[pdf] Training Materials for Victim Advocates and Attorneys (February 23, 2025) (+)

Training materials for family lawyers, prosecutors, and state family, civil and criminal court judges assisting immigrant crime victims Topics include: U visas, T visas, Family Law cases, VAWA Self-Petitions, VAWA Confidentiality, Public Benefits, Best Practices, Language Access, Webinars, Podcasts and more.

[pdf] How to Apply for Fee Waivers (May 19, 2023) (+)

Fee waivers assist immigrant survivors facing hardships in filing for relief by waiving filing fees that may be preventing immigrant survivors from receiving immigration relief. This publication reviews which immigration forms are exempt and/or eligible for fee waivers, how to apply for a fee waiver, and best practices for filing fee waivers with other immigration […]

[pdf] Comparison Chart of U visa, T Visa, Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Self-Petition, Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS), and Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) (December 30, 2021) (+)

A chart comparing the eligibility, process, and benefits of U Visas, T Visas, VAWA Self-Petition, Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SJIS), and Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). Written by Krisztina Szabo, Spencer Cantrell, and Leslye Orloff.

[pdf] Bench Card: Identifying Victims Who May Qualify for Immigration Relief (March 9, 2022) (+)

This bench card provides judges and court staff a quick reference to help state criminal, family, and juvenile court judges identify victims who may qualify for forms of immigration relief designed by Congress to offer protection to immigrant victims. Judges can use this document as a screening tool to identify victims who are before the court who may qualify for the major forms of victim based immigration relief.

*New Practices Advisory on Special Immigrant Juvenile Status Applications Published (September 17, 2018)

The Immigration Legal Resource Center recently published a helpful Practice Advisory on “Risk of Applying for Special Immigrant Juvenile Status in Affirmative Cases”[1] due to the recently updated USCIS guidance on when it will refer a person to Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) or issue a Notice to Appear (NTA, the charging document that begins […]

*Winning Custody Cases for Immigrant Survivors: the Clash of Laws, Cultures, Custody and Parental Rights (2017)

Veronica T. Thronson, Carole Angel, Soraya Fata, Rocio Molina, Benish Anver, Kalli Wells and Leslye E. Orloff, Winning Custody Cases for Immigrant Survivors: The Clash of Laws, Cultures, Custody and Parental Rights.  9 Fam. & Intimate Partner Violence Q. 2-3, 1-169 (2017) This article discusses a wide range of topics that arise in custody cases […]

*Evidence Checklists

Checklists of evidence for various immigration benefits needs. T-Visa Document and Evidence Checklist  U Visa Evidence Checklist  Evidence List for Immigrant Victims Applying for the Crime Victim Visa (U-Visa)  Evidence Checklist for Immigrant Victims Applying for VAWA Cancellation of Removal (English) 2008  Self-Petitioning Checklist (Spanish) 2008 Listas de Documentos para Mujeres Maltratadas Immigration Protection Screening […]

[pdf] Comparing Forms of Immigration Relief for Immigrant Victims of Crime (+)

This chart has been developed as a tool to help advocates, attorneys, judges, law enforcement and other professionals to promote a basic understanding of how various forms of immigration relief available to help immigrant crime victims and children differ. The chart compares eligibility requirements, access to employment authorization and lawful permanent residency, and the application process.

[pdf] VAWA “Red Flags” (July 16, 2015) (+)

This “Red Flags” list was developed to help advocates and attorneys who are not immigration experts screen the immigrant victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and human trafficking they are working with to identify potential issues in the client crime victim’s case that would require assistance from an immigration attorney with particular expertise in working on cases of immigrant crime victims. When the factors contained on this list are not present in your client’s case, an advocate or attorney who is not an immigration expert can and should assist immigrant victims in filing for VAWA, T and U visa cases.

[pdf] Comparison Chart of Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Self-Petitioning, U visa, and Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS) (2015) (+)

This chart compares forms of crime victim based immigration relief for immigrant children. It covers VAWA self-petitioning for child abuse victims, the U visa for child victims of child abuse, sexual assault and other forms of criminal activity and special immigrant juvenile status available for children who have been abused, abandoned or neglected by one or both of their parents. The chart compares eligibility for immigration relief, the immigration relief process, timing of access to lawful permanent residency and access to public benefits and services among these three forms of immigration relief.

[pdf] Defensa Para Mejorar Servicios Para Mujeres Emigrantes E Inmigrantes Maltratadas Que Viven En Comunidades Rurales (+)

Evidence Lists for VAWA self-petitioners in Spanish. Lista en español de documentos necesarios o útiles para un caso de inmigración para una auto-petición de víctima de violencia doméstica o maltrato cruel.

[pdf] Chapter 08: Immigration Relief for Child Sexual Assault Survivors (July 10, 2014) (+)

Chapter in Empowering Survivors: Legal Rights of Immigrant Victims of Sexual Assault. This chapter provides basic information on various immigration remedies available to child survivors of sexual abuse and/or assault. This chapter will cover: (1) VAWA (“Violence Against Women Act”) self-petitioning; (2) VAWA cancellation of removal and suspension of deportation; (3) Special Immigrant Juvenile status (“SIJ”); (4) U-visas/interim relief; (5) T-visas; and (6) asylum.

[pdf] Intersection Between Victim Based Immigration Remedies: Advantages, Special Considerations and Protections to Meet the Survivors Needs (+)

Power point presentation aimed to train individuals to better be able to identify survivors of domestic violence and violent crimes and to understand the differences and advantages between the different victim based immigration remedies.

[pdf] Chapter 06: Introduction to Immigrant Relief for Immigration Victims of Sexual Assault and Glossary of Terms (+)

Chapter from “Empowering Survivors: Legal Rights of Immigrant Victims of Sexual Assault” to help advocates and attorneys identify the various forms of immigration relief that may be available to help immigrant victims of sexual assault. Victims of sexual assault may qualify for forms of immigration relief based on their victimization by a family member who is a citizen or lawful permanent resident, they may qualify for other forms of relief based on victimization by a non-family member, and/or they may qualify for other legal immigration status wholly unrelated to the abuse or victimization (e.g. student visas, work visas).

[pdf] Blue Card: Screening Tool for Victims Who Qualify for Immigration Protective Relief (March 2, 2018) (+)

Questions for eligibility for protective relief under VAWA, Battered Spouse Waiver, T Visa, and U Visas, as well as information on language access.

[pdf] Bench Card for State Court Judges on Common Issues that Arise From Parties’ Immigration Status: Economic Remedies (March 10, 2022) (+)

This bench card provides information for state court judges on issues unique to immigrants, such as: eligibility to work, eligibility to receive benefits and services, the impact of Individual Tax Identification Numbers (ITINs) and use of immigration affidavits of support in family and juvenile court proceedings and mandatory detention. The purpose of this bench card is to provide a quick reference and to help judges identify immigration issues that might affect the range of outcomes available in cases before them. The information contained in this bench card provides accurate information on work authorization, benefits access, assurances made to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) regarding support of family members, and information about immigrants who will be paying taxes and be able to submit tax returns to the court.

[pdf] Chapter 03.1: Introduction to Immigration Relief for Immigrant Victims of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault and Glossary of Terms (+)

An overview of immigration options for immigrant victims of sexual assault and domestic violence, options related primarily to crime victimization, information on VAWA immigration relief, and a glossary of terms.

To understand immigration law, it is crucial for an attorney or advocate to understand the most commonly used terminology. The following brief descriptions of terms are relevant to assisting battered immigrants.

[pdf] Somewhere to Turn (+)

A comprehensive manual covering topics such as: domestic violence and battered immigrant issues, cultural competency training, cross-cultural interviewing, recruiting and hiring multilingual and multicultural staff, shelter protocols, outreach and community collaboration, shelter access for battered immigrant women, VAWA immigration cases and victim advocacy confidentiality, creative use of protection orders, protections orders enforcement and criminal prosecution, access to public benefits, verification and reporting requirements under the U.S. Attorney General’s guidance and order, and model programs.