This policy manual was issued by USCIS and governs T visa adjudications. It also serves as a resource for judges, attorneys, and victim advocates providing a resource for accessing legally accurate information on the T visa. The policy manual includes section that provide a complete overview of the T visa purpose, background, and policies for an immigrant victim of human trafficking. It includes detailed chapters on eligibility, evidence requirements, eligible family members, and timing for a T visa application. This USCIS policy manual provides professionals working with immigrant victims of human trafficking a guide for successfully completing an application and obtaining the visa and benefits to which T visa applicants and holders are entitled.
Publisher: USCIS
[pdf] Form N-400: Application for Naturalization (November 30, 2025) (+)
The N-400 form is the application an immigrant must complete to file for U.S. citizenship. Instructions for completing this form can be found here:
[pdf] USCIS Policy Memorandum: Fee Waiver Guidelines as Established by the Final Rule of the USCIS Fee Schedule (March 13, 2011) (+)
This Policy Memorandum (PM) provides guidance on processing fee waiver requests filed pursuant to 8 CFR 103.7(c) as amended by changes made in the final rule “U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Fee Schedule,” published in the Federal Register (FR) on September 24, 2010. See 75 FR 58961. The document specifically reviews the I-912 Form which […]
[pdf] Form I-539 Instructions: Extend/Change Nonimmigrant Status (+)
This document reviews the instructions for the I-539 form, which includes eligibility guidelines as well as details for completing the I-539 form.
[pdf] Form N-400 Instructions: Application for Naturalization (Expires November 30, 2025) (+)
This form is the instructions for applying for naturalization using the form N-400. The instructions includes details of eligibly and guidelines for completing the form. It is important to read these instructions carefully before completing the N-400 form.
[pdf] USCIS Form i-881 NACARA and VAWA NACARA (+)
This form is the application for VAWA NACARA. Instructions on how to complete this form may be found here:
[pdf] Form I-912: Request for Fee Waiver (USCIS) (+)
This form requests a fee waiver for certain USCIS immigration forms and services based on a demonstrated inability to pay. Forms eligible for this fee waiver may be found in the instructions here: (pages 1-2).
[pdf] USCIS Instructions Form i-881 NACARA and VAWA NACARA (December 2, 2021) (+)
USCIS instructions for Form I-881 with very useful information on VAWA NACARA eligibility and the application.
[pdf] Victims of Human Trafficking: T Nonimmigrant Status (+)
This USCIS webpage describes who qualifies for the T visa. It outlines the definition of “severe form of trafficking in persons” and provides quick information on eligibility, application, and employment authorization. It includes eligibility for qualifying family members, public benefits, and links to other resources developed by the Department of Homeland Security on T visas, […]
[pdf] Policy Manual Victims of Human Trafficking Waivers of Admissibility (+)
This USCIS policy manual provides an overview of the waivers available for T visa applicants, including the USCIS’ discretion to waive grounds of inadmissibility specific to T visa applicants and discretion to waive certain grounds of inadmissibility based on balancing positive and negative factors. It describes each of the discretionary waivers in detail as well […]
[pdf] USCIS Continued Presence Pamphlet (+)
This brochure is the new USCIS Continued Presence Brochure.
[pdf] DHS Immigration Relief for Crime Victims (+)
Produced by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security covering Violence Against Women Act self-petitions, U visas and T visas. Information on Special Immigrant Juvenile Status and Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals has been added by the National Immigrant Women’s Advocacy Project, American University, Washington College of Law. Downloadable one page (two sided brochure) available in English, Spanish, Russian, Korean, and Chinese.
[pdf] Blue Campaign: Make the Connection. Close the Case. (+)
USICIS victim support factsheet on supporting and stabilizing victims to enable case investigation and prosecutions for law enforcement, first responders, and healthcare professionals.
[pdf] Blue Campaign: What Can You Do? (NGOs and Faith-based Organizations) (+)
USCIS factsheet on supporting and stabilizing victims of human trafficking NGOs and faith-based organizations.
[pdf] Blue Campaign: What Can You Do? (LEA, First Responders, Healthcare Professionals) (+)
USICIS factsheet on identifying victims and reporting suspected cases of human trafficking for law enforcement, first responders, and healthcare professionals.
[pdf] Blue Campaign: What Can You Do? (Judicial) (+)
USICIS factsheet on recognizing and supporting trafficking victims in the courtroom.
[pdf] USCIS Blue Campaign Brochure (+)
USCIS brochure on its Blue Campaign program that is responsible for working in collaboration with law enforcement, government, and NGOs to protect victims and arrest exploiters involved in human trafficking.
[pdf] Blue Campaign: Information for Law Enforcement Officials – Immigration Relief for Victims of Human Trafficking and Other Crimes (+)
Information about the forms of immigration relief and the distinct roles that HSI, USCIS, and law enforcement officials play in assisting victims of human trafficking and other crimes.
[pdf] Blue Campaign: Human Trafficking 101 (+)
USCIS factsheet on human trafficking and risk factors
[pdf] Blue Campaign: Human Trafficking 101 for School Administrators and Staff (+)
USCIS factsheet on human trafficking and risk factors for school administrators and staff.
[pdf] USCIS Brochure: Female Genital Mutilation or Cutting (+)
Produced by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security covering Female Genital Mutilation.
[pdf] Instructions for Form I-765: Application for Employment Authorization (+)
Instructions from USCIS in filling out the I-765 Application for Employment Authorization.