extent to which those who intervene to protect their family from perpetrators of domestic violence are at risk of violent retaliation by the perpetrator, up to and including death. She fled Honduras seeking asylum in the U.S. out of fear of more retaliation. This amicus was filed in the 3rd Circuit Federal Court of Appeals in a case in which S.E.R.L is seeking gender based asylum as a Honduran woman who intervened in a domestic violence relationship who are left completely vulnerable to violent retaliation. Crowell and Moring (September 25, 2017)
[pdf] Rosa Marisol Avelar Oliva Board of Immigration Appeals (February 16 2018) (+)
Amicus Brief in Matter of Rosa Marisol Avelar Oliva, NIWAP filed an amicus curiae brief on behalf of an El Salvadorian woman who suffered child abuse and was held in isolation for years. The Immigration Judge found that she was not credible. The brief discussed the psychological and developmental effects of trauma and how childhood rape and sexual abuse can significantly impact witness’s demeanor and ability to testify and report the abuse. The brief addressed how childhood trauma impairs brain development in key regions responsible for memory, reasoning, and planning. The amicus was filed in the Board of Immigration Appeals in a case in which Rosa Marisol is seeking gender-based asylum and withholding of removal. Crowell and Moring (February 16, 2018)
[pdf] Matter of Hranka (+)
Decision in Hranka Proceeding.
[pdf] NJN Peer-to-Peer Session PowerPoint Presentation (December 8, 2022) (+)
[pdf] New Mexico DV Commissioner/Hearing Officer Seminar: Special Issues in Family/Children’s Court for Cases Involving Immigrants PowerPoint Presentation (November 4, 2022) (+)
[pdf] Naturalization of VAWA, SIJS, U and T Visa Recipient Survivors PowerPoint Presentation (September 23, 2022) (+)
[pdf] NJN Peer-to-Peer Forum PowerPoint Presentation (February 1, 2022) (+)
[pdf] Representing Workers at the Intersections of Immigration and Sex Harassment (+)
[pdf] Immigrant Survivors and Their Children Assisting Survivors With Immigration Case Filings and Addressing Issues That Arise in Family Court Cases (+)
Description of the information that will be provided on the December 8, 2021 training, “Immigrant Survivors and Their Children: Assisting Survivors With Immigration Case Filings and Addressing Issues that Arise in Family Court Cases.”
[pdf] Enhancing Safety Planning and Immingrant Survivors’ Access to Immigration Relief and Public Benefits and Services in the West Virginia (+)
This document is the description for the information that will be provided on the November 10, 2021 webinar “Victim Advocates and Attorneys Working With Immigrant Survivors: Immigration Relief, Trauma-Informed Approach, and Public Benefits”
[pdf] Immigrant Survivors and Their Children Powerpoint 12.08.21 (+)
This is the PowerPoint Presentation for the webinar “Immigrant Survivors and Their Children: Assisting Survivors With Immigration Case Filings and Addressing Issues That Arise in Family Court Cases” on December 8, 2021.
[pdf] Victim Advocates and Attorneys Working With Immigrant Survivors PowerPoint- 11.10.21 (+)
This is the PowerPoint for the November 10, 2021 Webinar “Victim Advocates and Attorneys Working With Immigrant Survivors: Immigration Relief, Trauma-Informed Approach, and Public Benefits”
[pdf] Clara, Eduardo, and Juanita Hypothetical (June 15, 2021) (+)
[pdf] NJN Peer-to-Peer Forum 06.01.21 (+)
[pdf] 3. Immigration Relief for Crime Victims (+)
July 9, 2019: “What Courts Want to Know, What Role Can Courts Play Regarding Detained Immigrant Children and Parents” (Webinar)

This webinar was produced in partnership with the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges. How to Get a Detained Person to Court for Family Court Cases Involving Children Access to Family Courts and Legal Options for Detained Immigrant Parents and Children Securing Attendance at Court How to Get a Detained Person to Court […]
[pdf] Immigration Relief for Crime Victims PowerPoint (+)
This PowerPoint presentation discusses the dynamics of domestic violence experienced by battered immigrants and the different forms of immigrant protection or relief for victims.
January 16-18, 2018: Washington, DC “Rural Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence and Stalking Assistance Grant Program” and “Legal Assistance for Victims” FY2017 Grantee Orientation
This training was part of the FY2017 Grantee Orientation for the OVW LAV grantees and OVW Rural grantees. This orientation addressed how to build the legal capacity to combat domestic violence and sexual assault against immigrants. Training Materials PowerPoint Presentation for Training Breaking Barriers manual Breaking Barriers is a comprehensive manual that provides information that […]
November 8, 2017: “Legal Protections and Forensic Considerations for Immigrant and Refugee Child Victims” (Webinar)
This webinar discussed how migration, immigration status, culture and trauma impact the physical, brain and emotional development of children who are victims of sexual assault and child abuse and the special needs of immigrant and refugee child victims. There are multiple forms of immigration relief that have been designed to offer protection for children who […]
February 24, 2017: “Enhanced Safety Planning for Immigrant Survivors of Domestic and Sexual Violence” (Webinar)
Abusers often use the threat of immigration enforcement as a way to maintain power and control and to make victims less likely to seek protection. For this reason, it is important for advocates to understand how to: help immigrant survivors become aware of their rights; identify special immigration remedies for victims, including special VAWA provisions around confidentiality; and how to prepare […]
October 7, 2016 – 2016 Kellogg Fellows Leadership Alliance Conference Materials
Presentation: Building a Community of Practice: Creating a Culture of Social Equity for Immigrant Women and Children Additional Materials: Herstory: Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Public Policy Timeline Highlighting Accomplishments on Behalf of Immigrants and Women of Color Collecting Stories to Illustrate the Need for Proposed Reforms to Aid Immigrant Victims Understanding and Participating […]
[pdf] Using the Law to Empower Victims (+)
Overview of VAWA, T and U visa immigration options for immigrant victims of domestic vioelnce and sexual assault. Discussion of DHS policies on humanitarian release from detention and 8.20.10 policy not detain and dismiss immigration cases against immigrants with valid cases filed for immigration relief including VAWA, T and U visa applicants.
March 30-31, 2016: Akron & Youngstown, OH “Expanding Legal Representation of Immigrant Survivors in Immigration and Family Law”
This workshop was presented at Community Legal Aid’s Akron, OH office on March 30, 2016 and a keynote address titled “Helping Sexual Assault and Human Trafficking Victims: Holding their Abusers Accountable” at Youngstown State University on March 31, 2016. PowerPoint Presentations Slides from “Expanding Legal Representation of Immigrant Survivors in Immigration and Family Law” (March 30, […]
[pdf] Immigration Relief: Scenarios (+)
Immigration workshop scenarios
[pdf] Safety Planning for Immigrant Survivors Using DHS’s New Victims Protection Policies (+)
A powerpoint presentation and handout from the September 6, 2012 webinar training entitled “Safety Planning for Immigrant Survivors Using DHS’s New Victim Protection Policies.”
[pdf] The Law, Policy, and Politics of Protecting Immigrant Victims of Domestic Violence (+)
A powerpoint presentation from the September 7, 2012 training at Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, sponsored by Center for Immigrant Rights and Centre Country Women’s Resource Center.
[pdf] Immigration Relief For Sexual Assault Survivors (+)
A powerpoint presentation from the June 26-27, 2013 training in Providence, Rhode Island from session 2B.
[pdf] Violence Against Women Act: Current Protections and Future Possibilities for Immigrant Victims of Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence (+)
Powerpoint presentation from October 13, 2010 training in Los Angeles, California.
[pdf] Training for Immigration Lawyers: The Legal Rights of Immigrant Victims of Family Violence (+)
A powerpoint presentation from the June 9 through June 10, 2011 training sponsored by RAKSHA.
April 8, 2011: Washington, DC “Keeping the Dream Alive: Immigration Reform, Women and the DREAM Act”
Presentation at Women, Money, Power Summit sponsored by the Feminist Majority and the YWCA, Washington, D.C. Presented by Leslye Orloff on April 8, 2011. PowerPoint Keeping the Dream Alive: Immigration Reform, Women and the DREAM Act
[pdf] Effect of Anti-Immigrant Legislation and Times on Immigrant Women and Immigrant Victims of Violence Against Women (+)
A powerpoint presentation from the March 28, 2011 conference in Washington, D.C. entitled New Racism: The State of Hate in the United States Washington, D.C. Sponsored by the American University Law School.
March 28, 2011: Washington, DC “Effect of Anti-Immigrant Legislation and Times on Immigrant Women and Immigrant Victims of Violence Against Women”
Presented at the American University Law School Conference entitled New Racism: The State of Hate in the United States Washington, D.C. Presented by Leslye Orloff on March 28, 2011. PowerPoint Effect of Anti-Immigrant Legislation and Times on Immigrant Women and Immigrant Victims of Violence Against Women