[pdf] Ensuring Fairness and Justice for Noncitizen Survivors of Domestic Violence (+)

This article will provide a comprehensive overview of issues facing the courts when noncitizens are petitioners, respondents, or both in domestic violence cases, including a discussion of findings that can be made for immigrant survivors of domestic violence.

[pdf] Operating Policies and Procedures Memorandum No. 97-7: Procedures for Identifying Potential Battered Spouse/ Battered Child Cases (+)

A memorandum about the operating policies and procedures for identifying potential battered spouse/ battered child cases from the office of the Chief Immigration Judge to all deputy chief immigration judges, all assistant chief immigration judges, all immigration judges, all court administrators, all judicial law clerks, and all court staff.

[pdf] Obtaining U Visa Certification from Judges in Protection Order, Family, Criminal, and Other State Court Proceedings (+)

Learning objectives for this presentation are: promote advocates and attorneys seeking U visa certification from judges, understand when judges can sign U visas and how to approach judges for certification in family, civil, and criminal court cases, identify the reasons why courts may not be signing U visa certifications, anticipate and overcome challenges, and develop a plan for approaching judges for certification.