Part of the U Visa Certification Toolkit for Law Enforcement and Prosecutors. This quick reference guide assists law enforcement and prosecutors summarizing the U visa certification and is based on the DHS U and T Certification Resource Guide.
Publisher: VERA Institute of Justice
[pdf] Sample Designee Letter – Pdf (+)
Sample letter to be signed by the head of a government agency signing U visa certifications in which the head of the agency specifies the positions or names of supervisory staff to whom the head of the agency is delegating U visa signing authority. This sample form can be used by Police Chief, Sheriff, Prosecutor, District Attorney, head of child or adult protective services agency or other government agency head. This sample is provided in word and should be transferred to department or agency stationary. It is recommended that when the authority signing U visa certifications for the agency is not the head of the agency that a copy of the designation letter be provided to the immigrant crime victim along with the U visa certification form.
[pdf] Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) Pros and Cons (+)
This resource is from VERA’s Translating Justice series (Module 6) and evaluates the pros and cons of video remote interpreting.
[pdf] U-Visa Application Victim Flow Chart (+)
U-visa Application Victim Flow Chart to determine eligibility
[pdf] Building Law Enforcement Capacity to Serve Immigrant Victims (+)
A powerpoint presentation from the September 20-21 training in New Orleans, Louisiana sponsored by The National Immigrant Victims’ Access to Justice Partnership.
[pdf] How Law Enforcement Is Using the U-Visa: Practice Brief (+)
Law enforcement agencies increasingly recognize the value of the U-visa (officially known as “U” nonimmigrant status) as a community-policing and crime-fighting tool. This type of visa provides temporary legal status to immigrant crime victims in the United States who are helpful to law enforcement. Since 2009, Vera’s Center on Immigration and Justice and the nonprofit organization Legal Momentum have worked together as the National Immigrant Victims’ Access to Justice Partnership and have trained personnel from dozens of law enforcement agencies on how to use the U-visa. This brief describes current practice, including common obstacles for law enforcement and benefits of using the tool, to encourage more effective use of the U-visa.
[pdf] Building Law Enforcement Capacity to Serve Immigrant Victims (+)
A powerpoint presentation from the June 17, 2011 training in Alexandria, Virginia.
[pdf] Building Law Enforcement Capacity to Serve Immigrant Victim (+)
A powerpoint presentation from the June 3, 2011 training in Spokane, Washington. Presentation by Legal Momentum and the Vera Institute of Justice to the National Immigrant Victims’ Access to Justice for Partnership
[pdf] Model U-Visa Certification Protocol for Law Enforcement Agencies (+)
Sample U Visa Certification Policy for law enforcement agencies developed with funding from BJA and OVW.
[pdf] Building Law Enforcement Capacity to Serve Immigrant Victims (+)
A powerpoint presentation from the March 18, 2011 training in San Antonio, Texas.
[pdf] Sample: Media Advisory for Law Enforcement Training (+)
Provides a press release template law enforcement agencies can use for outreach on the U visa in the agencies jurisdiction.