Publisher: King County Court
[pdf] NJN Peer-to-Peer Forum PowerPoint Presentation 04.05.22 (+)
[pdf] Questions to Ask When Qualifying an Interpreter (+)
Questions to ask when qualifying an interpreter for a court hearing.
[pdf] Important Tips to Remember When Using an Interpreter (+)
Tips to remember when working with an interpreter and a non-English speaking client.
[pdf] King County Superior Court Language Assistance Plan (LAP) (+)
King County Superior Court’s Language Assistance Plan (LAP) to provide services to limited English proficient (LEP), and deaf or hearing-impaired individuals under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
[pdf] Number of Interpreters Needed Question & Answer (+)
Questions and answers to determine how many interpreters are needed.
[pdf] Interpretation Modes: Rules and Techniques (+)
Rules and techniques for interpreters to follow when working with a limited English proficient (LEP) individual to ensure they have the same access as an English speaking person.
[pdf] King County Court: In the Interview… (+)
Helpful checklist for advocates or anyone speaking with survivors with their interpreters.
[pdf] Interpreter Fatigue (+)
Discussion of interpreter fatigue and its impact on court records and on protecting the rights of linguistic minorities.
[pdf] Proper Role of a Court Interpreter (+)
Guidelines of what an individuals should look for when working with a court interpreter.
[pdf] Best Practice: Team Interpreting (+)
Best practices for simultaneous and consecutive interpreting calls for two or more interpreters for court proceedings lasting longer than two hours.
[pdf] Lost in Translation: Points to consider when using interpreters (+)
List of points to consider when using interpreters.
[pdf] Limited English Proficiency: Resources (+)
National resources on working with limited English proficient persons.
[pdf] Consecutive Exercise (+)
An exercise for interpreters to practice listening to others that will help improve their interpreting abilities.